Chapter 131 Su Lingxiang’s Request!

Martial Skill, Burning Heaven Sword Art!

Jiang Chen was also very satisfied with the Martial Skill on the stone wall.

The last time he was in the Sword Mark Hall of Lingyun Wufu, he used the system to comprehend the Sword intent.

But a person who understands Sword intent doesn’t even have a reliable sword skill.

Although he has learned a yellow sword skill by swinging his sword these days, it will take some time to upgrade to the Martial Skill.

The Burning Heaven Sword Art in front of him made up for the vacancy in his sword skills.

After comprehending the Fentian Sword Art, Jiang Chen looked up and down the cave.

After discovering that there was nothing else of value in the cave, he disappeared in the cave in a flash.

Leaving Tianlong Mountain, Jiang Chen quickly returned to Fenghuo City.

When Huo Ziluan and others learned that Jiang Chen had killed Xiang Tianlong in less than half a day and completely wiped out Tianlong Village, they were all shocked and speechless.

Tianlongzhai, this is the existence that once put their Huo family into crisis.

Now it was so easily solved by Jiang Chen!

After solving the troubles of the Huo Family, Jiang Chen who completed the task did not stay in the Huo Family for too long.

Early the next morning, Jiang Chen bid farewell to Huo Ziluan and others, and left Fenghuo City.

Back to Lingyun Wufu, Jiang Chen just walked into the own courtyard, and a servant hurriedly greeted him.

“My lord, you finally came back.”

“Early this morning, a guest arrived in the courtyard, and she is still waiting for you in the living room.”


Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment.

Although he entered Lingyun Wufu for some time, he didn’t know many people. Who would come here to find him?

With some doubts, Jiang Chen walked directly into the living room.

Walking into the living room, a familiar and beautiful figure appeared in Jiang Chen’s sight.

“Instructor Su, why are you here?”

Looking at Su Lingxiang in the living room, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but ask with surprise.

“Jiang Chen, you are back.”

Su Lingxiang raised her head slightly.

She looked at Jiang Chen who walked in from the outside, and she couldn’t help showing a look of joy in her beautiful eyes.

“Well, I went to Fenghuo City to complete a student mission and just came back.”

Jiang Chen nodded, and asked curiously: “Instructor Su, why are you here? Brother Yan asked you to come to me?”

“Jiang Chen, don’t call me a mentor, just call me by name.”

Su Lingxiang couldn’t help being speechless for a while when Jiang Chen called her teacher, and at the same time called her brother and sister.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said, “Then I will call you Sister Ling Xiang.”

Su Lingxiang didn’t bother with this issue either. She suddenly felt a little embarrassed and said: “Jiang Chen, this time I am looking for you, not because of the teacher’s intention, but something I want to ask you for help.”

“Sister Ling Xiang, what else can I help?”

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment.

The woman in front of her is not a vase, but a genuine third rank pill refining teacher.

More importantly, she is also a disciple of the sixth rank pill refining master Yan Qingxuan.

It can be said that regardless of status or strength, Su Lingxiang is an existence that most people in this world must look up to.

Jiang Chen really didn’t know where Su Lingxiang needed his help.

“It’s a long story. Come to Qingxuanju with me. Let’s talk as we walk.”

As Su Lingxiang said, she directly took Jiang Chen and walked out.

Just as Jiang Chen and the other two walked out of the courtyard, a thunderous cold shout rang directly in their ears.

“Jiang Chen, you finally came back, but I have been waiting for you for a long time!”

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