Chapter 1243 After today, there will be no Xuanbing Palace in Zhongzhou!

“Frozen Snow!”

Xuan Tianhe used his own Ice Dao Realm with all his strength, trying to freeze and suppress the superimposed power of Jiang Chen’s three domains.


The superimposed power of Jiang Chen’s three domains is more than a star and a half stronger than his Frost Realm.

His ice Realm hadn’t completely frozen the surrounding space before it was shattered every inch by Jiang Chen’s Realm power.


Xuan Tianhe, whose body was already overloaded, directly spouted out a mouthful of blood under Jiang Chen’s strike.

The terrifying power directly blasted Xuan Tianhe’s body from the void to the ground.

Only a bang was heard.

Xuantianhe’s body smashed a hundred meters long deep gully on the crystal square below, and countless crystal shards sputtered towards the surroundings.

“Impossible! How could the Palace Master be defeated, how could this kid have such terrifying strength?”

The many disciples of Xuanbing Palace had their eyes dull at this moment, and they could hardly believe their own eyes.

This is the master of their Xuanbing Palace, invincible and the emperor of the divine birth realm for hundreds of years in the northern coastal area.

Such a strong person was so easily defeated by Jiang Chen!

Where did this guy come from? It’s too cruel.

“I didn’t expect Xuan Tianhe to lose like this…”

Long Tianwu and Cang Wuya watched this scene, and their faces also showed unconcealed shock.

As soon as he entered the realm of the gods, he was the emperor of Tianjiao who had mastered the three types of emperors, Realm, and turned his hand to suppress the veteran emperor Xuan Tianhe!

Jiang Chen, this guy is really heaven-defying.


Just when everyone was shocked, a cough suddenly came from the center of the Crystal Square.


I saw Xuantianhe climbed up from the gully with difficulty.

He was covered in color and looked extremely embarrassed. The snow-white robe on his body had been dyed red with blood.

On his head, there was also blood flowing down his face, making his whole person look very hideous.

Xuan Tianhe gasped heavily.

He looked up at the figure in the void that stepped down like a god, his pupils couldn’t help but shrank in amazement, he could only feel the shadow of Death spreading in his heart.

“Damn boy, when my body recovers, I must make this boy pay ten times the price!”

Xuan Tianhe was frightened in his heart.

But at this moment.

Xuan Tianhe didn’t dare to stay at all, his only choice now was to escape!

With his current state, if he continues, I am afraid he will really fall here today!

When he moved his palm, the space in front of him was distorted.


Just at the moment when Xuan Tianhe was about to step into the distorted space.

A majestic spatial force spread out from the distorted space, and instantly shattered the distorted space into nothingness.

The next moment.

Jiang Chen’s figure also slowly emerged in front of Xuan Tianhe.

“Xuantianhe, you can’t run away!”

Looking at Xuan Tianhe, who was languishing in front of him, Jiang Chen couldn’t hear the slightest emotion in his faint voice.

Feeling Jiang Chen’s killing intent, Xuan Tianhe’s eyes were instantly filled with a blood-red color, and his hideous face also passed a touch of madness.

“Little bastard, don’t deceive people too much!”

“If you want to kill the emperor, even if the emperor is dead, he will drag you to my funeral!”

The sharp voice fell.

Xuantianhe rushed directly to Xuantianhe, and the Dantian that came out of his chest quickly inflated, as if it were a balloon that was inflating rapidly!

“Do you want to blow your own baby…”

Seeing Xuan Tianhe’s crazy behavior, Jiang Chen’s feet were a little bit empty, and he instantly opened a hundred feet away from Xuan Tianhe.

at the same time.

A cyan Sword Domain instantly formed in the void, shrouded towards Xuantianhe.

The cyan Sword Domain has just taken shape, and Dantian of Xuantianhe has also suddenly expanded to a terrible point.

Immediately afterwards.

A shocking explosion, resounding through the world!


The terrifying wave of destruction, like a tsunami, surging violently centered on the Xuantian River, suddenly hit the cyan Sword Domain barrier.

Cyan Sword Domain fluctuated violently under the impact of the devastating air wave.

The cyan brilliance on the surface of the barrier was also flickering, and it quickly became a bit weak.


In the end, the air wave of destruction failed to break through the enchantment, and was abruptly blocked by the cyan Sword Domain.

Time and Space Sword Domain!

This heaven-defying Martial Skill, which Jiang Chen has mastered close to one-fifth, has exploded beyond imagination after Jiang Chen broke through the Divine Embryo Realm.

Even if Xuan Tianhe blew his divine fetus, he still failed to break through the barrier of the Sword Domain of time and space.

And the soul of Xuan Tianhe, because he failed to break through the time and space, the Sword Domain escaped in time, and was annihilated directly under the destructive energy of his own self-destruction!

So far.

Xuantianhe, the palace lord of the three-star power Xuanbing Palace and the emperor of the divine birth realm, has completely fallen!

“Palace lord… just killed by Jiang Chen?”

Many Xuanbing Palace disciples looked pale, like a concubine.

A strong man in the Divine Fetal Realm and ten kings of the Divine Soul Realm in Xuanbing Palace were slaughtered by Jiang Chen alone.

Their Xuanbing Palace, this time is completely finished.

“After today, the Xuanbing Palace is disbanded, and there will be no Xuanbing Palace in Zhongzhou Continent!”

“Stay if you are willing to surrender, and leave if you don’t want to!”

“Whoever considers himself a disciple of Xuanbing Palace will kill without mercy!”

Killing Xuantianhe in an understatement, Jiang Chen stood proudly in the void of the square like an emperor, and his faint voice shocked the audience!


Jiang Chen ignored the shivering group of Xuanbing Palace disciples, and fell directly in front of Long Tianwu and the others.

“Everyone, I’m sorry, this time it’s me who hurt you.”

Looking at the people in front of him, Jiang Chen couldn’t help showing an apologetic look on his face.

“This has nothing to do with you, everything is in Xuanbing Palace too sinister and cruel, unscrupulous to achieve the goal.”

Long Tianwu shook his head and chuckled: “I thought I was bound to die this time, but now it’s not only alive but also witnessing the destruction of Xuanbing Palace with my own eyes. It’s already pretty good.”

“Haha… Brother Long is right.”

Cang undoubtedly laughed heartily: “The most gratifying thing in my life, Cang Wuya, is that a disciple like you came out under the sect.”

“Xuanbing Palace is the only three-star power in the northern coastal area. It has been passed down for thousands of years and has a rich heritage.”

“Now that I have stepped down on Xuanbing Palace, the two of you can take over the power of Xuanbing Palace, which should increase the strength of the Canglan League and the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce.”

Jiang Chen didn’t bother with this issue either, and smiled directly to the duo.

“Jiang Chen, in fact, Brother Wuya and I had a common idea when you killed Xuantianhe.”

Long Tianwu and Cang Wuya glanced at each other, and then said solemnly: “We want to merge the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce and the Canglan League, and you will bring everyone together to build a new three-star power based on the background of Xuanbing Palace!”

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