Chapter 1411 Who has an opinion?

With this punch, the world was tumbling, the sun and the moon hung upside down, and the sky-shaking noise continued to resound in the void.

I saw the five-color boxing strength traversing the sky, violently colliding with Qin Tianzheng’s vast sword, and then turning into a huge storm of destruction, which instantly swept across the void.

Qin Tianzheng stepped on the ground and retreated more than ten steps in the void.

He raised his head to look at Jiang Chen standing still and proudly standing still, and there was an unconcealable horror in his eyes.

“This… how is this possible!”

Qin Tianzheng entered the ancient realm of Thunder God thousands of years ago. Eight hundred years ago, he broke through the Quasi-Emperor Realm by coincidence, and now he has 70% of his comprehension of the laws of kendo.

Even among the quasi-emperor, the strength is in the upper reaches.

But now he is at a disadvantage when he fights the power of law against the hairy boy in front of him!

“The sword is coming!”

Qin Tianzheng suppressed the horror in his heart, and a golden ancient sword instantly emerged from his palm.

With the emergence of the golden ancient sword, Qin Tianzheng’s entire body was a huge storm of Sword Qi.


Qin Tianzheng drew out with a sword, and the mighty Sword Qi directly broke through the thousand-zhang void, like a god-opening sword, falling from the top of Jiang Chen’s head.

Jiang Chen’s face was indifferent, and the five-color brilliance surging above his fist, once again volleyed with a punch at the Sword Qi that traversed the world.


The terrifying air wave swept through the 10,000-meter void again, and Jiang Chen still stood proudly in place.

However, Qin Tianzheng’s figure was once again beaten to fly hundreds of meters away, and a pale look appeared on his face.


The strength of this kid in front of him is really too strong.

He has already made a full shot, and he can’t even shake the opponent!

Such a terrifying method, even if Xia Zheng, who entered the Ancient Thunder God Realm a thousand years earlier, might not be able to do it.

“Isn’t this kid only getting the Emperor Yun fruit breakthrough quasi-imperial realm half a month ago? How could he become so strong!”

Seeing that Qin Tianzheng was completely suppressed by Jiang Chen, Lei Yin’s expression was astonished to the extreme.

Half a month ago.

Even if Jiang Chen tried his best, he would barely be able to withstand his law-power attack.

Lei Yin Kuang did not expect that Jiang Chen would be able to reach such a terrifying level as soon as he broke through the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

To know.

Qin Tianzheng is a quasi-emperor who cultivates swordsmanship. Even among all the quasi-emperors in the Thunder God Ancient Realm, his combat power is one of the best.

Even if it were him, he would at best be a tie with Qin Tianzheng.

But Jiang Chen was born to suppress Qin Tianzheng without the strength to fight back. Such a combat power is really a monster.

“Qin Tianzheng, it seems that you are the ancestor of the eight hidden worlds of Sacred Land, I didn’t want to kill you. Since you have to die, then I will fulfill you!”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and a violent killing intent burst out all over his body, surrounded by dazzling colorful lights, setting off him like a god descending into the world.

Qin Tianzheng’s pupils shrank suddenly, he did not wait for Jiang Chen to take the initiative, and directly attacked Jiang Chen first.

He is a pure sword repairer, sword repairer has always been known for attacking, not good at defense.

Now that he is already at a disadvantage, if Jiang Chen is allowed to take the lead, I am afraid the situation will only become more and more unfavorable for him!

“Heaven Asks the Excalibur!”

Qin Tianzheng shouted loudly, and directly exploded with all his strength, and used the Zhiyijian that integrated the laws of his own kendo!


A golden divine sword of hundreds of feet condensed on top of Qin Tianzheng’s head, and then directly pierced through the void, Qing pulled out a golden arc of thousands of feet in the air, and slashed towards Jiang Chen with great pressure.

“Haha…good job.”

Facing Qin Tianzheng’s sword that could smash through the world, Jiang Chen laughed arrogantly, then stretched out his palm with the five-color light, and grasped the golden divine sword.


The golden light in Qin Tianzheng’s eyes skyrocketed, and his cold drink resounded through the world.

On the golden sword, there were golden Sword Qi that could tear the void, and instantly turned into a golden dragon with teeth and claws, trying to break free from Jiang Chen’s bondage.

Jiang Chen’s eyes were indifferent, and the power of the five laws was superimposed to the extreme in an instant. The five-color divine light on his palm, like a five-color sacred mountain, suppressed the golden divine sword.


The monstrous five-color air wave filled the top of the mountain, soaring up to a thousand meters high, tearing the clouds in a radius of ten miles.

When everything dissipated, everything in the field was exposed.

I saw Jiang Chen carrying his hands on his back, standing high in the sky, with long hair fluttering, black clothes hunting and hunting, just like a god.

In an empty place under his feet, Qin Tian was lying in a big pit, his black hair was scattered, his face was blood stained, and his aura seemed extremely wilting.

“Qin Tianzheng was defeated like this, this… how is this possible?”

Looking at the shocking scene in front of him, whether it is Lei Yin Kuang or Xia Zheng, it has been a long time to recover from the shock at this moment.

Especially Xia Zheng, he has been with Qin Tianzheng for more than 500 years.

As for Qin Tianzheng’s strength, Xia Zheng can be said to know better than anyone.

Although Qin Tianzheng’s Realm is not the strongest among all the quasi-emperors in the Thunder God Ancient Realm, its combat power is definitely at the first level.

Even Xia Zheng, who understood the power of the 90% rule, couldn’t say that he could easily be defeated.

But the whole kid named Jiang Chen in front of him did it!

This son’s talent is really enchanting.

Even if Xia Zheng lived for more than three thousand years, he had never seen such an evil existence.

“Tsk tusk… Your Royal Highness’s current combat power is really terrifying.”

Ye Tianji looked at the situation in front of him, and his eyes also showed unconcealed exclamation.

Although Ye Tianji witnessed Jiang Chen’s breakthrough to the Quasi-Emperor Realm, he mastered the five laws and powers at an extremely terrifying speed.

But Ye Tianji still didn’t expect that the superimposed power of Jiang Chen’s five laws could reach such a terrifying level.

I am afraid that under the Emperor Realm, only the half emperor who has the power of the complete law may be qualified to fight Jiang Chen.

“I will say it for the last time now, the god of transformation belongs to me, who of you still has an opinion?”

Just when everyone was shocked, Jiang Chen stood proudly in the void with his hands under his hands, and the faint voice slowly resounded in everyone’s ears.

Xia Zheng shook his eyes and flickered slightly, and finally he smiled bitterly: “Your Excellency is powerful, I have no opinion.”

Although Jiang Chen didn’t have a deep understanding of the power of the law, he still mastered five powers of the law.

The power of these five laws is superimposed, and the power exerted can be described as terrifying.

Now that Qin Tianzheng has almost lost his combat power, even if he joins forces with Lei Yin Kuang, he is definitely not Jiang Chen and the others’ opponents, and it is impossible to snatch the Hua Shen Cao over.

He took a deep breath and immediately disappeared in front of Jiang Chen with Qin Tianzheng who was only half-life left.

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