Chapter 1278 Don’t want to die, just kneel down and beg me!

I am here, waiting for you to come and beg me!

Jiang Chen’s arrogant words suddenly made the five people on the opposite side startled.


Almost all of them looked at Jiang Chen with idiot eyes.

“Haha…boy, you are really not afraid to flash your tongue when you speak big words!”

The middle-aged man seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, and he couldn’t help laughing in disdain.

The five of them are already the kings of the Divine Soul Realm.

Two of them have reached the stage of the soul’s late stage.

With their strength, there is almost no problem in sweeping this group of energy bodies in front of them!

It can be said.

The five of them work together, unless they encounter an eight-rank energy body that is comparable to the Emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm, nothing can pose a threat to them!

If the five of them were in trouble working together, it would by no means be solved by the hairy boy in front of him. How could they beg Jiang Chen?

“Are I talking big, you will know soon.”

“Okay, I always abide by the rule of first come, first come. Since you discovered it first, then I will let you do it first.”

“Relax, I promise I won’t sneak attack when you do it.”

Jiang Chen put his arms around his chest and said lazily.

Jiang Chen could clearly see the strength of these five people at a glance.

The arrogant young man in the middle, Cultivation Base is extremely not weak, and has reached the level of the Seventh Stage of the Divine Soul.

Beside the arrogant young man, there is also a burly man of Eighth Stage.

In addition to these two, the remaining two and the middle-aged man responsible for leading the way are much weaker. They are both the Cultivation Base of Shenhai II Third Stage.

These five people joined forces to sweep the group of energy bodies in front of them. It was indeed enough.


Divine Soul Realm King’s perception in this place is really limited.

They didn’t even know that there was a group of more powerful energy bodies tens of feet away.

Once these five people start a battle with these energy bodies in front of them, they will inevitably alarm the group of energy bodies in front of them.

When the time comes, these five people will probably be destined to walk around without eating!

“Don’t worry about him, let’s hunt the energy body quickly.”

The arrogant young man in the middle didn’t bother to look at Jiang Chen, and immediately took the lead, rushing towards the group of energy bodies in front of him.

It’s nothing more than a boy with a bone age in his twenties.

Even if this kid is talented, it would be nice to have the Cultivation Base of the Soul King.

Such a thing, even if he really makes a sneak attack, how can he take it in his eyes?

Seeing that the arrogant young man took the shot, he didn’t hesitate anymore and rushed directly into the space in front of him.

As the five people broke in, a series of nearly transparent energy bodies condensed in midair directly and ghostly, and Tuantuan surrounded the five people in the center.

“Zhao Hu, you go to contain the energy body of the god soul Ninth Stage, wait for us to solve the other energy energy bodies, and then siege them together.”

The arrogant young man stared at the head of the extremely powerful energy body, and couldn’t help but command the burly man of Eighth Stage.


The burly man nodded, and immediately rushed towards the energy body of the soul Ninth Stage.

The arrogant young man took the remaining three people and began to slaughter the Quartet.

Just a blink of an eye.

More than a dozen energy bodies have been bombarded and killed by the arrogant young people!


Just when they were able to kill vigorously, the fierce energy fluctuations in front swept like thunder.

Zhao Hu, who was the first to perceive this scene, couldn’t help but suddenly change his expression: “Young Master, it’s no good, there are still a group of energy bodies in front of us that are attracted by our battle.”

Following Zhao Hu’s voice fell.

The arrogant young men were taken aback for a moment, and then they sensed the energy bodies rushing towards them one after another.

What frightened the proud young people the most was.

In that group of energy bodies, the fluctuations emitted by the two energy bodies were no weaker than the energy body that Zhao Hu contained!

In other words.

Among the energy bodies attracted by their battle, there are at least two energy bodies at the peak of the Ninth Stage!

“Zhao… Young Master Zhao, there are two more energy bodies of the Ninth Stage, I… what shall we do now?”

The middle-aged man’s face also turned pale in an instant.

The energy body in the ancient imperial mausoleum was extremely fast, and once it was spotted, there was absolutely no possibility of escape.

Now the energy bodies attracted by them have reached hundreds of levels, and there are more than 20 levels above the Divine Soul Realm alone, among which there are three divine souls at the peak of the Ninth Stage.

Although the combat power of these energy bodies is a bit inferior to the Practitioner of the same Realm, the lean camel is bigger than the horse.

Just the energy body of the three souls Ninth Stage, they can’t deal with it.

“This friend, the situation has changed now, are you still going to watch the show?”

“Your current distance is not safe. Once we encounter an accident, you will never live alone.”

“Why don’t you join us and hunt down these energy bodies together? How about the essence of the soul that we will get at that time?”

The arrogant young man looked back at Jiang Chen and couldn’t help but directly extended an invitation to Jiang Chen.

Now they were careless for a while, and also attracted a wave of powerful energy bodies, and the situation was precarious.

The only choice for the proud young man now is to unite all the forces that can be united, and then fight with all his strength!

Since this kid dared to walk alone in the ancient imperial mausoleum, he must have certain strength.

The most important thing now is to solve the energy body of the peak of the three god-tier souls.

Zhao Hu can contain one.

He shot with all his strength, he should be able to find a way to kill one.

As long as Jiang Chen and the others can contain the energy body of the last Soul Peak, they may still have a chance!

“I said it a long time ago, and you will definitely beg me.”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth could not help but raised a slight arc: “Give you a chance, kneel down and beg me, and then give me all the essence of the soul here, I can protect you from death!”

“Boy, don’t go too far.”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, the arrogant young man’s expression suddenly sank: “What if I don’t agree?”

“Do you agree or not, what does it have to do with me?”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “When you are all dead, I can still pack these essence of the soul.”

“This…this son, I…I am willing to kneel for you, please save us.”

The middle-aged man couldn’t help but knelt down to Jiang Chen at this moment.

The middle-aged man knows very well that now it is not realistic to only expect Young Master Zhao to block these energy bodies.

Now he can only put hope on this mysterious young man in black.

Jiang Chen glanced at the middle-aged man and said lightly: “In that case, stand behind me, I will save your life!”

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