Chapter 1269 People from Nirvana City!

The Great Hall in the center of the Black Shah Valley, in a sealed stone room.

Jiang Chen sat cross-legged in the middle of the stone room, and in front of him was a pile of Yuan Spirit Stones that looked like a hill.

I saw Jiang Chen constantly absorbing the energy of the Yuan Spirit Stones, Ascension writing his own Cultivation Base.


After being promoted to the Divine Embryo Realm.

Jiang Chen is now Ascension, a small Realm’s Cultivation Base, and the required experience points have reached an extremely terrifying point.

Even with a hundred times the experience of the system and the inexhaustible meta Spirit Stones, the Ascension of the Jiang Chen Cultivation Base is still much slower.

Ten days in a row.

Jiang Chen didn’t know how much Spirit Stones he had absorbed, and he changed the Cultivation Base from the first stage early stage, the Ascension to the first stage middle stage.

The later Ascension will become more and more difficult.

In other words.

He wants to break through the second stage of the womb, at least he has to cultivate in this way for a month!


This speed is still very terrifying compared to the vast majority of Divine Embryo Realm Emperors in Shenwu Continent.

after all.

In order to suppress Li Jiuyou thousands of years ago, the Great Emperor Haotian intercepted the origin of the Shenwu Continent with the Shenwu Intercepting Heaven Formation.

Today’s Shenwu Continent, it is already difficult to support the cultivation of powerhouses of this level in the Divine Embryo Realm.

The ordinary emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm, if there is no chance, even if it takes decades, it may not be able to Ascension a small Realm!

For example, Xiao Yangwu, the ancestor of the Xiao family in Yandi City.

Five hundred years ago, he was already a powerhouse in the Divine Embryo Realm on the Zhongzhou Continent.

Now that five hundred years have passed, Xiao Yangwu is no more than the strength of the Fifth Stage realm.

In other words.

It took Xiao Yangwu at least a hundred years for every small Realm in Ascension!

From this, we can imagine how difficult it will be for the emperor of Shenwu Continent’s Divine Embryo Realm to practice.

“Hey, if only these meta-Spirit Stones could be replaced with god crystals.”

Jiang Chen looked at these Yuan Spirit Stones and couldn’t help but miss the god crystals of Hualongcheng.

The energy contained in a god crystal is more than ten times higher than that of the original Spirit Stones.

And the time it took him to absorb a piece of God Crystal was just a few more breaths than it took to absorb a mouthful of Spirit Stones.

If the inexhaustible magic crystal can be used, the speed of his Cultivation Base Ascension will undoubtedly be several times faster than it is now!


Jiang Chen can only think about this now.

In today’s Shenwu Continent, Lianyuan Spirit Stones are extremely rare, let alone God Crystals.

not to mention……

To absorb the god crystals at the speed that Jiang Chen absorbs the Spirit Stones, I am afraid that even many strong people in the vast majority of the gods cannot afford such a terrifying consumption.

“Master, Qiu Heisha is back, and he seems to be looking for you in a hurry.”

At this moment, Feng Wuying’s voice suddenly came in from outside the stone room.

Qiu Heisha is back?

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered. Could it be that he already has the news of Master Xiao Duli?

He didn’t hesitate, stood up directly, and walked out to the outside of the stone room with strides.

Not long.

Jiang Chen brought Feng Wuying to the main hall and saw Qiu Heisha anxiously standing in the middle of the Great Hall waiting for him.

“Qiu Heisha, what are you looking for? Is there news of Xiao Duli?”

Looking at Qiu Heisha in the Great Hall, Jiang Chen didn’t talk nonsense, and asked straightforwardly.

“Hall Master, I already have some eyebrows about the traces of the Sword Emperor Xiao Duli, but I’m not sure yet.”

“I came back this time because I just learned another very important news, so I came to report it to the lord as soon as possible.”

Jiang Chen frowned slightly: “What news?”

“Someone has spread the news that Hei Sha will appear the Emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm.”

“Now the people in Nirvana City have regarded the Lord as the Burning Heaven Sword Emperor Xiao Duli.”

“As far as I know, Nirvana City sent someone to the Black Sha Valley three days ago, and it must be here soon.”

When Qiu Heisha said this, a solemn expression appeared on his face.

Nirvana City, this is the ruler of the Land of Nirvana, a terrifying existence that has been passed down for nearly ten thousand years!

The strength of Nirvana City is unfathomable!

Even in the entire Zhongzhou Continent, not many people can know what kind of strength Nirvana City has.

But there is one thing everyone does not doubt.

The strength of Nirvana City is definitely not inferior to the four-star Sacred Land like the five holy cities in Zhongzhou!

Thinking of facing such a behemoth soon.

Even if he had seen a lot of Qiu Heisha who had seen a lot of wind and waves, he couldn’t help feeling a sense of horror at this moment.


Jiang Chen couldn’t help but raised a ghostly smile: “I didn’t expect that the people in Nirvana City would treat me as the Burning Sword Emperor Xiao Duli?”

“Hall Master, the strength of Nirvana City is unfathomable.”

“For thousands of years, even the four-star Sacred Land on the mainland has not dared to disobey the will of Nirvana City in the Land of Nirvana.”

“Are we really going to confront Nirvana City head-on?”

Qiu Heisha’s brows frowned, and a worried look appeared in his eyes.

Although Jiang Chen is an emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm, it is impossible for him to contend the entire Nirvana City on his own.

“Don’t panic, it’s just’Soldiers will come to block, water will come to cover up.'”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Since the people from Silence City are coming, then I will meet them personally.”

Nirvana City regards him as the master Xiao Duli, he can attract the attention of the powerful in Nirvana City and reduce the pressure for Master.

not to mention……

He also wanted to talk to the people in Silence City.

A peaceful solution is naturally the best.

If Nirvana City insists on doing something with him and Master Xiao Duli, he might as well take this opportunity to make a noise in the Silence City in the name of Jiang Chen, so that the whole place of Nirvana will know his fame as Jiang Chen.

By the time.

Maybe Master Xiao Duli would also get the news and take the initiative to come to the door.

“Chou Tiansha, this emperor was ordered by the city of Nirvana to come to Heisha to investigate the emperor’s traces, and he didn’t come out quickly!”

At this moment, a cold shout carrying the might of the vast emperor also echoed in vain in the sky above the Black Fiend Valley.

The sudden shout in midair also caused Qiu Tiansha’s mind to sink suddenly.

The emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm in Nirvana City has arrived!

“Hehe…it came very quickly. Let’s go, let me go and the emperor of Nirvana City will be wiped out!”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and his figure disappeared into the Great Hall ghostly in the blink of an eye.

The next moment…

He had already appeared in the sky a hundred feet outside the Black Sha Valley.

He raised his eyes, his gaze fell directly on the two mighty middle-aged men in golden robes a hundred meters away, and the faint laughter resounded in mid-air instantly.

“Haha… Did you both come here in Nirvana City? The two emperors of the first stage of the divine womb wanted to deal with me. It seems that they are not enough.”

“Emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm?”

The two middle-aged in golden robes looked at Jiang Chen in front of him, their eyes suddenly shrinking: “Are you the Sword Emperor Fentian Xiao Duli?”

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