Chapter 1385 Ninth Stage Peak!

And just when Jiang Chen fled the central Great Hall and fought against the four quasi-emperor energy bodies.

Outside the Kunxu Palace.

Xu Hengtian also quickly gathered nearly a hundred energy bodies of the Kunxu Sect, preparing to enter the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace.

But at this moment.

There were two loud bangs in the void again, and the whole person’s ancient emperor’s tomb was half of the sky and the earth began to shake.

After a while.

Xu Hengtian was a shocking discovery, and the gray mist that persisted in the ancient emperor’s tombs quickly dissipated at this moment.

at the same time.

He also clearly felt that the energy in these energy bodies around him seemed to flow quickly like a frustrated balloon. d

It’s just a blink of an eye.

For some of the energy bodies of the early stage of the divine fetus, more than half of the energy of the essence of the essence in the body has already passed away.

“Do not!”

These energy bodies looked desperate and horrified, and hurriedly ran around Kunxu Sect in a hurry. It’s just that no matter how they struggle, they can’t stop the dissipation of energy in the body.

It didn’t take long for an energy body to completely dissipate between heaven and earth.

Immediately afterwards.

Second place, third place, fourth place…

In just a few breaths, more than a dozen energy bodies completely disappeared in front of Xu Hengtian.

“Damn it, the space of the ancient imperial mausoleum was really destroyed by that kid!”

Xu Hengtian’s heart was frightened, and his expression was instantly gloomy to the extreme.

Just facing the situation in front of him, Xu Hengtian was also helpless, and could only watch these divine fetal realm energy bodies dissipate in front of him.

Xu Hengtian took a deep breath, and was about to enter the Kunxu Imperial Palace to find out, but several bloody figures flashed out in front of him.

“Xuhengtian, the ancient emperor’s tomb has been destroyed, even if you enter the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace now, it will not help.”

One of the blood-clothed men looked at Xu Hengtian and said solemnly: “Take the rest of the resurrected ones, and leave this place with me.”

Xu Hengtian gritted his teeth and said: “Xu Tianyang and that human kid destroyed my Kun Xuzong, I must have them pay a heavy price for this!”

“It’s obviously extraordinary that the human youth can break through the divine formation of the ancient emperor tombs.”

“If the four quasi-emperor energy bodies that entered just now can’t solve it, it won’t help if you go now.”

The man in blood said lightly: “The changes in the ancient emperor’s mausoleum will soon attract the attention of the eight hidden world Sacred Land. If you don’t leave, I’m afraid it will be too late.”

“What about leaving?”

Xu Hengtian said with a sneer: “The six branches of your Blood Demon Hall were slaughtered, and now the ancient Kun Xuzong has also been destroyed. Can you still compete with the eight hidden Sacred Land?”

this moment.

Xu Hengtian obviously didn’t give these people in the Blood Demon Palace any good expressions.

If these people hadn’t come to the ancient emperor’s mausoleum and instigated them to become enemies of the Shenwu Continent, how would their Kunxu Sect be destroyed?

“Of course there is a chance.”

“Our Blood Demon Hall originated from another world’s Blood Spirit Race. The Wannian Blood Spirit Race attacked the Shenwu Continent, and was eventually blocked by a great emperor of the Shenwu Continent.”

“Blood Spirit King, a blood spirit king comparable to the Great Emperor, is now suppressed somewhere in Shenwu Continent.”

The blood-clothed man slowly said: “As long as we find the place where the Blood Spirit King is suppressed and help him to be born, who can stop Shenwu Continent?”

“Okay, I will go with you and help you find the Blood Spirit King of the Blood Spirit Race!”

An icy glow suddenly flashed across Xu Hengtian’s eyes.

Even at all costs, he would let the entire Shenwu Continent be buried for them, Kun Xuzong!

Kunxu Palace, outside the central Great Hall.

After Jiang Chen meditated and adjusted his breath for two hours, he finally returned to his peak state.

He looked at the main hall of the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace, and his mind came to the attention of the corpse of the Kunxu Emperor in the Great Hall.

The corpse of an emperor that has been kept in the Five Elements Samsara coffin for tens of thousands of years is extremely powerful.

If it can be subdued, even the quasi-emperor might have to avoid its edge!

Facing a corpse of the great emperor close at hand, Jiang Chen obviously didn’t want to give up so easily.

“Now that the Blood Demon Hall has been suppressed, and the danger of the ancient Kunxu Sect has been lifted, I am not in a hurry to leave. It is better to first Ascension strength here, and then go to the Great Hall to find out.”

Jiang Chen pondered for a moment, and soon made a decision in his heart.

He now has two divine fetus Ninth Stage essence essences and three emperor bone relics in his hand, which should enable his Ascension to reach a new level.

When you enter the Great Hall again, even if you encounter danger, your ability to protect yourself can be greatly enhanced.

The attention in his heart was fixed, Jiang Chen no longer hesitated, and began to Ascension strength.

He first took out the essence of the two emperor servants at the entrance of the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace and swallowed them directly.

“Ding! You swallow the essence of the eighth-rank pinnacle swordsmanship and gain 20000000*100 Cultivation Base experience!”

“Ding! You swallow the eighth-Rank Peak Sword Spirit Essence and gain 20000000*100 Sword Domain experience!”


“Ding! You succeeded in breaking through the Ninth Stage!”

After swallowing the two pieces of the eighth-Rank pinnacle essence of swordsmanship, it directly made Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base breakthrough Ninth Stage.

But this is not over yet.

Jiang Chen quickly took out the metallic emperor bone relic and swallowed it, gaining a lot of Cultivation Base experience, and soon reached the Pinnacle of the Eighth Stage Cultivation Base Ascension!


Jiang Chen swallowed the fire-attributed Emperor Bone Relic again, and lifted the Cultivation Base to the top of the Ninth Stage in one breath. And his Fire Road Realm also went further, reaching the Dacheng Realm.

After swallowing the fire attribute emperor bone relic, Jiang Chen also felt that his Cultivation Base experience seemed to have reached a limit, so he did not rush to swallow the last emperor bone relic.

He first took out a piece of Yuanling Mine and tried to cultivate it.

Only after he had absorbed the energy of the Yuan Ling Mine, there was still no system prompt.

“It seems that my guess is correct.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help muttering to himself.

Sure enough, he can no longer gain any Cultivation Base experience now.


This fire-type emperor bone relic has already pushed Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base Ascension to the limit of the Ninth Stage peak.

Now that Jiang Chen wants to gain Cultivation Base experience again, I am afraid it is only possible for Martial Dao Realm to reach the Consummation Realm, and then to be promoted to the Ruins Emperor Realm by the power of Insight Law.

Since Cultivation Base experience is no longer available, Jiang Chen does not intend to waste the last wood attribute emperor bone relic.

He stood up and looked directly at the central Great Hall.

Jiang Chen’s current state has truly reached the pinnacle of Ninth Stage. Moreover, his combat power, Transcendent, far surpasses the ordinary Ninth Stage peak emperor.

Even facing the emperor, it may not be impossible to fight!

Now, it is time to enter the Central Great Hall again to find out.

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