Chapter 1354 Great Changes in Zhongzhou, the Blood Demon Hall comes out!

“Jiang Chen, don’t worry, we didn’t hurt Xiao Duli, he left early by himself.”

“Qin Wuque has already told us about the things in the ancient starry sky. If you didn’t help this time, the consequences would be disastrous.”

“It’s too late for us in Haotian Sacred Land to be grateful to you, so why would we take action against Xiao Duli?”

Xia Changkong quickly explained.

Jiang Chen frowned slightly: “What the hell happened, how do I feel that the atmosphere of your Haotian Sacred Land is also a bit wrong?”

“Shortly after you entered the ancient starry sky road, the Zhongzhou mainland suddenly changed drastically.”

“The Blood Demon Hall, which has disappeared for thousands of years, suddenly came out.”

“Now that there is a great chaos in Zhongzhou, the Holy Lord has led more than half of the powerhouses in Haotian Sacred Land to suppress the Blood Demon Hall.”

When Xia Changkong spoke, an unprecedented solemn color appeared in his eyes.


Hearing Xia Changkong’s words, Jiang Chen’s expression changed slightly: “The Blood Demon Hall has disappeared in Shenwu Continent for thousands of years. Why did it suddenly appear?”

“It didn’t appear suddenly.”

“Since the Blood Demon Hall was suppressed thousands of years ago, the remnants of the forces have been hidden in the dark, and it has been difficult to eradicate the roots.”

“This time the outbreak is clearly planned for a long time…”

Xia Changkong gave a wry smile, then explained to Jiang Chen.


Not long ago, the eight hidden worlds, Sacred Land, discovered signs of the revival of the Blood Demon Hall, and found a branch hall of the Blood Demon Hall hidden in the dark.

Haotian Holy Lord intends to unite with the eighth Sacred Land to destroy the Blood Demon temple sub-temple found after the event on the Starry Sky Ancient Road is over.

It’s just that before the eight hidden worlds, Sacred Land, had time to make a move, the Blood Demon Palace broke out in the Central State Continent.

Hearing Xia Changkong’s explanation, Jiang Chen’s expression also became serious in an instant.

The time of ten thousand years is coming, and the Blood Demon Hall suddenly appears. This is probably the beginning of the Great Tribulation of Shenwu Continent.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice, “Is the Blood Demon Hall strong? With the strength of your eighth Sacred Land, can’t it also suppress the Blood Demon Hall?”

Since the Blood Demon Hall was suppressed, the eight hidden world Sacred Land has been cultivated for thousands of years, and its strength should have recovered a lot.

But the Blood Demon Hall has been hiding in the dark for a long time.

Logically speaking, even if it makes a comeback, the eight hidden worlds Sacred Land should be able to easily suppress it. How could the Blood Demon Palace be raging in the Central State Continent?

“For a long time, we have also thought that the Blood Demon Palace remnants should not be a concern. But now it seems that we are still too careless after all.”

Xia Changkong shook his head and smiled bitterly: “There is a blood spirit race remnants, from the ancient emperor’s tomb in the land of nirvana, brought out a large number of divine birth realm emperors. Now the eight great hidden Sacred Land powerhouses are now confined in To the land of silence.”

Blood spirit family remnants, from the ancient emperor tombs brought out a large number of divine birth realm emperors!

Hearing Xia Changkong’s words, Jiang Chen’s heart was shocked, and there was also a touch of horror that could not be concealed in his eyes.

When he rescued Xiao Duli in the ancient imperial mausoleum, Jiang Chen met a strong blood spirit clan.

The blood spirit clan powerhouse seems to have reached a certain deal with the divine fetal realm energy bodies in the ancient emperor’s mausoleum, helping those energy bodies to be resurrected and reborn!

Jiang Chen had doubts in his heart at the time that the blood spirit race’s move should have some ulterior motive.

Now Jiang Chen finally understands.

The blood spirit clan powerhouse resurrected and reborn the divine fetal realm energy body in the ancient emperor’s mausoleum, undoubtedly relying on their power to contend with the eight hidden Sacred Lands of the Shenwu Continent.

after all.

The ancient emperor’s tomb in the Land of Annihilation was transformed by a peak five-star emperor sect tens of thousands of years ago. There are countless powerful divine birth realms in it, and there may even be quasi-emperor level horrors.

If those guys inside walked out of the ancient imperial mausoleum, it would be a terrible disaster even for the eight hidden world Sacred Land.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, then bid farewell to Xia Changkong and quickly left Haotian Sacred Land.

Now the eight great hidden Sacred Land powerhouses have been confined in the Land of Annihilation, and they have no time to take care of the affairs of the Central State Continent.

And the five holy cities of Zhongzhou have already suffered a lot of vitality, and there is a divine fetus Seventh Stage emperor who appears in the Blood Demon Hall. I am afraid that they can do anything in the mainland of Zhongzhou.

Master Xiao Duli left Haotian Sacred Land ahead of schedule. It was probably because the Palace of Human Emperor was in trouble.

In the northern coastal area of ​​Zhongzhou, the Palace of the People.

More than a dozen emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm, including Ye Chengjun and Xiao Duli, gathered to discuss the Great Hall, and the atmosphere in the Great Hall seemed solemn.

“Everyone, according to the information I have received, a Blood Demon Temple peak powerhouse appeared in the northern coastal area.”

“It is said that this person was one of the top ten blood emperors in the Central State Continent in the Blood Demon Palace thousands of years ago, and his strength is unfathomable.”

“Now that our Human Emperor Palace controls the northern coastal area, I’m afraid we will fight them soon.”

Ye Chengjun said solemnly.

With Ye Chengjun’s words, the Great Hall fell into a dead silence.

Almost all the top ten blood emperors in the Blood Demon Hall were the supreme emperors who aspired to the peak of Shenwu Continent.

Although the strength of the Human Emperor Palace today is only stronger than that of the five holy cities in Zhongzhou, but in front of such an old monster that has survived for thousands of years, I am afraid it is still not enough.

“The top ten blood emperors in the Blood Demon Hall were all peerless powerhouses at the peak of the Ninth Stage.

“Let’s ask for help from Sacred Land of the Eight Hidden Worlds.”

“Such a character can only be dealt with by Elder from the Eight Hidden Worlds of Sacred Land.”

Yue Qianyin said softly.

“This time, the Blood Demon Hall is coming so fiercely, the powerhouses of the eight hidden world Sacred Land have been completely restrained, and there is no time to take care of us. We can only rely on ourselves.”

Xiao Duli took a deep breath and slowly said, “Try to delay as long as you can. As long as Jiang Chen returns from Star City, nothing will be a problem.”

Ten days ago.

Before Xiao Duli returned from Haotian Sacred Land, Qin Wuque, the son of Tianwen, had just returned from Xingkong City.

He naturally knew that Jiang Chen had already killed the blood-drinking sword emperor among the ten blood emperors of the Blood Demon Hall when he was on the ancient road of the starry sky.

As long as Jiang Chen returns, even if the top ten blood emperors resurrected in the Blood Demon Hall are here, they would never want to shake the Human Emperor Hall any more!

Just when everyone was discussing.


A loud sound that shook the sky suddenly resounded from outside the Human Palace, resounding above the entire Human Palace.

Immediately afterwards, a voice containing the monstrous Blood Qi came.

“Blood Demon Hall, Blood Demon Swallowing Blood Emperor Blood Youtian, come to visit the Hallmaster of Human Emperor!”

This voice, although it was at least a few kilometers away from the Human Emperor Hall, was clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone in the Human Emperor Hall.

The sudden voice suddenly changed the complexion of everyone in the Great Hall.

Blood Demon Palace powerhouse, here comes!

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