Chapter 1281 Ding! You breakthrough the second stage!


Just as Jiang Chen was pondering in his heart, a roar that shook the sky came from his ears again.

Jiang Chen looked up and saw the energy body that had destroyed everything around him, blasting directly in the direction where they were.

Although this guy had restored Martial Dao’s power, his consciousness was quite chaotic. There seemed to be only killing in his eyes, as if he was going to destroy all the lives around him.

Jiang Chen’s face was indifferent.

As soon as he lifted his palm, Thunder Realm’s power instantly condensed, enshrouding the energy body that came from violently.

Immediately afterwards.

A shock of Nine Heavens thunder fell from Realm, and in the blink of an eye, the bursting energy body was smashed to pieces.

“Emperor Realm! This guy is really the emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm!”

The middle-aged man took a breath in his heart, and his gaze at Jiang Chen became more and more respectful.

He ran to pick up the essence of the soul for Jiang Chen.

In a short while, the middle-aged man gave all of the more than one hundred yuan spirit essence he picked up to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen received the essence of the soul, and then directly waved his hand to the middle-aged man: “Okay, there is nothing wrong with you here, you can go.”

Now Jiang Chen already has a lot of essence of the soul, which should be enough for his Cultivation Base to break through the second stage of the second stage.

Jiang Chen planned to find a place to break through, and then to find a conscious divine fetal state energy body.

Through these divine fetal realm energy bodies, he can not only inquire about the whereabouts of Master Xiao Duli, but maybe also understand some of the secrets of the ancient imperial mausoleum.

“My lord, who Cheng Kang is willing to chase after you, I implore my lord to take him in.”

The middle-aged man hurriedly said: “The young man has been in the ancient imperial mausoleum for more than a year, and he already knows the place very well. It should be of help to you as an adult.”

The one in front of him, but the real emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm, is simply the thickest thigh in this ancient emperor’s mausoleum.

Following Jiang Chen is almost equivalent to walking sideways in this ancient emperor’s mausoleum!

Now that he met him, how could he miss the opportunity to hold his thigh?

“Since you have been in the ancient imperial mausoleum for so long, have you heard the names of Yue Siqing and Xiao Duli?”

“Also, do you know where in the ancient emperor’s mausoleum there is a divine fetal state energy body?”

“As long as you can give me a satisfactory answer, I will give you a chance to stay!”

Jiang Chen said indifferently.

He really knows too little about the ancient imperial mausoleum. If Cheng Kangzhen can provide him with some useful information, it is not impossible to leave it behind.

“My lord, I haven’t heard of Xiao Duli’s name. But the name Yue Siqing is very familiar.”

Cheng Kang asked excitedly: “I don’t know if Yue Siqing among the large population is a disciple from Cangyue Sacred Land?”

Jiang Chen’s eyes lit up suddenly: “Yes, it’s Cang Yue Sacred Land’s disciple. Have you seen her?”

Originally, he just asked casually, but he didn’t expect to be straight.

The guy in front of him seemed to really know the news of Yue Siqing!

“It’s not just that I’ve seen it. Yue Siqing was one of my team members when I teamed up to enter the ancient imperial mausoleum a year ago.”

“Our five-member team spent half a year in the ancient imperial mausoleum. Three of the team members fell one after another, leaving only me and Yue Siqing alive.”

“Half a year ago, we broke into a mysterious valley, and as a result, Yue Siqing also fell into it and failed to come out.”

Cheng Kang said with a wry smile.

Jiang Chen frowned, “What do you mean by being caught in it? Is Yue Siqing still alive now?”

“Should be alive!”

“In that valley, we encountered a divine fetal state energy body. That divine fetal state energy body seemed to be very interested in Yue Siqing and directly captured Yue Siqing.”

“Moreover, the divine fetal realm energy body is still on Yue Siqing’s face, let me go and I can come out alive.”

Cheng Kang said slowly.

“Okay, follow me from now on.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered, and he said lightly: “Let’s rest here for one night. Tomorrow you will take me directly to the valley.”

He agreed to find Big sis for Yue Siyun.

Now that there was news of Yue Siqing and it was extremely likely that Yue Siqing was still alive, he had no reason to sit idly by.

not to mention……

In the place where Yue Siqing was, there happened to be an energy body of the Divine Embryo Realm.

“Yes, my lord.”

Cheng Kang hurriedly responded, and a look of excitement appeared on his face.

Cheng Kang didn’t expect it.

By coincidence this time, he unexpectedly met Jiang Chen, the Emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm who had a relationship with Yue Siqing!

Cheng Kang and Yue Siqing had been teammates for half a year, and Yue Siqing had a life-saving grace for him. He naturally hoped that Jiang Chen would go to that place to rescue Yue Siqing.

Jiang Chen ignored Cheng Kang and directly found a clean position and sat down cross-legged.

The reason why he chose to rest for one night before starting to act, the purpose is to swallow the essence of the soul to Ascension own strength.

The ancient imperial mausoleum is weird and unpredictable.

Especially the energy bodies of the Divine Embryo Realm, unexpectedly have the consciousness of normal people. They can use various Martial Dao powers like the Practitioner, and their strength is not inferior to the Practitioner of the same rank.

Some of the energy bodies of the Divine Fetal Realm that have restored their memories are probably even more unfathomable in strength.

Facing such an existence, even Jiang Chen had to be careful.

Now that he had enough essence of the essence, Jiang Chen didn’t plan to hide it, and was ready to directly break through the second-tier realm of the divine fetus.

My thoughts flashed.

Jiang Chen directly took out the essence of the soul, and began to swallow it continuously.

“Ding! You swallow the sixth rank high-level soul essence and gain 7000*100 Cultivation Base experience!”

“Ding! You swallow the Seven-Rank Elementary Spirit Essence and get 70,000*100 Cultivation Base experience!”

“Ding! You swallow the Seventh-Rank Intermediate Essence Essence and gain 140000*100 Cultivation Base experience!”

“Ding! You swallow the seven-rank high-level essence essence and gain 210000*100 Cultivation Base experience!”


Jiang Chen just swallowed the essence of the soul like this, and Ascension wrote his own Cultivation Base experience.

After swallowing a hundred yuan spirit essence, Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base finally broke through to the first stage late stage of the fetus.

This lasted for two hours in a row.

The three hundred yuan spirit essence in Jiang Chen’s hand was almost exhausted.

After Jiang Chen swallowed the last piece of the soul essence of Ninth Stage, a series of sweet reminders finally sounded in his mind.

“Ding! You swallow the essence of the fire element of the 7th-Rank peak, and gain the true meaning of fire experience 220000*100!”

“Ding! Your real intention of fire reaches the Third Stage Realm!”

“Ding! You swallow the essence of the seventh peak of the fire element, and gain Cultivation Base experience 220,000*100!”

“Ding! You succeeded in breaking through the Second Stage!”

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