Chapter 1402 The Emperor Realm Law of Crazy Growth!

“Now that I understand the laws of kendo, it is equivalent to being promoted to the quasi-emperor realm, and I don’t know if I can get Cultivation Base experience now.”

After swallowing Emperor Yunguo and comprehending the law of swordsmanship, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but let out a low whisper in his heart.

He took out a piece of Yuan Ling mine to try to cultivate, and found that no system prompt sound appeared for a long time.

“I still can’t get Cultivation Base experience.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but shook his head secretly.

It seems that the only difference between the quasi-emperor realm and the peak of the divine birth realm is that the power of law was born in Martial Dao Realm, and the Cultivation Base still cannot ascension.

If he guessed right, then I am afraid that he will have to fully cultivate the power of the law.

Only by mastering the complete laws of kendo and reaching the so-called half-emperor can he continue to gain experience in the Cultivation Base and become a powerful emperor in one fell swoop!

After the breakthrough quasi-emperor, Jiang Chen did not rush to end his cultivation, but continued to start insight under the emperor’s god tree.

“Ding! You feel the power of the emperor sacred tree, triggering a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! Your Fire Road Realm gains 1000000*100 experience!”

“Ding! Your Thunder Realm gains 1,000,000*100 experience!”


“Ding! You understand the one-thousandth law of kendo!”

An hour later, the system reminder sounded in Jiang Chen’s mind again.

Now in Insight, other Martial Dao Realm can still gain one million experience points at a time.

Only the law of kendo has become a one-thousandth comprehension at a time.

Jiang Chen Insight’s Divine Tree of Emperor Yun can only be comprehended once per hour, and can only be comprehended twelve times a day.

In other words.

It would take at least seventy or eighty days for him to use the Emperor Yun Shen Tree Insight to find a complete kendo law.


Although Insight was not easy, Jiang Chen did not give up.

after all.

The power of the law of the imperial realm is extremely difficult to insight, and now it is very good to be able to use the imperial sacred tree to continuously Ascension the law of kendo.

If he left the ancient world of Thunder God, it would be even more difficult for him to continue the power of the Ascension law.

The next half month.

Jiang Chen was almost motionless under the Emperor Yun Divine Tree, ascension of his Martial Dao power.

Five days later.

Jiang Chen’s Thunder Road Realm was the first to give birth to the Law of Thunder Road.

Seven days later.

Jiang Chen’s air channel Realm also gave birth to the law of air channel.

It can be seen that after Jiang Chen swallowed an Emperor Yun fruit, comprehending the power of the law is as simple as eating and drinking water.

Even Ye Tianji, the previous lord of Nirvana City, was shocked at the moment, and it was a little troublesome.

“This guy… is so enchanting that you can’t describe it in words.”

Ye Tianji shook his head, and couldn’t help but burst into a strange look in his eyes.

The son of the emperor in front of him, his enchanting degree was beyond his imagination.

I saw the distant sky in the east, a bizarre five-color beam of light, standing like a huge pillar of heaven and earth between heaven and earth.

Above the heavenly sacred pillar, Jiang Chen also felt an extremely majestic momentum of the vast world.

Even if Jiang Chen has now broken through the Quasi-Emperor Realm, he seems to have a sense of insignificance under the momentum of the heaven and earth through the god pillar.

“What the hell is this?”

Jiang Chen looked at the heavenly divine light in the sky, and there was also a look of astonishment in his eyes!

Ye Tianji stared at the heavenly divine light, and slowly said, “If I guess it is right, it should be the real treasure of the Thunder God Ancient Realm, the peerless treasure that all the quasi-emperor powerhouses in the Thunder God Ancient Realm dream of.”


When Jiang Chen heard Ye Tianji’s words, he couldn’t help but breathe in a cold breath.

The treasure that all the quasi-emperors dream of, is there a heaven-defying treasure in the heavenly divine light that makes the quasi-emperor break through the imperial realm?

“You guessed right, that heavenly divine light is indeed a heaven-defying treasure that is about to be born.”

“It is said that if you can have that thing, not only breakthrough the emperor realm is not a problem, even if you surpass the Guixu emperor realm, it is not impossible to reach the virtual god realm above the emperor realm!”

Yetian quietly and quietly.

When he was speaking, there was also an extremely hot light in his eyes.

If he had been replaced before, he was alone and weak, and it was almost impossible to compete for that treasure.

Now that Jiang Chen has broken through the Quasi-Emperor Realm, and has mastered several laws and powers, his combat power is far stronger than the general quasi-emperor powerhouse who has just entered the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

He and Jiang Chen joined forces, but he might not be unqualified to fight for that treasure.

The breakthrough of the imperial realm is not a problem, and it can even reach above the imperial realm!

Jiang Chen raised his head and looked at the sky-reaching beam of light, his eyes also showed unprecedented shock.

If it is true as Ye Tian Ji said, then this treasure in the heavenly divine light is really heaven-defying a bit terrifying.

He suppressed the horror in his heart, tilted his head to look at Ye Tianji beside him, and took a deep breath: “Ye senior, what is hidden in the heavenly divine light?”

“As far as I know, the Thunder God Ancient Realm was a god Sect that surpassed the five-star emperor sect long, long ago, and was called the Thunder God sect.”

Yetian Jiyu said in an astonishing way: “In that heavenly divine light, it is very likely that it is the most inherited treasure of the Thunder God Sect. That treasure is about to come out.”

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