Chapter 1265 Go straight to the Black Shame!

Feng Wuying wiped out Qiu Sansha with a single move, and then turned back to the ordinary old man with a rickety figure and returned to Jiang Chen’s side.

As for the Gu Jian who was already limp on the ground and was frightened with a piss of urine, Feng Wuying didn’t bother to bother at all.

“On this point, you dare to collude with others to plot against me?”

Jiang Chen glanced at Gu Jian contemptuously, then looked at Qin Mei and said, “How do you deal with this guy, are you going to kill it?”

“Qin… Qin Mei, please, don’t… don’t kill me.”

“I am also on an impulse to be with the people of the Black Sha Society.”

“For the sake of our childhood acquaintances, please let me go.”

With a look of despair and horror on his face, Gu Jian quickly pleaded with Qin Mei.

Qin Mei’s face was cold and frosty, and she didn’t even bother to look at Gu Jian: “Keep him alive first. He should know about Heisha’s affairs with my father. I need him to lead the way to save his father.”


“I know the headquarters of the Black Fiend Society and where your father is locked up. I can take you to save people.”

Gu Jian quickly nodded and said with a bow.


Although he bowed his knees on the surface, there was an unnoticeable coldness flashing in his eyes.

Now that the situation is compelling, he wants to survive, so he has to make imperfections.


The headquarters of the Black Fiend Society, but there are still several Divine Soul Realm Kings.

In particular, the boss of the Black Fiend Society, the enemy Hei Sha, is a god soul at the pinnacle of the Ninth Stage.

As long as Qin Mei and the others go to the Black Sha Conference, he will be able to recover the humiliation tenfold!

Qin Mei ignored Gu Jian, she bent down and bowed to Jiang Chen Yingying, and a look of pleading flashed across her cold and glamorous face.

“Jiang Chen, thank you for your help today, Qin Mei is grateful.”

“But Qin Mei still has a ruthless request. You can help my father.”

“As long as I can save my father, no matter what conditions you have, the Qin family and I can promise you.”

Qin Mei knew very well that with the strength of her Shenhai Eighth Stage, it was almost impossible to rescue her father from the Black Sha Society.

But Jiang Chen is mysterious and unpredictable.

Next to him is a peerless powerhouse who can kill the Soul Kings by flipping his hands.

Now in this place of solitude, she is weak, and if she wants to rescue her father, asking Jiang Chen to help is the only chance!

Yue Siyun looked at Qin Mei who was begging hard, obviously a little unbearable, and couldn’t help pulling Jiang Chen’s sleeves: “Jiang Chen Dage, or you can help Sister Mei.”

“Well, I’m also going to the Heisha Club to inquire about something, so let’s go to the Heisha Club headquarters.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

His main purpose in coming to the Land of Silence was to find the master, Xiao Duli.

Since the Black Fiend Society is one of the forces in this Land of Annihilation, I must have a better understanding of things in the Land of Annihilation.

Now he has no clue, it would be a good idea to go to Heisha to inquire about the news by the way.


Seeing Jiang Chen’s promise, Qin Mei couldn’t help but a grateful look appeared in her beautiful eyes.

“You don’t have to be polite, it’s just a matter of raising your hand.”

Jiang Chen waved his hand, glanced at Gu Jian immediately, and said faintly: “If you don’t want to die, just get up and lead the way.”

“Ok… OK, I’ll take you there.”

Gu Jian shivered, and quickly turned over and got up from the ground, leading Jiang Chen and the others to the outside of Ji Mie Mountain…

About half an hour later.

Gu Jian took Jiang Chen and the others to a huge valley.

The valley is surrounded by mountains on all sides, resembling a huge Calabash, with only a valley mouth about one hundred meters long. The terrain looks extremely steep, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

This valley is the headquarters of the Black Shah Society organized by the two-star pinnacle in the Land of Nirvana, the Black Shah Valley!

“Jiang Chen, Hei Sha will be a well-known two-star organization in the land of silence, and its strength is not inferior to our Qin family.”

“It is said that their boss hates Heisha and is also the pinnacle king of Ninth Stage.”

“Is it really okay for us to go in like this?”

Qin Mei looked at the valley in front of him, and a worried look appeared in her beautiful eyes.

“The valley is so steep that even if you want to sneak in, it’s almost impossible.”

Jiang Chen said indifferently: “Don’t worry, it’s just the headquarters of a two-star organization, it’s not a big deal.”

The three-star power ice palace, he can be destroyed with one man and one sword.

Even the four-star Sacred Land Yandi City, he also broke into it alone, so that the ancestor of the Xiao Family of Yandi City had to bow his head.

Now facing the headquarters of a two-star force, how could Jiang Chen take it in his eyes?

“Who? This is the headquarters of the Black Fiend, and those who enter are dead!”

And just when Jiang Chen and the others walked to the entrance of the valley, they saw a row of black-clothed Practitioners flying out of the valley suddenly.

One of them glanced sharply at Jiang Chen and the others, and said murderously.

“It’s okay if you don’t go in. Just you broken valley, I don’t bother to go in.”

Jiang Chen raised his head and glanced at the black-clothed Practitioner, and said lightly: “Then let your president of the Black Evil Society get out and see me.”

“Boy, dare to run wild in our black evil club, you are looking for death!”

Practitioners of many black shamans suddenly became furious.

I saw the black-clothed Practitioner at the head, directly like a cheetah, with a flick of his body, leaping into the air, his five fingers forming eagle claws, and he grabbed Jiang Chen in the air.


Five sharp black lights shot out from his fingertips instantly, and instantly turned into a huge black eagle claw in mid-air, and grabbed Jiang Chen hard.

“I didn’t want to kill, so why bother to come and die.”

Jiang Chen shook his head, tapped his finger, and a sword flicked across the void, easily slashing the black giant claws, and then cut the black Practitioner with his face full of consternation into two pieces.

“This… how is this possible?”

The expressions of the rest of the Practitioners of the Black Fiend Society suddenly changed greatly.

To know.

Previously, the leader of these Black Fiends, Cultivation Base had already reached the powerhouse at the peak of Shenhai.

In the entire Black Fiend Society, except for the three general leaders and a few Divine Soul Realm kings like Elder, their commander is almost the strongest existence.

But such a strong man at the pinnacle of Shenhai was killed by this kid with a light finger!

Could it be that this kid in front of him is not a King of Soul Realm?

“Quick… Go and notify the guild leader, there will be trouble in the black evil spirits who are strong in the spirit realm.”

The group of Practitioners were terrified, and they crawled and fled toward the valley.

Jiang Chen also ignored the panicked group of Practitioners.

He stood proudly at the mouth of the valley with his hands, his stern eyes shot to the depths of the valley, and the faint voice instantly resounded in this place.

“Hei Sha, the president of the Black Sha will, Qiu He Sha, give you ten breaths, roll out and see me!”

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