Chapter 1248 I’m here, what can you do!

“Get ready to fight, the mountain guard can’t stop the joint attack of the three emperors!”

Old man Xuantian’s expression sank slightly.

Jingyunmen used to protect the mountain, because the founder of Jingyunmen opened the mountain, the god emperor Jingtian suddenly disappeared, no one knew how to open it.

Even though the old man Xuantian broke through the 8-Rank Former, he couldn’t penetrate it for a while.

Today’s guarding the mountain array was arranged by the old man Xuantian.

This formation may be able to block the attack of a god-tier emperor, but the combination of three god-tier emperors is unstoppable.

“You can hold one for a while, and leave the remaining two to me.”

Yun Jingtian took a deep breath, and a solemn look appeared on his handsome face.

This time.

The five holy cities directly sent three god-tier fetal realm emperors to Jingyunmen, which was indeed somewhat unexpected.

“Boom boom boom…”

Just as the two Yun Jingtian were talking, three more shocking collisions resounded in the air.

Under another joint attack by the three god-tier fetal realm emperors, the formation was finally unable to withstand such a terrifying attack, and it made a sound like a broken mirror in mid-air.

“Yun Jingtian, this emperor will give you one last chance.”

“If you continue to persevere, this emperor will kill the Shocking Cloud Gate!”

The formation barrier shattered and dissipated, and the cold drink of the wind without shadow resounded across the sky again.

The spirit of Yun Jingtian’s eyes skyrocketed, and just as he was about to fly to fight, he suddenly sensed that a violent spatial fluctuation spread from the void.

Yun Jingtian suddenly looked up and saw that a space above the square suddenly became distorted.

In the cracks in that twisted space.

Yun Jingtian vaguely sensed a familiar breath slowly spreading out…

at the same time.

A cold voice came from the cracks in the void.

“Huh! Feng Wuying, you have a big tone!”

“I want to see what you have the ability to slaughter the Shocking Cloud Gate in my face!”

With this cold voice spread in the void.

A black-clothed youth with an indifferent expression directly walked out of the cracks in the twisted space.

“It’s really this kid!”

Looking at the young man in black who stepped out of the void, a rare smile finally appeared on Yun Jingtian’s face.

Jiang Chen is here, and he is still coming with the power of the emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm!

The legendary Destiny did not disappoint him.

The sudden scene also caused the Feng Wuying three in the void to be taken aback.


When they saw the face of the incoming person clearly, an unbelievable look appeared in their eyes.

“Jiang Chen, it turned out to be you!”

Feng Wuying couldn’t believe her own eyes.

He never expected that Jiang Chen, who had been wanted for a whole year in the five holy cities, would suddenly appear here!

What shocked them even more.

The breath radiating from Jiang Chen’s body at this moment has reached the realm of a divine birth!

To know.

More than a year ago, when Jiang Chen came out of the remains of Emperor Zhun, he had just broken through the Divine Soul Realm, which was almost the same as the first genius Qingyi of the God Wind City.

Now that Feng Qingyi hasn’t even made a breakthrough in the Seventh Stage of the Divine Soul, Jiang Chen has become the emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm.

The first genius of the five holy cities was also left far behind by Jiang Chen.

At the beginning of the relics of Emperor Zhun.

Although Jiang Chen’s performance was already very enchanting, they still didn’t expect Jiang Chen to be so enchanting.

At the age of early twenties, he is already the emperor of the divine birth realm!

Even in the nearly 10,000-year history of the Zhongzhou mainland, such enchanting is probably one of the few.

Feng Wuying and the others couldn’t imagine, if Jiang Chen was given a few more years, how terrifying he could grow to!

Just when Feng Wuying’s heart was extremely shocked, Jiang Chen’s faint voice also came in midair.

“Yes, it’s me. Feng Wuying, I haven’t seen you for a long time, your prestige is not diminished in the past.”

Around the Shocking Cloud Gate, some onlookers could not help being dumbfounded when they saw the scene in front of them.


“I didn’t expect that Jiang Chen wanted by the five holy cities would have the courage to surprise Cloud Gate.”


Now that Feng Wuying is waiting for the arrival of the three god-tier fetal realm emperors, this guy appears here, it is no different from looking for death.

“Haha…Jiang Chen, I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to come and start the Cloud Gate. It’s really God’s help!”

Feng Wuying was astonished for a moment, and finally couldn’t help laughing out loud.

“Ha ha……”

“This Shocking Cloud Gate is not the site of your Divine Wind City, why can’t I come?”

“Don’t you want me in the five holy cities? Now that I am here, what can you do?”

The corners of Jiang Chen’s mouth rose slightly, but his faint voice seemed domineering.


“Jiang Chen, don’t think that you have the right to be arrogant in front of the emperor if you break through the Divine Embryo Realm!”

“If you can leave this Jingyun Gate safely today, my Feng Wuying name will be written upside down from now on!”

Feng Wuying smiled coldly, and an imperceptible color of greed passed in his old eyes.

As the God Wind City Elder, Feng Wuying knows an unknown secret.

Because in the remains of Emperor Zhun, there was a disciple of God Wind City who saw Jiang Chen taking the Xuan Ming Pagoda with his own eyes!

This also means.

The treasure of Zhun Emperor Xuan Ming Pagoda in the remains of Zhun Emperor is basically on Jiang Chen!

The reason why Kamikaze City will unite the five holy cities to launch a wanted order against Jiang Chen at all costs is for the Xuanming Pagoda!

The Xuanming Pagoda is the treasure of the quasi-emperor strong Xuanming Holy Lord. It not only contains the secret of breakthrough to the emperor realm, but also contains the life-long collection of the Xuanming Holy Lord.

The life-long resources left by a quasi-emperor, even Divine Wind City had to be jealous.

Feng Wuying even had a feeling.

Jiang Chen’s ability to break through the Divine Embryo Realm so quickly is probably also closely related to the Xuanming Pagoda!

Today, even at all costs, he will definitely capture Jiang Chen back to God Wind City and seize the Xuan Ming Pagoda from him!

“If you want to write the name upside down, you have to have that opportunity.”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but raised a ghostly arc: “But… you can let you engrave your name upside down when God Wind City engraves the monument for you!”

“Jiang Chen, you are looking for death!”

Feng Wuying shouted in anger, and the powerful aura of the third stage of the fetus was also bursting out in an instant!

“Ha ha……”

“Feng Wuying, I have long heard of the name of the Invisible God Emperor of God Wind City. Today, I will come to Yun Jingtian for a while to meet you, a powerful man in the epicenter of the mainland!”

Yun Jingtian let out a big laugh, his figure soaring into the sky facing Feng Wuying, the breath of the third stage of the divine fetus also burst out with all his strength.

“You two, take Jiang Chen quickly.”

Feng Wuying’s expression sank, and immediately he directly faced Yun Jingtian.

The battle between the two divine birth realm emperors was immediately on the verge!

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