Chapter 1283 I am someone you can’t afford to provoke!

The Great Emperor Haotian, the head of the emperors of the Shenwu Continent thousands of years ago, the leader of the Shenwu Continent against the blood spirit race.

Jiang Chen has always been in awe for such an outstanding person and the legacy of Sacred Land.


This does not mean that he will bow his head when he sees Haotian Sacred Land.

For a long time, Jiang Chen’s principle of conduct has been that people respect him and he respects others.


Even if it is a person from Haotian Sacred Land, if he really wants to provoke him, he will not be the slightest polite!

Hearing Jiang Chen’s arrogant words, the expressions of the two middle-aged men from Haotian Sacred Land instantly became extremely gloomy.

Haotian Sacred Land, the well-deserved number one Sacred Land in the Shenwu Continent, is so detached.

As the people of Haotian Sacred Land, they have always been aloof. They are the existences respected by countless Practitioners in Shenwu Continent.

Even the other Sacred Land disciples must be polite in front of them.

As for the ordinary Practitioner, even after hearing the name Haotian Sacred Land, he would take the initiative to retreat.

But the little-known Maotou boy in front of him even dared to run against them. How could this make them not angry?


“A mere little boy who dares to speak up in front of us.”

“Since you have to die, then I will fulfill you!”

The middle-aged man holding the sword on the left shouted angrily, and then the long sword in his hand shook, and the sharp sword light was like a poisonous snake whistling out from the tip of the sword.

The next moment…

I saw that the middle-aged man with a sword kicked his toes on the ground, and the human sword merged into one, turning into a sky-shattering Changhong shooting towards Jiang Chen.

Before Sword Ray arrived, the fierce wind had already hit the air.

Looking at the Sword Ray that was rapidly enlarging in his sight, Jiang Chen’s pitch-black eyes were extremely calm.

He stood with his hands in his hands, his body motionless like a rock.

Jiang Chen slowly stretched out his palm until the stunned sword rainbow was less than three feet away from him, and grabbed the oncoming Jianhong with his bare hands!


Jiang Chen’s seemingly fluttering claw fell on the sky-shattering sword rainbow, but it caused the powerful sword rainbow to burst.

The countless broken Sword Qi Yuanli turned around and rushed towards the sword-wielding man as if the Tianhe turned upside down and the Milky Way turned upside down.

“How can it be!”

The calm and calm face of the man with the sword finally passed a touch of fright.

He didn’t expect it.

A sword that was fully used with the strength of the Seventh Stage of his own soul would be caught by Jiang Chen’s easy sword.

“Yuan Jian Shield!”

I saw him let out a soft drink, and quickly condensed an enchantment around him to resist the energetic attacks around him.

at the same time.

He stepped on the soles of his feet in the void, and his figure did not retreat, but instantly penetrated the ten-meter space, and the tip of his sword pierced Jiang Chen’s eyebrows as fast as lightning.

“Boy, die for me.”

Seeing that he was about to pierce Jiang Chen’s head with a sword, a hideous smile appeared on the face of the man holding the sword.


Soon, the smile on the sword-bearing man’s face turned into shock and inconceivable.

Jiang Chen seemed to move, and he didn’t seem to move, but the ending was there, explaining everything.

His mortal sword was held impartially by Jiang Chen with two fingers at this time, as if he was holding a leaf, understatement.

Two fingers clamped the tip of the sword, Jiang Chen flicked his fingers lightly, and a powerful counter-shock force spread along the long sword.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of the sword-holding man’s mouth, his figure resembling a kite with a broken line, smashed into a distance of more than ten feet.


Seeing that the man with the sword was actually killed by Jiang Chen’s understatement, another man with thick eyebrows also appeared in vain astonishment.

To know.

Like him, the sword-bearing man is the king of the Cultivation Base to reach the Seventh Stage of the Divine Soul.

Moreover, they are the people who came out of Haotian Sacred Land, and their strength is much stronger than the average Divine Soul Seventh Stage realm king!

How could the black-clothed youth in front of him possess such terrifying strength?

“Boy, who are you?”

The man with thick eyebrows sternly shouted at Jiang Chen with a look of anger: “People who dare to kill me Haotian Sacred Land, are you really going to be an enemy of Haotian Sacred Land?”

“I’m someone you can’t afford to offend!”

Jiang Chen looked at the man with thick eyebrows indifferently: “Don’t use Haotian Sacred Land to threaten me, I won’t take this one. If you don’t want to end up like your partner, give me how far you go. Far!”

“Boy, wait for me, Haotian Sacred Land will never let you go!”

The big man with thick eyebrows snorted coldly, and immediately turned around and flashed away into the valley.

He is almost the same in strength as the sword-wielding man. This kid can solve the sword-wielding man with one move, and he also has the ability to kill him with one move.

If he continued to stay, it would be no different from sending him to the door to die.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, just followed the man with thick eyebrows and walked into the valley.

Not long.

Jiang Chen and the others followed the man with thick eyebrows to an empty grassland deep in the valley.

Looking from a distance.

Jiang Chen could see that a fierce battle was going on on the grass, and bursts of earth-shaking energy explosions slowly echoed in the valley, endlessly.

The battle in the field is mainly divided into two battlefields.

One of them.

A handsome young man wearing Haotian Sacred Land costumes is fighting fiercely with a blue figure with a slightly illusory figure.

The young Junyi was surrounded by thunder and lightning, and the long sword in his hand was like a sword of thunder, exuding a palpable domineering atmosphere.

The blue figure opposite him, the breath of the whole body is bitterly icy, cold, as if to freeze the surrounding space.

The breath of the two of them is overwhelming, and it is obvious that they have reached the divine birth state.

And in another battlefield.

One of the middle-aged in white clothes is obviously from Haotian Sacred Land, and his strength has reached the peak of Ninth Stage.

Opposite the middle-aged in white clothes, there is a mysterious woman in white clothes.

The woman’s face is like frost, her skin is like condensed fat, and her body is full of white moonlight, which looks extremely mysterious and weird.

There are hundreds of energy bodies around her, which firmly surrounds her in the center.

Surrounded by these energy bodies, the mysterious woman looks like an indifferent queen, looking down at the middle-aged white clothes opposite.

Looking at this mysterious woman who looked somewhat similar to Yue Siyun.

Jiang Chen didn’t need to think about it. This woman should be Yue Siyun’s Big sis, Yue Siqing.

“My lord, the woman in white is Yue Siqing!”

While Jiang Chen was looking at the situation on the battlefield, Cheng Kang’s voice suddenly rang in Jiang Chen’s ears.


Jiang Chen stared at Yue Siqing tightly, and his brows couldn’t help but twisted together.

The state of this woman seems a little weird.

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