Chapter 1217 Whoever offends my Shenwu continent, kill!

This is a blood-robed young man in a blood-colored robe, about twenty-five and sixty-six appearances.

He has an extraordinary breath, his face is very handsome, there is a bloody mark on his forehead that exudes the light of monster blood, and his whole body exudes a noble aura.

“There is only one person from the Blood Spirit Race…”

Seeing the only blood-clothed young man walking out of the colorful divine light, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

Although there was a gap in the Shenwu Jietian Formation, the formation is still in operation, and there should still be great restrictions on the blood spirit race that crosses the boundary.

Although this blood spirit race from across the border was much stronger than Li Qianxue and others, its breath did not reach the Divine Embryo Realm.

Just relying on the person in front of him can not pose a threat to him.


The first batch of Li Qianxue and others came, but the strength of the early stage of the spirit.

And the blood-clothed youth who came from across the border in front of him, his strength was already comparable to the peak of the soul!

From this point, Jiang Chen can infer.

With the loss of the plane origin in the Shenwu Jietian Formation, the blood spirit races who cross the boundary from another world plane will become stronger and stronger.

“Ha ha……”

“The teleportation channel to Shenwu Continent is indeed gradually being unblocked, and now it can accommodate the Practitioner of the Soul Peak.”

“After I wake up the Jiuyou King, it won’t take long before my clan army will come again and level the Shenwu Continent!”

The blood-clothed youth walked out of the colorful divine light, and the triumphant laughter echoed in the abyss of silence.


“If you want to level the Shenwu Continent, do you rely on your blood spirit race to be worthy?”

“Ten thousand years ago, your Blood Spirit Race didn’t do it, and now you don’t want to step into the Shenwu Continent for half a step!”

At this moment, a faint cold snort sounded abruptly in the ears of the blood-clothed youth.

“Huh? Someone?”

The sudden rise also made the scarlet figure’s complexion slightly change.

He suddenly raised his head, his gaze also instantly fell on Jiang Chen, who was a hundred meters away.

“Boy, who are you, Li Qianxue and them?”

More than a year ago.

The Blood Spirit Race sent an eight-person team headed by Li Qianxue to explore the way.

The blood-clothed youth didn’t expect it either.

The first thing he came across across the border was not Li Qianxue and others, but a Practitioner from the Shenwu Continent!

“Those who violated my Divine Martial Continent, kill!”

“Do you think they can still live in this world?”

Jiang Chen stared at the blood-clothed youth indifferently, his eyes filled with cold killing intent: “But don’t worry, you will be sent to meet them soon.”

“Kill me? Just rely on you?”

The blood-clothed youth glanced at Jiang Chen and suddenly sneered with disdain.

He is a genius with the blood of the blood spirit clan royal family.

This time the Blood Spirit Clan asked him to come across the boundary, in order to awaken the sleeping Jiuyou King with his royal bloodline!

With his Cultivation Base at the pinnacle of his soul, he would dare to fight even if he encountered the powerhouse of the Shenwu Continent.

And how did this kid in front of him, but the Cultivation Base of the Seventh Stage of the Soul, kill him?

“Can you kill it? You’ll know soon.”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell coldly, and he raised his hand to be a Sword Qi, and slashed out at the blood-clothed youth.

“I can’t help myself!”

The blood-shirted youth smiled contemptuously, and immediately stretched out his bloody palm, and grabbed the oncoming Po Tian Sword Qi with his bare hands.


The fierce Sword Qi was instantly crushed by the blood-clothed youth.

Such an understatement is like crushing a baby’s toy.

“Boy, since you have to find your own way, I will give you a ride first.”

The blood suit smiled faintly, and a bloody glow of a hundred feet tall rose from his body to the sky.

The blood glow instantly condensed into a blood-colored dragon in mid-air, and roared away at Jiang Chen with its teeth and claws.

“Bloodline Supernatural Power: Destroying Dragon Flame!”

Looking at the blood-colored giant roaring, Jiang Chen let out a low drink, and a phantom of the golden dragon instantly condensed behind him.

The golden phantom looked down at the blood-colored dragon indifferently, and a golden dragon flame spurted out of her mouth.


The golden dragon flames collided with the blood-colored dragon, and the sky suddenly burst into dazzling light like the sun, and terrifying energy ripples swept all over the place.

Ding Ding Ding!

Under the impact of the energy ripples, the blood-clothed youth slowly stabilized his figure after being retreated for seven or eight steps.

“It’s interesting, I didn’t expect you to have such a powerful bloodline!”

The blood-clothed youth looked up at Jiang Chen, who was also just a few steps retreated, and finally a look of surprise appeared in his bloody eyes.

To know.

He is a person with the blood of the blood spirit clan royal family.

Although his royal blood is not strong.

But even so.

He is in the Blood Spirit Race, and his bloodline level can be regarded as a very high existence.

Obviously, the blood-clothed youth did not expect that the blood power of the boy in the Shenwu Continent in front of him was not inferior to him.

“Tsk tsk…”

“I’m so lucky. I didn’t expect that I could meet such a powerful alien bloodline when I just crossed the border.”

“If you can refine and absorb your bloodline power, it will definitely allow my royal bloodline to reach a new level!”

After the blood-clothed youth was slightly surprised for a moment, the blood-colored eyes also showed an extremely hot light.

The greatest advantage of the people of their blood spirit race is that they can absorb the blood of foreign races to strengthen their blood.

It is precisely because of this.

The blood spirit tribe has just been keen to conquer another world plane, torture and kill the bloodline powerhouses of another world plane, and absorb their bloodline power to strengthen themselves!

“Heh… if you want my Jiang Chen’s blood, then you have to see if you have that life to get it.”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and the Dayan Cloud Swallowing technique exploded in an instant.

at the same time.

The blood dragon sword in his hand was raised, and the monstrous Sword Qi soared into the sky, shaking the space of a hundred meters in radius.

The next moment…

Countless cyan Sword Qi pierced through the endless void, densely covering the space with a radius of one hundred meters.

Although the Shenwu Intercepting Heaven Array suppressed this place, the Blood Spirit Race should not be able to use the teleportation channel to cross the boundary twice.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand in case.

In order to prevent accidents, Jiang Chen naturally wanted to kill this person as soon as possible and repair the Shenwu Jitian formation.


Jiang Chen didn’t intend to waste time with the blood-clothed youth, and he exploded with all his strength, revealing the Sword Domain of time and space.

call out! call out! call out!

The cyan Sword Qi of Wan Jiandao quickly condensed in mid-air, forming a cyan Sword Domain, covering the blood-clothed youth.

In an instant…

The blood-clothed youth in the cyan Sword Domain suddenly felt that his own blood and life were passing by at an extremely terrifying speed.

“This… what kind of power is this!”

Feeling the horror of this cyan Sword Domain, the blood-clothed youth’s blood-colored eyes finally revealed an unprecedented level of horror.

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