Chapter 1290 The secret of the ancient imperial mausoleum!

“What else do you want to know?”

The divine fetal realm energy body was silent for a while.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed: “Who are you, do you have memories of life?”

“My name is Hong Jingyun, an ordinary Inner Sect disciple of the Five-Star Emperor Zongkun Xuzong. As for the memories of my lifetime, I only vaguely have some vague images, and I don’t remember much.”

Hong Jingyun shook his head and said.

Jiang Chen was immediately taken aback by Hong Jingyun’s words: “You are really just an ordinary Inner Sect disciple of Kun Xuzong.”


The Kunxu Sect that Hong Jingyun said should be the ancient Emperor Sect that stood here tens of thousands of years ago.


Jiang Chen really didn’t expect Hong Jingyun to be just an ordinary Inner Sect disciple of Kun Xuzong.

An ordinary Inner Sect disciple has the strength of a Divine Embryo Realm Emperor!

Jiang Chen couldn’t even imagine how powerful Kun Xuzong was at its peak.

But such a powerful five-star emperor sect would be destroyed.

Then what kind of horrible existence would be the one that destroyed Kunxu Sect in the first place?

“At the beginning, Kun Xuzong was powerful, and there were no less than a hundred emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm, but it was not as exaggerated as you imagined.”

Hong Jingyun seemed to see what Jiang Chen was thinking, and couldn’t help but explain: “Our energy bodies can also evolve in a very slow way. I also evolved into the Divine Embryo Energy Body hundreds of years ago.”

“I see.”

Jiang Chen nodded, and then continued to ask: “Then do you know how you and the ancient emperor’s mausoleum were formed?”

“do not know.”

“After I evolved into a divine fetal state energy body, there were some fragments of memory in my mind.”

“It seems that the Great Emperor Kun Xu, Sect Leader of Kun Xu Zong, was provoked by a very terrifying enemy. That person, with his own power, overturned Kun Xu Zong.”

“Later, I didn’t know what happened. The people who died in this space at the time survived in the form of this energy body.”

Hong Jingyun shook his head and smiled bitterly.


Rao Jiang Chen had already prepared in his heart. When he heard Hong Jingyun’s words, he still couldn’t help taking a breath.

He originally thought.

The collapse of Kun Xuzong should have triggered an extremely tragic battle of Five Star Emperor Sect.

But now Hong Jingyun told him that Kun Xuzong was destroyed by one person.

To know.

The Kunxu Sect back then, but there was a Five-Star Emperor Sect with the Great Emperor.

A five-star emperor sect with a great emperor was turned over!

Who is this man who destroyed Kun Xuzong? Is it beyond the existence of the Great Emperor of Guixu Realm? Does the appearance of this ancient imperial mausoleum have anything to do with this person?

It seems that in this ancient emperor’s mausoleum, there are really great secrets hidden.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath. He suddenly thought of Hong Jingyun’s attitude towards Yue Siqing, and he couldn’t help but asked curiously: “What did you arrest Yue Siqing for?”

“Born by weight!”

“After I evolved into a divine fetal realm energy body, there seemed to be an inexplicable secret technique in my mind.”

“As long as we find a suitable body, we seem to be able to use this secret technique to regenerate and get rid of the constraints of this space.”

Hong Jingyun said astonishingly authentic.


There was a huge shock in Jiang Chen’s heart, and an incredible shock appeared in his eyes.

The energy body of the divine fetal realm in the ancient emperor’s mausoleum actually possessed the secret technique of regenerating by regenerating.

What is even more shocking is.

This secret technique of reborn by rebirth would appear in the mind of every divine fetal realm energy body inexplicably.

As if invisible, there is a giant hand behind it, wanting to resurrect the energy body above the Kunxu Sect’s divine fetal realm!

Kun Xuzong was an ancient emperor sect tens of thousands of years ago. It was powerful and possessed no fewer than a hundred emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm.

Now that this ancient emperor’s mausoleum has existed for tens of thousands of years, I am afraid that there are many existences like Hong Jingyun and other energy bodies that have evolved into the divine womb realm.

In other words.

The power body of the Divine Embryo Realm that the ancient emperor’s mausoleum possesses is only a lot more than the number of Emperor Kunxu who walked into the Divine Embryo Realm.

If all of these divine birth realm emperors were resurrected, what a terrifying force would it be?

By the time.

Even Sacred Land, the eight hidden worlds of Shenwu Continent, might not be able to contend with this force.

this moment.

Jiang Chen discovered that the complexity of this ancient imperial mausoleum was completely beyond his imagination.

According to Jiang Chen’s original guess, this ancient imperial mausoleum should have been set by the man who destroyed Kun Xuzong.

But Hong Jingyun’s words made Jiang Chen realize that things are not that simple.

Since that person turned his palm and destroyed Kun Xuzong, there is absolutely no reason to set up such a shocking situation to resurrect Kun Xuzong’s divine birth realm emperor, right?

Could it be Emperor Kunxu?

He had anticipated the imminent calamity of Kunxuzong, so he made arrangements in advance to form this magical ancient emperor’s mausoleum, in order to make Kunxuzong reappear in the world?

“The secrets of this ancient imperial mausoleum are becoming more and more unpredictable.”

After shaking his head, Jiang Chen stopped thinking about it.

No matter who set up the ancient imperial mausoleum, the secrets in this might not be something he can explore now.

Now for Jiang Chen, there are only two things in this ancient emperor’s tomb. One is to hunt for the strength of the Ascension of the essence of the soul, and the other is to find the whereabouts of Master Xiao Duli.

Thought of this.

Jiang Chen directly looked up at Hong Jingyun and said, “Finally, I will ask you a question. Not long ago, a fourth stage emperor named Xiao Duli entered the ancient imperial mausoleum. Have you heard about him?”

“God’s Fourth Stage Realm Emperor, it seems that there is indeed one.”

“Not long ago, there were other divine fetal realm energy bodies. They came here to find me to cooperate with a divine fetal Fourth Stage emperor, but I didn’t agree at the time.”

“I don’t know if this fourth stage emperor of the divine fetus is the Xiao Duli in your mouth.”

Hong Jingyun pondered slightly.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen was overjoyed, and asked excitedly: “Do you know where the fourth stage emperor is?”

For thousands of years.

Silence City has always been here in the Land of Silence.

An ordinary emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm could never violate the rules established by Nirvana City and enter this place privately.


Jiang Chen was almost certain that the fourth stage emperor of the divine womb that Hong Jingyun said was his master Xiao Duli in all likelihood.

“I don’t know.”

“If you want to know the news about the fourth stage emperor of the divine fetus, you can go to a mountain a thousand miles away to the northwest of this place.”

“There is a divine fetal realm energy body named Luo Jun, who came to me to join forces to deal with that divine fetal Fourth Stage emperor.”

Hong Jingyun shook her head, but still provided Jiang Chen with a very useful information.

“Thanks a lot.”

Now that there is news of Master Xiao Duli, Jiang Chen does not intend to stay here.

He thanked Hong Jingyun, and then led Cheng Kang and Yue Siqing towards the outside of the valley…

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