Chapter 1252 Feng Wuying surrenders!

Faced with the threat of Death, Feng Wuying has no time to take care of his own face and dignity.

He is a man who does not cherish his life, and he is also very good at forbearing.

At this moment.

Only by surrendering to Jiang Chen can he have the hope of living, and recover from Jiang Chen ten times the insult today!


I’m afraid he will really be completely annihilated under Jiang Chen’s mysterious black square seal.


Seeing Feng Wuying, who was kneeling in front of Jiang Chen, suddenly fell into a dead silence around him.

The head of the dignified five holy cities, the famous Wuying Shenhuangfeng Wuying of Shenfeng City, unexpectedly succumbed to Jiang Chen!

This guy is too awesome.

“Master Cloud Gate, please stare at this old guy for me for a while.”

Jiang Chen ignored the shock of the people around him, and directly removed the black square seal on his palm, and said to Yun Jingtian not far away.

“Don’t worry, he can’t escape!”

Yun Jingtian appeared next to Jiang Chen in a flash, and his powerful aura was directly locked on Feng Wuying’s body.

If Feng Wuying is in its heyday, Yun Jingtian may not be able to keep it.

But now that Feng Wuying is under Jiang Chen’s mark, with only half of his life left, how can he slip away under his eyelids?

After making Yun Jingtian stare at Feng Wuying, Jiang Chen directly sat cross-legged in the void and began to refine Medicine Pill.

Not long.

A furnace of Blood Demon Soul Explosive Pill was refined by Jiang Chen.

“If you want to survive, just eat it.”

With a flick of Jiang Chen’s finger, a blood demon Explosive Soul Pill flew directly in front of Feng Wuying.

Feng Wuying hesitated slightly, and finally gritted his teeth and swallowed the Medicine Pill in front of him.

Although he knew that the Medicine Pill Jiang Chen gave him, it would not be a good thing.

However, his Divine Wind City is the Sacred Land that has been passed down for thousands of years, and the eighth rank pill refining division is in charge. As long as he returns to the Divine Wind City in the future, it will not be easy to resolve Jiang Chen’s means.


When Feng Wuying swallowed the Blood Demon Blast Soul Pill, a touch of astonishment appeared on his face for an instant.

Because he clearly felt that the medicinal power of the blood demon erupting pill turned into a blood mark, which was deeply imprinted in the depths of his soul!

It seems that his every move, every thought, will have nowhere to hide under this blood mark.

Even he instinctively felt that there was a mysterious force in the blood mark that could control his life!

“You… what are you giving me?”

Feng Wuying suddenly raised his head to look at Jiang Chen, his expression extremely frightened.

“It’s just a blood demon soul explosion pill.”

Jiang Chen smiled and said: “Blood Demon Blast Soul Pill, you, as the God Wind City Elder, must have heard of its name.”

The blood demon soul explosion pill of the Blood Demon Hall!

Feng Wuying’s face finally couldn’t help but change drastically!

He originally thought.

Even if Jiang Chen had the means to control it, he should be able to resolve it with the background of the Divine Wind City, but he didn’t expect that Jiang Chen would actually eat him the Blood Demon Blast Soul Pill!

Blood Demon Soul Explosive Pill, this is the fierce demon pill in the Blood Demon Hall.

In the heyday of the Blood Demon Hall, he used this Dannu to control countless powerhouses on the mainland!

It is said that this pill is extremely overbearing, almost no one can solve it!

Doesn’t this mean that he will be enslaved by Jiang Chen all his life?

“Ah… Jiang Chen, you actually used the Blood Demon Blast Soul Pill to enslave me, this emperor is going to kill you!”

Feng Wuyingzhuangruo snarled frantically, and threw his teeth and claws directly at Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen just let out a cold snort, Feng Wuying screamed again and again, and the whole person fell to the ground with a thud.

“After eating my blood demon Explosive Soul Pill, I will control your life and death from now on.”

Jiang Chen sneered and glanced at Feng Wuying: “If you don’t want to suffer from flesh and blood, please be honest with me.”

“Feng Wuying saw his master and begged his master to forgive him. The old slave will never dare anymore!”

Feng Wuying was trembling on the ground, not daring to resist any more.

The power of the blood demon soul explosion pill is really too domineering.

His soul is already under Jiang Chen’s control!

Not to mention resisting Jiang Chen, even if he wants to explode himself under Jiang Chen’s eyelids, it is almost impossible!

Jiang Chen said lightly: “Get up, I have something to ask you.”

Feng Wuying heard the words and quickly got up from the ground, and honestly came to Jiang Chen’s side, standing beside him like a servant.

“After this day, I am afraid that he will be famous for the mainland China.”

Seeing the shocking scene in front of them, many people couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

Three emperors of the Divine Fetal Realm descended from the five holy cities, two of them were killed by Jiang Chen Yiyin!

Even Wuying Shenhuang Feng Wuying had to surrender to Jiang Chen’s feet.

Such a supernatural power, even if you look at the entire Zhongzhou mainland, I am afraid that few people can do it.

“Jiang Chen, today you appeared at the Shocking Cloud Gate and killed the five holy cities of the Emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm. You will surely anger the five holy cities. I don’t know what you plan to do next?”

At this moment, Yun Jingtian said solemnly.

Although Jiang Chen smashed all quarters in today’s battle, the audience was shocked, but he was completely exposed to the sight of the five holy cities.


I’m afraid Jiang Chen will really face the anger of the five holy cities.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “I don’t have any plans, it’s nothing more than’soldiers to stop, water to cover the earth’.”

“No matter what, thank you for today’s matter.”

Yun Jingtian also smiled heartily: “Although the five holy cities are powerful, I am not afraid of things. If you need help, just speak up.”

Jiang Chen groaned slightly: “In addition to solving the Jingyun Gate, I have another purpose, which is to find the whereabouts of Master Xiao Duli. I wonder if you have any news about him?”

“A year ago, the five holy cities wanted you, master and apprentice.”

“Soon after, Yandi City expelled your master and apprentice from Yandi City.”

“Your teacher, Xiao Duli, has also disappeared. Even in the five holy cities, he has not been found.”

Yun Jingtian hesitated slightly and said, “But…Xiao Tianhan, the Patriarch of the Xiao Family in Yandi City, seems to have a special attitude towards this matter. I feel that he seems to know the news of your Master.”

Hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but set his eyes on Feng Wuying’s body: “Feng Wuying, what do you think?”

“Master, the master of Cloud Gate should have guessed right.”

“The old fox Xiao Tianhan expelled Xiao Duli from Yandi City on the face of it, but secretly I am afraid that Xiao Duli has already been hidden.”

“The five holy cities have always been skeptical, but Xiao Tianhan has done it without leaking, and we have not found anything.”

“But…Xiao Galaxy Cluster in Yandi City seems to have discovered some clues recently.”

Feng Wuying said quickly.

Xiao Galaxy Cluster!

Hearing Feng Wuying’s words, Jiang Chen’s expression was suddenly cold.

It seems that he really has to go to Yandi City.

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