Chapter 1212 Burying Emperor Yuan!

Burial Emperor Yuan.

Located in the extreme west of the Northern Wilderness Continent.

The terrain there is complicated, and the entire land is like a vast abyss cut out by a large axe, and the environment is extremely harsh.

According to legend, this vast abyss was formed tens of thousands of years ago during the great calamity of the Shenwu Continent.

Some people say that this is a battlefield of the ancient war.

Some people also say that this is the place where the emperor-level experts of the Guixu realm have fallen.

These ten thousand years.

In the Northern Desolate Continent, there were countless powerful people who entered the Burial Emperor Yuan, wanting to explore the secrets of the Burial Emperor Yuan.

But almost all the people who finally entered the Burial Emperor Yuan had nothing to do with them.

Over time.

Burying Emperor Yuan has also become the most dangerous forbidden place in the Northern Wilderness, and no one has dared to set foot in it easily for thousands of years.

Although the Black Dragon City is far away from Burying Emperor Yuan, Jiang Chen now has the Cultivation Base reaching the Seventh Stage of the Divine Soul, and the speed of Yukong is also extremely fast.

In just a day, Emperor Buried Diyuan had already appeared in Jiang Chen’s line of sight.

Jiang Chen stepped on the void, staring into the distance.

I saw a dark crack with no end in sight in the place a thousand meters ahead.

The cracks are like Devil’s big, hideous mouth, emerging from the ground, and then extending to the distant part of the sky.

The faint black color gives people a feeling of scalp numbness.

“This Burial Emperor Yuan is really extraordinary.”

Jiang Chen stared at the abyss in front, and a strange expression flashed in his eyes.

The shape of Emperor Burial Yuan looked extremely strange.

One side was extremely straight, as if it had been cut out by a sword.

On the other side, there are some crooked contours.

Jiang Chen looked from a distance and found that these outlines were somewhat similar to the outlines of the city.

Jiang Chen even had a feeling that this was a city from outside the sky, cut in half by a sword.

And the Burial Emperor Yuan in front of him, half of the city landed here, smashed out abruptly!

Jiang Chen stared at Emperor Funeral Yuan for a long time, then moved his gaze away, and landed at the entrance of Emperor Funeral Yuan with a sense of gaze.

There, a fortress made of black stones stood horizontally, firmly blocking the only passage to Bury Emperor Yuan.


Jiang Chen had already felt a lot of familiar auras from the fortress.

Including Long Li from the Black Dragon City, and Elder from the Three Sects of the Northern Wilderness, all seem to be among them.

Their auras are more than a year ago, and I don’t know how many times stronger they are, and they are already breakthrough kings of the Divine Soul Realm.

Among them, the Supreme Elder Sword of the Excalibur Sect is the most prosperous, and it has almost reached the stage of the Third Stage of the Divine Soul.

These guys have stayed in the Divine Sea Realm for too long, and they have a lot of background.

Now that the vitality of the Northern Wilderness World has exploded several times, they are undoubtedly like a fish in water, and their strength has grown very fast.

“Go and see them first.”

Jiang Chen pondered slightly, and was about to head towards the fortress in front of him.

But at this moment.

Several powerful blood Killing intent breaths soared into the sky from the Burial Emperor Abyss.

Jiang Chen suddenly looked up, and saw seven or eight bloody flashing figures stepping out of the Burying Emperor Yuan, and instantly appeared in front of the black fortress.

These seven or eight blood-colored figures, the aura of each one is extremely tyrannical, at least with the strength of the Divine Soul Realm.

“Are you eight kings of the Divine Soul Realm?”

Jiang Chen’s eyes suddenly shrank.

No wonder the Three Sects of the Northern Wilderness and most of the powerhouses of the Black Dragon City must gather here.

Fortunately, the power of the Northern Wilderness Heaven and Earth has skyrocketed, and many strong men have been born.

If it were placed more than a year ago, these blood repairmen in front of them would have swept the entire Northern Wilderness with ease.

Following the appearance of the blood-colored figures in the Burial Emperor Yuan.

In the black fortress.

The four people headed by Elder and Long Li of the three sects of the Northern Wilderness also quickly flew out with dozens of powerhouses of the Divine Sea Realm.

God Sword Sect Supreme Master Elder God Hundred Swords took the lead, staring coldly at the blood shadow headed by the opposite road: “Li Qianxue, the Northern Wilderness is not where you should be, go back to the buried Emperor Yuan.”

“Shenbaijian, give up struggling.”

“With your little strength, we can’t stop us, why bother to resist?”

“If you surrender obediently now, you may still have a chance to survive. Otherwise, when our army is killed, you will die without a place to be buried!”

The scarlet figure headed said lightly.

“I want us to submit to you alien creatures and dream!”

God Hundred Sword snorted coldly: “Don’t talk nonsense, you will fight if you want to fight. Even if you are crushed and broken, my God Hundred Sword will never let you step into the Northern Wilderness!”

“I don’t know what to say!”

“Ten thousand years ago, the many powerhouses in your Shenwu Continent could only use the method of burning jade and stone to stop our race.”

“Now, in this Shenwu Continent, there are only you lingering generations who want to be enemies of our clan?”

The blood-colored figure Li Qianxue sneered disdainfully, and the monstrous blood killing aura spread from his body in an instant.

“Shen Baijian, since you are so ignorant of good and evil, today I will kill you first, rule this northern barren land, and wait for the arrival of our army!”


When Jiang Chen heard the dialogue between Shen Baijian and Na Li Qianxue, his heart was shocked.

The bloody powerhouses in Emperor Burial Abyss turned out to be creatures from other planes!

There is also the devastating disaster in Shenwu Continent ten thousand years ago, which has a lot to do with the blood practitioners in front of them.

this moment.

Jiang Chen vaguely had a general guess about the catastrophe ten thousand years ago.

Thousands of years ago, Li Qianxue and his fellow blood practitioners should have aggressively attacked the Shenwu Continent.

The countless emperor-level powerhouses of the Shenwu Continent were probably all fallen in this battle, which led to the extinction of the emperor-level powerhouses of the Shenwu Continent.

And the Burial Emperor Yuan in front of me is definitely the key place for the great war of extinction back then!

Even the plane teleportation formation leading to Li Qianxue’s realm, I’m afraid it is in this buried emperor deep!

after all.

It is impossible for a non-returning emperor-level powerhouse to have a life span of more than 10,000 years.

Li Qianxue and others, obviously cannot be the remnants that remained in the buried emperor 10,000 years ago.


These few blood cultivators who appeared in Emperor Buried Abyss came here in all likelihood through the plane teleportation array!


Since the battle ten thousand years ago, Li Qianxue, another world creature, has never appeared in Shenwu Continent.

Presumably, in the battle back then, the experts in Shenwu Continent should have used any method to block the coming of these another world creatures!

The appearance of Li Qianxue and others undoubtedly indicates that the passage between the two worlds has been opened again!

Thought of this.

Jiang Chen’s face also became extremely difficult to look at in an instant.

In the battle ten thousand years ago, the Shenwu Continent gathered the power of all the emperor-level powerhouses to block the invasion of another world plane.

Now that the emperor-level powerhouses of Shenwu Continent are extinct, if those another world powerhouses come back, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for Shenwu Continent.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Must kill Li Qianxue and others, destroy the plane teleportation formation in the Burial Emperor Yuan!

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