Chapter 1351 Tomb of the Fallen Sword Emperor!

“This guy… seems to be inherited from a certain emperor realm powerhouse.”

Looking at Qin Wuque in front of him, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but condensed slightly.

Qin Wuque in front of him, whether it was the Cultivation Base or the sword on his body, was at least several times stronger than before entering the Starry Sky City.

If he hadn’t entered the ancient road of stars, even if Jiang Chen faced Qin Wuwei in front of him, he would definitely not be his opponent.

“Jiang Chen, you are here.”

“Although this Starry Sky City can only stay for ten days, there will be no restrictions in the Baidi Cemetery.”

“As long as you get the approval of one of the tombstones within ten days, you can enter the cemetery space and accept the inheritance of the powerful emperor.”

Qin Wuque looked at Jiang Chen who appeared in his sight and couldn’t help explaining with a smile.

Ever since he saw Jiang Chen’s terrifying talent and strength at the seventh step of the Starry Sky Ancient Road, Qin Wuque had no desire to compete with Jiang Chen.


Had it not been for Jiang Chen’s move, he and Xia Yuanhao would have already fallen into the ancient starry sky.


Qin Wuque seemed very polite to Jiang Chen now.

“Baidi Cemetery?”

Jiang Chen suddenly asked with a puzzled look: “Isn’t this Star City? How come it has become a cemetery of Baidi?”

“This is indeed Star City.”

“It is said that tens of thousands of years ago, when the Great Emperor Vast Sky led the emperors to resist the blood spirit race, there were a hundred imperial palaces in this starry sky city, and each imperial palace lived a strong emperor realm.”

“Later, Hundred Emperors and the Blood Spirit Clan died together. The Great Emperor Haotian evolved the ancient starry sky road and turned the 100 imperial palaces in the Starry Sky City into the Hundred Emperors Cemetery.”

Qin Wuque didn’t hide it, and told Jiang Chen all he knew.

When Jiang Chen heard Qin Wuque’s words, his brows couldn’t help but frowned: “There is no record of these hundreds of tombstones, but is there a way to tell which one of the strongest emperors is in the tombstone?”

He came here, in addition to wanting to see the Starry Sky City, there is another important reason, that is, to find the inheritance of Emperor Xuanyue, get the Taiyin Divine Stone, and help Meng Qingxue quickly awaken the Taiyin Destiny Body.

All the tombstones in this Baidi cemetery are exactly the same now. It is almost impossible for him to find the cemetery of Emperor Xuanyue in just ten days.

“It may not be easy for you to find the cemetery of a certain emperor. I can find the cemetery of the ancestor of the Great Emperor in Tianwen Sacred Land, relying on the blood of the emperor of Tianwen Sacred Land.”

“You can urge your whole body to sense the tombstone. Only the tombstone that can sense you will have the possibility of opening it.”

“I’m leaving first, I wish you a long way!”

Qin Wuque’s voice fell, and his figure was instantly enveloped in a space in the void, and he immediately disappeared in front of Jiang Chen with Qin Wuque.

After Qin Wuque’s figure disappeared.

Jiang Chen’s gaze also fell on the Baidi Cemetery in front of him, and he began to observe carefully.


After watching Jiang Chen for a while, he still couldn’t see any clues from these gazes.


Jiang Chen had to take a deep breath and slowly walked towards one of the tombstones, and then urged his inner strength to reach out and put his hand on the tombstone.

The next moment…

Jiang Chen felt that own soul seemed to have entered a strange space.

Just as Jiang Chen was about to look at the situation in this space, a coercive humming sound came directly from above the sky.

“This emperor’s inheritance, those who are not descendants of Zixiao Sacred Land are forbidden to enter, get out of here!”

After the words fell, Jiang Chen felt that his own soul was kicked out of that strange space, and the whole person was pedaling on the ground to retreated a distance of two or three feet.


Jiang Chen also understood the identity of the owner of this cemetery through the scolding sound of that strange space.

The owner of this cemetery is obviously an ancient emperor of Zixiao Sacred Land. Only geniuses with the blood of Zixiao Sacred Land can open it.

“It’s really difficult, don’t I want to sense the hundreds of cemeteries in front of me?”

Jiang Chen looked at the hundred cemeteries in front of him, and suddenly couldn’t help but feel a headache.

When sensing this tombstone just now, even with Jiang Chen’s strength, it was very uncomfortable to face the scolding in the cemetery.

If this were to be sensed one by one, I am afraid that his spirit would not be able to bear it at all.


Now Jiang Chen didn’t seem to have a better way except for the induction one by one.

“The sound of scolding in the cemetery should be a Divine Sense left by the strong emperor inside.”

“In this case, I might be able to find a way to open a cemetery first, and then get information about other cemeteries in the cemetery.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly, and immediately began to sense the next tombstone.

very quickly.

Jiang Chen sensed the message of the next tombstone, and inside it was an ancient emperor among the eight hidden saints.

“It seems that the cemetery near here should be full of emperor realm powerhouses from the eight hidden worlds of Sacred Land. You have to try another place.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and immediately ignored the two rows of nearby graveyards and walked towards the tombstone further away.

When Jiang Chen passed by one of the tombstones, he vaguely felt that this tombstone seemed to tremble slightly.


Jiang Chen paused in his footsteps, and immediately looked at the tombstone, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

He did not come from the eight hidden worlds of Sacred Land, nor did he have the ancestors of the Great Emperor.

Although his father Jiang Wuya should not be inferior to the great emperor realm powerhouse at all, he was not from the Shenwu Continent.

Strictly speaking, Jiang Chen is not even a person from Shenwu Continent.


Jiang Chen also didn’t expect that there was a tombstone of a great emperor in the cemetery of the Hundred Emperors, who could actively interact with him.

Who is the strong man in this tombstone in front of me?

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

In the battle ten thousand years ago, in addition to the emperors of the Shenwu Continent, this Starry Sky City also had the powerhouses of the Xuanling Continent Ye Family.

Could it be that in this tombstone in front of you, is a certain ancestor of the Great Realm of the Night Family of Nirvana City failed?

With a bit of curiosity, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and sensed it towards the tombstone.

And the moment Jiang Chen touched the tombstone, a bright Sword Ray suddenly wrapped Jiang Chen.

When he reacted, Jiang Chen realized that he had come to a primitive palace.

at the same time.

A faint chuckle also sounded abruptly in Jiang Chen’s ear.

“Little guy, welcome to the tomb of the Sword Emperor of Time and Space. It seems that you and this emperor are really related to each other. I didn’t expect to meet again.”

As this faint chuckle fell, only an illusory man in Tsing Yi condensed in front of Jiang Chen…

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