Chapter 1219 Nine Nethers in Pagoda Town!

Li Jiuyou looked at the surrounding space, his complexion a little unpleasant.


He didn’t notice for a while, since he was trapped by the treasure of the Emperor Zhun offered by this kid.

In the heyday, he naturally has no fear of a quasi-emperor treasure.

But in his current situation, even one-tenth of his strength during the peak period could not be used. It is undoubtedly a very troublesome thing to break through this quasi-emperor treasure.

“Li Jiuyou, if your body is here, maybe no one in this world can do anything to get you.”

“The current you are just a ray of soul that rushed out of the Shenwujietian formation through your tribe.”

“Today, I will destroy your soul first, then repair the Shenwu Jitian formation, and suppress your body!”

An icy light flashed in Jiang Chen’s eyes.

Even though Li Jiuyou’s strength is shocking to the sky, at the very moment he has a wisp of soul-possessed blood-clothed youth, at most he exerts the power of the divine birth realm.

The Xuanling Pagoda is a treasure of the Emperor Zhun, and a powerful weapon like Xuan Ye was born.

Qi Ling Xuan Ye had already had a strength comparable to that of the Divine Embryo Realm.


In this Xuan Ming Pagoda, Xuan Ye is the real master who controls everything!

Now that Li Jiuyou entered the Xuanming Pagoda, he would never want to walk out of here alive.

“The quasi-emperor treasure, with this king’s current state, is indeed a bit troublesome to deal with.”

“But… you are a little Maotou in the Divine Soul Realm, I’m afraid you may not be able to truly master this Quasi-Emperor treasure.”

“When this king kills you, he can naturally walk out of this quasi-emperor treasure!”

There was a flash of blood in Li Jiuyou’s eyes, and the monstrous Blood Qi instantly condensed into a blood claw in his palm, and he grabbed Jiang Chen.

“Huh! If you want to run wild on my chassis, you have to ask me if I agree!”

At this moment, a faint cold snort resounded in vain between the world.

Immediately afterwards.

The thunder and wind surged in the sky, and a beam of thunder and lightning fell down, instantly smashing Li Jiuyou’s blood claws.

at the same time.

An illusory figure also slowly emerged from mid-air.


Li Jiuyou’s bloody eyes shrank suddenly.

A quasi-emperor treasure, the spirit has already transformed into a spirit, and it has evolved into a Spirit Lord comparable to the Divine Embryo Realm!

Li Jiuyou’s face suddenly became extremely difficult to look.

In the space of this quasi-emperor’s treasure, the instrument spirit in front of him is almost an invincible existence of the same rank.

Unless the real Emperor of the Ruins Realm makes a move, I’m afraid no one can help it.

“Unexpectedly, a quasi-emperor’s treasure could give birth to an artifact like you. It seems that your good fortune is not small.”

“A existence like you, following a little Divine Soul Realm Practitioner, has no future.”

“It’s not as good as you mix with this king. After my body comes out, it will definitely help you to be promoted to a real imperial weapon.”

Li Jiuyou stared at the phantom in the air and gave a very tempting condition.

“It’s a very tempting condition. If you met me earlier, I might still agree. But unfortunately, it’s too late.”

Xuan Ye smiled faintly.

He has already concluded a soul contract with Jiang Chen, how could he be seduced by Li Jiuyou’s vague Chengruo?

not to mention……

Even if this guy can really help promote the imperial weapon, it will still not be controlled by it.

For Xuan Ye, it was his lifelong pursuit to get rid of the shackles of the Xuanming Pagoda and become the Spirit Lord of Xiaoyao Tiandi.


“This king can give you a chance. It is your honor. Don’t toast or eat fine wine!”

Seeing Xuanye’s rejection, Li Jiuyou’s eyes also flashed an expression of anger into anger.

He is the Nine You King of the Blood Spirit Race, the peak powerhouse at the peak of the Ruins Realm, comparable to the existence of the Great Emperor of the Shenwu Continent.

If it were placed in the peak period, an ordinary imperial treasure, he would not take it in his eyes.

Nowadays, a small quasi-emperor treasure, even dared not to give him such a Face.

“Tsk tusk… I just toast and don’t eat fine wine, what can you do?”

“In your current state, you dare to scare people in front of me. Do you really think I was scared?”

“If it’s in other places, I might not be able to help you, but since you have entered the Xuanming Pagoda, then you can die for me.”

Xuan Ye smiled coldly, and immediately waved his palm, and the four paths of Xuan Ming aura suddenly emerged from Li Jiuyou’s feet.

“Xuan Ming bound!”

With Xuan Ye’s soft drink, the four profound energy of the mysterious world instantly turned into four huge ghost chains, firmly binding Li Jiuyou.


A move bound Li Jiuyou, Xuan Ye flipped his palm, and the light of hundreds of feet of thunder in the sky directly turned into a thunder and lightning hammer, and slew towards Li Jiuyou town.

“Nine Nether Blood Fiend Art, open it to me!”

Li Jiuyou shouted angrily, and a tyrannical bloody spirit rose into the sky, and instantly shook the chains of Netherworld around him.

It’s just that the power that Li Jiuyou used this time obviously exceeded the endurance limit of the blood-clothed youth.

I saw that the blood-clothed youth’s robe burst in an instant, and even his body had cracked, and the red blood continued to overflow, instantly covering the blood-clothed youth’s whole body.

Li Jiuyou broke free from the shackles of the chains of the netherworld, knowing that his state at the moment could not stop the thunder hammer in the sky, and the soul directly turned into a bloody light and shot out from the blood-clothed youth.


The blood-clothed youth who had been abandoned by Li Jiuyou hadn’t recovered yet. He was hit by a thunder hammer and instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist and scattered on the ground.


“A quasi-emperor treasure in a mere mere daring to ruin this king’s event.”

“When the king’s body is out of trouble, even if you search all over the world, you will definitely be wiped out!”

Seeing that the body of the blood-clothed youth was destroyed, Li Jiuyou, who was fleeing in mid-air, couldn’t help but let out a roar of anger.

“Then you have to wait for your body to get out of trouble.”

Xuan Ye raised his hand and shook it. The surrounding space trembled, and a terrifying space storm swept across the world, instantly strangling Li Jiuyou’s soul into nothingness.

“Stop it for me in the future, don’t provoke this kind of existence at every turn, I don’t want to be implicated by you.”

“Also… spend more time refining the Xuanming Pagoda, and completely control the Xuanming Pagoda as soon as possible.”

He killed Li Jiuyou in an understatement, and Xuan Ye said a little bit, and his figure disappeared in front of Jiang Chen in a flash.

“It seems that it will take some time to master this Xuan Ming Pagoda.”

Looking at the place where Xuan Ye disappeared, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but mutter to himself.

Originally, Jiang Chen thought that although the Xuanming Pagoda was a treasure of the quasi emperor, it was just something like a storage ring.

But now it seems that the quasi-emperor treasures are after all the quasi-emperor treasures.

Even if this Xuan Ming Pagoda is not an attacking weapon, it still possesses incomparably powerful power.

If he could fully control this Xuanming Pagoda, he might be able to control the power of the Xuanming Pagoda like Xuan Ye, and easily kill the powerhouses of the Divine Embryo Realm!

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