Chapter 1256 In addition to shock, still shock!

“Old Ancestor Yang Wu, I didn’t expect even him to be alarmed.”

Xiao Baiyi looked at Xiao Yangwu in midair, and his expression suddenly sank.

Xiao Yangwu, the ancestor of the Xiao family, was already a well-known emperor of the Divine Lair in the Zhongzhou mainland five hundred years ago.

These five hundred years.

Xiao Yangwu has been cultivating in Yandi City Closed Door Training, and few people know how terrifying his strength has reached.

If this one is going to be unfavorable to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen might be really in danger today!

Xiao Yuanchen also took a deep breath with a solemn expression.

Now, he can only pray in his heart that the ancestors of the Xiao family can deal with this rationally.

“Master, Xiao Yangwu, the ancestor of the Xiao family, is an old monster from the Zhongzhou mainland five hundred years ago, and his strength is unfathomable.”

“On the list of Supreme Emperors updated not long ago, this old guy has become the 98th Supreme Emperor!”

Feng Wuying said with a look of horror.

Jiang Chen asked curiously: “The Supreme Emperor’s List, what is that?”

“This is a mysterious force named Sacred Land, an authoritative list for the emperors of the divine birth realm on the mainland. The list is also the list of the Emperor of Tianjiao and the list of the Supreme Emperor.”

“The ranking of the Emperors of Tianjiao is all the Emperors of Tianjiao who are under the age of one hundred, and there are about dozens of them.”

“The list of supreme emperors records the peak powerhouse in the central state mainland, a total of one hundred people. It can be said that these hundred people are the top supreme emperors in the central state mainland.”

After hearing Feng Wuying’s explanation, Jiang Chen couldn’t help flashing a look of surprise in his eyes.

The four-star Sacred Land Yandi City Xiao family ancestor, turned out to be only ranked 98th in the Supreme Emperor’s List.

It seems that the Central State Continent is not as simple as it seems, and the number of powerhouses in the Divine Embryo Stage is much more than Jiang Chen imagined.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed, and he asked directly: “What kind of strength is this 98th in the Supreme Emperor’s List?”

“At least the Fifth Stage or above.”

Feng Wuying said solemnly: “The one hundredth on the Supreme Emperor’s List is Feng Qingya, the master of the Feng Family of the God Wind City. He has already broken through the Fifth Stage of the Godborn Fifth Stage ten years ago!”

“The Fifth Stage of the fetus, it’s not too strong.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

With his current ability, if he did his best to shoot, the Fifth Stage of the fetus could still pose little threat to him.


When Feng Wuying heard Jiang Chen’s words, his mind was suddenly shaken, and the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen also showed an incredible horror!

This guy… is he really sure to contend with the powerhouses in the Fifth Stage stage?

“Jiang Chen, you traitor to Yandi City, you dare to come to Yandi City to be presumptuous, and you don’t have to quickly kneel down to lead the crime!”

Just when the two of Jiang Chen exchanged their spirits.

Xiao Galaxy Cluster stared at Jiang Chen coldly, and the sharp shout with murderous intent also sounded in the ears of the two of them.

After only disappearing for more than a year, returning again will be able to shake the Emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm!

The talent of this child is terrible!

If he continues to let him grow, I am afraid it will not be long before the entire Yandi City will suppress him.

“Didn’t you kick me out of Yandi City?”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly: “Since I am no longer a disciple of Yandi City, what are you, and what qualifications do you have to punish me?”

“Jiang Chen, the relic of Emperor Zhun is a secret realm space jointly held by the five holy cities.”

“As long as you hand over the inheritance left by the Xuanming Holy Lord, the ancestor can guarantee that the five holy cities will no longer want you and Xiao Duli, and will give you the opportunity to return to Yandi City.”

“Don’t be obsessed with understanding, the inheritance of Xuanming Holy Lord is not something you can get involved.”

At this moment, Xiao Yangwu, the ancestor of the Xiao family on the side, looked unquestionably authentic.

As the ancestor of the Xiao family, Xiao Yangwu has always put the interests of Yandi City first.

Xiao Duli and Jiang Chen, both of them are peerless geniuses in Yandi City, and they are both emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm.

If it wasn’t forcing him, he didn’t want to expel the two from Yandi City.

It’s just that Jiang Chen touched the inheritance of Xuanming Holy Lord at the Zhundi Ruins. This is related to the mystery of the breakthrough emperor realm. How can the five holy cities give up?

In order not to touch the anger of the other four holy cities and to ensure the status of Yandi City, Xiao Yangwu abandoned Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen can hand over the inheritance of Xuanming Holy Lord, the remaining four holy cities will no longer trouble Jiang Chen, and he can also let Xiao Duli and Jiang Chen return to Yandi City.

In the eyes of Xiao Yangwu.

Such a situation is undoubtedly the most in line with Yandi City’s interests.

“Old man, are you too naive to think?”

“I can get the inheritance of Xuanming Holy Lord, that is my ability, why should I hand it over?”

“What’s more… I just can’t believe in your old thing. A year ago, you Yandi City ruthlessly expelled me and Master. Who knows if you will sell us in a blink of an eye?”

Jiang Chen sneered disdainfully and said: “Such a ruthless Yandi City, don’t say you give me a chance, even if you ask me to come back, I am not rare!”

“Jiang Chen, I’m giving you a chance to survive, don’t seek your own death!”

When Xiao Yangwu heard Jiang Chen’s words, a gloomy look appeared on his old face.

“Ancestor, since this kid is so ignorant of what is good and what is wrong, you are still talking nonsense to him, I think it is better to arrest him directly and hand it over to the five holy cities!”

A cold light flashed in Xiao Galaxy Cluster’s eyes, and the monstrous aura directly pressed against Jiang Chen.

“Xiao Galaxy Cluster, you are not qualified to let me do it, just let my servant come to play with you.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and then turned his head to look at Feng Wuying: “This guy is handed over to you.”

“Yes, master!”

Feng Wuying’s voice fell, and that rickety figure instantly became extremely tall and straight, and the emperor’s breath of the third stage of the divine fetus also burst from his body in an instant.

“Xiao Galaxy Cluster, your opponent is me!”

Xiao Galaxy Cluster looked at the old man in Tsing Yi who suddenly broke out in front of him, and his whole person was like a ghost, and he couldn’t help but scream out.

“The shadowless god Huangfeng Wuying, why… how could it be you?”

Xiao Galaxy Cluster screamed, not only was everyone in the square stunned, even Xiao Yangwu, the ancestor of the Xiao family, stood still on the spot.

It took a long time for Xiao Yangwu to come back to his senses.

He stared at Feng Wuying closely, with an unbelievable expression on his face: “Feng Wuying, it turned out to be you!”


After hearing the confirmation from the ancestors of the Xiao family, everyone on the square couldn’t help but take a breath.

The servant next to Jiang Chen turned out to be the most famous emperor of the Divine Breath Realm in God Wind City, the shadowless God Emperor Feng Wuying!

this moment.

In addition to shock, everyone in the square was shocked!

The prestigious emperor of the Divine Feather Realm in the dignified Divine Wind City unexpectedly became a servant by Jiang Chen’s side!

Who can tell me, how is this…this tamar possible?

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