Chapter 129 They can’t kill you, doesn’t mean I can’t!

“Hmph, since you are here today, no one wants to leave alive, just go to death for me.”

Xiang Tianlong snorted coldly, his eyes skyrocketing.

With a wave of the golden knife in his hand, another sharp knife gang swept out against the two Jiang Chen with a thunderous momentum.

Upon seeing this, Nangong Yi’s face changed drastically.

“Tianyue Slash!”

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly displayed his strongest profound grade sword skill, and confronted Xiang Tianlong’s sword.


Nangong Yi’s strongest blow was instantly smashed by Xiang Tianlong’s knife!


Seeing Nangong Yi opened his mouth, he spouted a mouthful of blood, and his figure flew upside down like a kite with a broken line.

Nangong Yi got up from the ground in embarrassment, without a trace of body shape, and fled directly toward the mountain road outside in a hurry.

Only a sharp voice was left floating in the air.

“Xiang Tianlong, I have written down what happened today, Nangongyi. When I return next time, I will definitely take your dog’s head!”

“Huh, it’s pretty fast to escape!”

Xiang Tianlong snorted coldly, and immediately his eyes fell on Jiang Chen who was aside.

When he saw Jiang Chen who was still standing still, his eyes condensed suddenly.

This guy didn’t seem to be affected by the knife he had just now!

“Boy, are you not in the same group as the kid just now?”

Xiang Tianlong’s eyes flickered, his eyes staring straight at Jiang Chen.

“Naturally not.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “But… my purpose is no different from theirs.”

“You want to kill me too?”

“Just based on the strength of the boy Yuqi Ninth Stage, he is still not my enemy of One One, so why are you killing me?”

Xiang Tianlong looked at Jiang Chen lightly, his expression extremely disdainful.

The kid in front of him looked younger than the genius of Ziyun Wufu.

He really didn’t believe that this kid could still be a powerhouse in the Xiantian realm!

“He can’t kill you. That’s because he has no ability. It doesn’t mean that I can’t either.”

“Xiang Tianlong, three days ago, I had someone bring you a message and let you roll to Fenghuo City to meet me.”

“I gave you the opportunity, but you didn’t cherish it yourself. In that case, today I will fulfill my promise and level your Tianlongzhai!”

Jiang Chen was expressionless, and his coldly voice rang directly in Xiang Tianlong’s ears.

Jiang Chen’s coldly words suddenly changed Xiang Tianlong’s expression.

He stared at Jiang Chen tightly: “It’s you. Are you the boy who is the leader of the Huo family in Fenghuo City?”

Jiang Chen was too lazy to answer Xiang Tianlong, and said indifferently: “Disband Tianlongzhai and abolish Cultivation Base, I can consider spare you!”

“Boy, don’t want to be rampant in front of me!”

“I know you have understood Sword intent, but so what!”

“As long as you are not a real Xiantian powerhouse, Xiang Tianlong is not afraid of you!”

Xiang Tianlong’s eyes suddenly burst out with a sharp light.

He clenched the golden knife with both hands, and a three-meter-long blade suddenly burst out of the knife.

The dazzling light of the knife is like a flash of Shattering Void lightning, slashing down at Jiang Chen!


“Then I will unfortunately tell you that I not only comprehend the Sword intent, but also the Xiantian powerhouse who broke through the Xiantian realm!”

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth.

Seeing his eyes condensed in vain, the breath of the strong Xiantian and the First Stage Sword intent burst out of him almost at the same time.

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