Chapter 1318: Defeating the Son with One Sword!

Xiaocheng Realm’s Martial Dao Realm!

Cangyue Holy Lord looked at Jiang Chen in amazement, almost unable to believe his own eyes.

As Cang Yue Sacred Land Holy Lord, she knows very well how difficult it is for Martial Dao Realm to reach Xiaocheng Realm.

Even if you look at the entire Shenwu Continent, those who can cultivate Martial Dao Realm to Xiaocheng Realm are almost rare.

Almost all of these people are old monsters who have lived for nearly a thousand years.

Even her, the Holy Lord of Sacred Land, only touched the threshold of Xiaocheng Martial Dao Realm after breaking through the Seventh Stage of the Divine Tire, and now she has not yet fully entered Xiaocheng Realm!

And what Martial Dao can comprehend within a hundred years of age is unique, even in the history of the eight hidden worlds of Sacred Land for nearly a thousand years!

this moment.

Even if it was the Cangyue Holy Lord, at this moment, he was shocked by Jiang Chen’s terrifying talent.

This kid in front of him is really a peerless evildoer that is rare in a million years.

“This is the imperial martial arts of Sacred Land?


Just when everyone hadn’t recovered from the shocking scene before them.

Jiang Chen glanced at Yang Yao with disdain, “You don’t want to be indecent if you come and take me a sword, let you see what the real imperial martial arts is!”

Before he finished his words, Jiang Chen’s palm long sword flashed out of thin air, and he raised his hand and slashed it out at Yang Yao!


Thousands of blue Sword Qi skyrocketed instantly, turning into a blue Sword Domain directly in the void, covering Yang Yao’s whole person.

Time and Space Sword Domain!

In Jiang Chen’s eyes, this trick inherited from the time and space Sword Domain’s stunt is a true imperial martial arts!

On the Shenwu Continent.

Although these four-star Sacred Lands, who have been born in the imperial realm, all have the inheritance of imperial martial arts.


Among the imperial martial arts that Jiang Chen has seen, including the Golden Crow palm displayed by the sun-seeking son Yang Yao, the power is indeed much stronger than the imperial martial arts, but that’s all.

The Sword Domain of Time and Space that Jiang Chen mastered contained the power of the law of the Great Emperor that the Emperor of Time and Space had mastered.

In Jiang Chen’s view, only these Martial Skills that contain the power of the Emperor’s Law are worthy of being a true imperial martial arts!

“This…what is this Martial Skill?”

As the emperor of the fourth stage, Yang Yao is naturally very sensitive.

When he formed in the cyan Sword Domain, he almost sensed the weird power that permeated the Sword Domain.

“Break it for me!”

Yang Yao was immediately frightened, the golden sword Dao Realm and the red fire Dao Realm superimposed and condensed in an instant, and then slammed into Jiang Chen’s time and space Sword Domain.


The shocking sound of energy collision instantly resounded across the world.


Jiang Chen has now reached the Fourth Stage in the Cultivation Base, and he has close to two-thirds of his mastery of the Sword Domain.

Now that the Space-Time Sword Domain, which is fully displayed, can be easily broken by Yang Yao?

I saw Yang Yao’s fusion of the two Realm forces with a blow that could not shake the enchantment of the Sword Domain in time and space at all, and it had disappeared invisible in the Sword Domain in time and space.

Yang Yao found out in horror.

In the short moment he attacked the cyan Sword Domain, his own life passed at a terrifying speed for at least one year!

“This is… the Martial Skill that contains the law of time?”

Cang Yue Holy Lord stared closely at Jiang Chen’s cyan Sword Domain, and an incredible horror appeared in his eyes again.

How could this guy… master the terrifying Martial Skill that contains the Law of the Great Emperor?

“Do not!”

Yang Yao let out a loud roar, his body’s vitality and the bloodline of the great emperor burst to the limit instantly.

Martial Dao Realm, Emperor Pin Martial Skill, and the Great Emperor’s bloodline magical powers continuously blasted towards the Sword Domain of time and space.

Boom boom boom…

Under Yang Yao’s frantic attack, the Sword Domain of Time and Space was constantly distorted and deformed, and the glory was indefinite, but there was no sign of being broken!

“Yuan… Yuankui Elder, save me!”

Seeing that he could not penetrate the cyan Sword Domain in front of him, Yang Yao finally couldn’t help but screamed in horror.

“Holy Lord Cangyue, the cyan Sword Domain that the kid displayed is a bit weird. It seems to be devouring the life essence of my holy son. I hope you can help.”

The old man in Sacred Land, who felt the changes on Yang Yao’s body, suddenly changed his complexion, and hurriedly said to the Holy Lord of Cang Yue.

He is a pill refining teacher, and he is not good at Martial Dao. Although he has the strength of the Sixth Stage of the womb, his combat power is not as good as Yang Yao.

Since Yang Yao couldn’t break the cyan Sword Domain, his shots were of no avail.

Therefore, he can only ask for help like the Cang Yue Holy Lord on the side.

“Don’t worry, this palace will naturally not stand idly by.”

Cang Yue Holy Lord took a deep breath, and the aura of the Seventh Stage realm of the divine fetus burst to the extreme in an instant, and the monstrous vitality instantly condensed a Yuehua divine sword, slashing at the blue Sword Domain.

Cangyue Sacred Land and Zhuri Sacred Land have always been on good terms, how can she watch Shengzi Zhuri have an accident in front of her?


With the sword of Cangyue Holy Lord cut down, the time and space Sword Domain that had been bombarded by Yang Yao was finally shattered!

“Sacred Land Sacred Son, it seems to be nothing more than a rubbish that I can’t even take a sword.”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously, and immediately didn’t bother to look at him again, and directly said to Meng Qingxue two people indifferently, “Let’s go!”

This Sacred Land saint son who dared to beat Meng Qingxue’s idea was destined to death in Jiang Chen’s eyes.

But Jiang Chen didn’t directly hurt the killer either.

after all.

Cang Yue Sacred Land is one of the eight hidden Sacred Lands. He came here today only to bring Meng Qingxue.

If Yang Yao were killed at this moment, Cang Yue Sacred Land would be completely angered, and I am afraid that it would be an endless situation.

“Jiang Chen, wait a minute!”

Just when Jiang Chen was about to leave with Meng Qingxue and the other two, a cold voice suddenly came from behind him.

Jiang Chen paused, then looked back at the Holy Lord of Cangyue in the void, and said lightly: “Why, the Holy Lord of Cangyue really wants to leave me behind?”

“Your Excellency is the lord of the Palace of Human Emperors, and even the number one arrogant on the list of Emperors of Heaven. I, Sacred Land, don’t want to be your enemy.”

Cang Yue Holy Lord coldly said: “Today you are making trouble in Cang Yue Sacred Land, this palace can ignore you, but Meng Qingxue and the others are from my Cang Yue Sacred Land, you must stay.”

Now she has reached a deal with Sunji Shengzi.

If Jiang Chen is allowed to take Meng Qingxue away, how can she explain to Sacred Land?

Jiang Chen’s face sank, and he snorted coldly: “Then I’ll tell you now, they two have already left Cangyue Sacred Land, and they will be members of our Palace from now on.”

“When you enter my Sacred Land in one day, you will be a member of my Cangyue Sacred Land for the rest of your life. This is the rule of my Sacred Land.”

Cang Yue Holy Lord said with no expression on his face: “If you let Meng Qingxue take away today, what face is there in this palace to face the ancestors of Cang Yue Sacred Land?”

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