Chapter 1227 Don’t want to die, just get out and see me!


The sudden sound also surprised everyone in the hall.

Many high-level members of the Liu family gathered here, but they didn’t even find anyone here unknowingly.

Everyone hurriedly looked for reputation, and saw a handsome black-clothed youth who appeared at the door of the hall at some point.

“Jiang… Jiang Chen?”

Looking at the familiar figure in front of him, many of the senior Liu Family’s eyes widened in the hall, as if he had seen a ghost.

“Jiang Chen, why are you in Canghaidao?”

Liu Xuanfeng looked at Jiang Chen in front of him, and there was an expression of excitement on his face.

He obviously didn’t expect it.

Jiang Chen, who entered the Canglan League with Liu Lingzhu three years ago, will now reappear in the Canghai Island!

To know.

There is a natural barrier between Cangdao Island and Zhongzhou, which cannot be traversed by anyone who is not a Soul Realm King.

This guy, how did he return to Cangdao Island alone?

Feeling Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base, which is no longer visible at all, Liu Xuanfeng’s heart suddenly shook.

Could it be that in just three years, this guy has become the King of Soul Realm?

“I left Zhongzhou some time ago, and now I am going back to Zhongzhou, just passing by the Canghai Island, so I stopped by Liu’s house to have a look.”

Jiang Chen explained with a smile.

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, Liu Xuanfeng couldn’t help taking a breath.

Free access to Zhongzhou!

Sure enough, this guy has reached the Divine Soul Realm.

“Patriarch Liu, I just entered Qingluan City, and I heard someone discussing that the Water Dragon Gang will assess and recruit disciples in Canghai City three days later. What is going on?”

Jiang Chen didn’t continue talking nonsense, and directly asked about the Canglan League.

The Canglan League and the Water Dragon Gang are both two-star forces in the coastal land of the northern part of Zhongzhou.

The strengths between the two are almost the same, both have a Divine Soul Realm King sitting in charge.

Under normal circumstances.

With the strength of the Water Dragon Gang, it is almost impossible to destroy the Canglan League.

Jiang Chen really couldn’t understand why he left the Canglan League for two or three years, and even this Canghai Island was ruled by the Water Dragon Gang.

“The specific situation is unclear.”

“We also just got news not long ago. This time the messenger who came to Canghai Island to assess and recruit disciples, for some reason, he became the Water Dragon Gang somehow.”

“According to our guess, it should be the Canglan League.”

Liu Xuanfeng smiled bitterly.

“Only this time?”

Jiang Chen rubbed his chin.

From this point of view, the changes in the Canglan League should have only occurred in the last year.

“Yes, at this time last year, the messengers of the Canglan League came to Canghai Island.”

Liu Xuanfeng said, and immediately saluted Jiang Chen with a solemn expression on his face.

“Brother Jiang Chen, Lingzhu and many of the Liu family’s disciples are still in the Canglan League. Brother Jiang Chen returns to Zhongzhou this time. If he meets Lingzhu and the others, he hopes to help take care of them. The Liu family is grateful.”

Regarding the affairs of the Canglan League and the Water Dragon Gang, the Liu family could not do anything about it.

And Jiang Chen in front of him is very likely to be a real Divine Soul Realm King.

Now he can only pin his hopes on Jiang Chen.

“Don’t worry, Lingzhu and the others are also predestined. If they are in trouble, I will naturally not sit idly by.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered: “I will go to Canghai City, and I will meet the messenger of the Water Dragon Gang to figure out what’s going on!”

Liu Xuanfeng quickly said, “I’ll go with you.”

“No, your speed is too slow, I will go back.”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and his figure disappeared in front of Liu Xuanfeng and the others.

A strong person in the Divine Embryo Realm, walks away from the sky, swiftly thousands of miles away.

Less than an hour’s time.

Jiang Chen spanned hundreds of millions of miles, led from Qingluan to Canghai City, and descended in front of the City Lord’s Mansion in the center of Canghai City.

“Boy, who are you?”

“This is the City Lord’s Mansion of Canghai City. Outsiders are forbidden to enter without the permission of the Lord Lord!”

“If you are more acquainted, get out quickly, otherwise don’t blame us for being rude!”

Seeing Jiang Chen suddenly arriving at the gate of the city lord’s mansion, the two black armored guards’ complexions changed, and they couldn’t help but screamed at Jiang Chen.

“The city lord of Canghai City, is the sky wide, right?”

Jiang Chen calmly stared at the two black armored guards, and said lightly: “Let him come out to see me immediately!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, one of the black armored guards couldn’t help but smile coldly: “Boy, what are you, the Lord of the City can you see if you want to?”

Jiang Chen frowned. He was too lazy to talk nonsense with the two black armored guards. He looked directly into the depths of the City Lord’s Mansion, and his faint voice instantly resounded through the world.

“Cang Tiankuo, don’t want to die, just get out and see me!”

The two black armored guards suddenly became furious: “Dare to run wild in the Canghai City City Lord’s Mansion, you are looking for death!”

With a stern shout from their mouths, a fierce aura burst out all over their bodies, waving their weapons towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn’t even look at the two of them.

He just waved his hand casually, and the two black-armored guards who rushed over made a scream, and they smashed a distance of more than ten feet like a kite with a broken line.

“Who is running wild in my city lord’s mansion?”

Just as Jiang Chen slapped the two black armored guards to death, a tyrannical aura suddenly rose into the sky in the center of the city lord’s mansion.

The next moment…

A burly-bearded man appeared directly above the city lord’s mansion, slowly stepping out of the sky, it was the city lord of Canghai City, Cang Tiankuo!

“Jiang Chen, you… why are you here!”

Cang Tiankuo looked at Jiang Chen below, and his pupils suddenly shrank.


For the first Hundred Star King in the history of Canghai Island, Cang Tiankuo is still fresh in his memory.

Especially after this guy entered the Canglan League, he defeated the Canglan League’s king-level genius and became the most enchanting existence in the Canglan League.

It was just as far as he knew that Jiang Chen had left the Canglan League for a long time.

Cang Tiankuo never thought of it.

Jiang Chen will appear in Canghai City at this time!

“Why can’t I be here?”

Jiang Chen looked at Cang Tiankuo lightly: “I heard that an envoy from the Water Dragon Gang came to Cangdao Island. Is he in your City Lord’s Mansion?”

“Jiang Chen, you have already left the Canglan League. This matter has nothing to do with you, you’d better not be nosy!”

Cang Tiankuo’s complexion sank, coldly snorted.

The Canglan League was over, and he had to rely on the Water Dragon Gang in order to protect himself.

And Jiang Chen is just a tiny little kid, can he still make a question for Canglan League and Xingshi?

“Cang Tiankuo, it seems that you really colluded with the Water Dragon Gang?”

Jiang Chen’s eyes were cold, and his whole body was filled with cold killing intent.

“Although I left the Canglan League, I was once a member of the Canglan League.”,

“As a member of the Canglan Alliance, you have chosen to become a running dog of the Water Dragon Gang.”

“Today, I will take your head and clear the door for Canglan League!”

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