Chapter 1209 Extremely sublimated, Zhuang Lige breakthrough!

Sword intent domain!

Jiang Chen actually mastered the Sword intent domain!

this moment.

Zhuang Lige was struck by lightning and could hardly believe his own eyes!

To know.

Martial Dao’s true meaning There is an insurmountable chasm between the third stage and the third stage.

His style has reached the Third Stage for many years, but he has never been able to break through the Third Stage to completion.

This time.

If he hadn’t gotten the Golden Dragon Book of Heaven at the auction, and then struggled to Insight for a month, it would have been impossible to take this step and reach the Realm of the realm of real meaning.

Jiang Chen even mastered the Realm of Reality!

Seeing the situation on the martial arts stage, everyone’s eyes were dull, and it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

For the late stage testers of these souls on the seventh floor of the Thanglong Tower, they almost know better than anyone how difficult it is to realize the realm.

Even if they were the geniuses at the top of the Thanglong Tower, most people have been stuck at this step for many years.

But Jiang Chen Cultivation Base is still in the Seventh Stage of the Soul, and he has mastered the Sword Intent domain!

Such a talent is too enchanting.

“I didn’t expect it, the old man, I actually missed him.”

In a corner of the fighting arena, the gray-clothed old man stood there for a while before he came back to his senses, and couldn’t help but shook his head and gave a bitter smile.


He looked at Pang Qingyuan next to him with envy: “Old man Pang, this time you have found a treasure.”

A secret method bridged the gap between him and Zhuang Lige’s Cultivation Base.

This hand Sword intent transforms the domain, even more so that Zhuang Lige’s style of real meaning transforms the domain!

The power that Jiang Chen has shown now is no more than that of Zhuang Lige.


This guy can really do a miracle and defeat the opposite Zhuang Lige!

“I didn’t expect that this kid could do this step.”

On Pang Qingyuan’s old face, there was also a surprise that could not be concealed.

What he was looking at was Jiang Chen’s enchanting Alchemy talent.

When Jiang Chen’s Immortal Golden Body was defeated, Pang Qingyuan was already ready to forcefully rescue Jiang Chen.

Who knows that Jiang Chen is not only talented in Alchemy, but also talented in Martial Dao.

The terrifying potential that Jiang Chen showed, undoubtedly gave Pang Qingyuan a great surprise.

“Zhuang Lige, your true meaning domain seems to be nothing more than that.”

“If you only have this ability, then die for me.”

“Ten Thousand Flames Burning the Sky!”

Jiang Chen stared coldly at Zhuang Lige, and with a wave of the blood dragon sword in his hand, thousands of flames instantly turned into a burning sky giant sword burning with monsters and flames, and slashed at Zhuang Lige in the air.

Now that the Dayan Swallowing Cloud technique had been used, Jiang Chen had no intention of wasting time with Zhuang Lige.

He must kill Zhuang Lige before the effect of the secret technique is rapid!

“Blood dragon hates God!”

Zhuang Lige’s eyes shrank suddenly, and blood glowed all over his body, as if a blood dragon was born, rising from the sky.


The blood dragon and the Burning Sky Giant Sword collided in mid-air, and a loud noise erupted.

The terrifying energy storm made the black-clothed referee presiding over the formation of the martial arts stage a pale look on his face.

“Haha… Take me one more trick, destroy the world dragon flame!”

Jiang Chen laughed loudly, and behind him a hundred feet of golden dragon, a shattering void appeared on top of Zhuang Lige’s head.

Looking at the golden dragon flame that was rapidly enlarging in his eyes, Zhuang Lige’s expression changed drastically.

“Li Hate Armor, gather!”

Zhuang Lige let out a cold drink, and folded his hands on his chest, and a piece of silver armor directly condensed all over his body, enveloping him.

At the moment when the silver armor was condensed.

The Burning Heaven and Golden Flame on top of Zhuang Lige’s head also whizzed over, drowning his whole person in it.


The violent impact of energy resounded throughout the fighting arena again.

The next moment…

I saw the figure of Zhuang Lige, flying directly from the burning sky and golden flames, and smashed down on the edge of the Wudou platform in an embarrassing manner.

at this time.

Zhuang Lige’s long hair has turned into nothingness, and the corners of his mouth are full of blood.

The silver armor on his body was also destroyed by the burning sky and golden flames, only a few pieces of scale armor were left to protect the key parts.

Even many parts of his body were scorched by the burning sky golden flames.


If it were not for Zhuang Lige to condense this silver armor, I am afraid that the whole person would be completely turned into a pile of ashes by that burning sky golden flame!

Zhuang Lige, lost!

Below the martial arts platform, everyone looked at Zhuang Lige’s miserable appearance, their expressions were terrified.

The Martial King on the dignified seventh floor, the cold-faced killing god Zhuang Lige, who was undefeated in the Shenglong Tower, was so defeated by Jiang Chen.

Invincible God of War!

This guy is truly an invincible God of War.

“Jiang Chen, today’s battle, you have won, let it be the end.”

Zhuang Lige kept coughing up blood, he was holding on to his broken body, and the gaze that looked at Jiang Chen became incredibly hideous.

“Although you are strong, if you insist on killing me, I promise you will also pay a heavy price.”

Jiang Chen didn’t move at all: “I said long ago that in today’s battle, you and I will both decide the winner, but also divide life and death!”

“Jiang Chen, you forced me to do this!”

“Today, even if I lose the qualification to attack the ninth floor of the Dragon Tower, I will kill you here!”

“God, drive me!”

Zhuang Lige shook the sky with an angry roar, and the surging heaven and earth power, like a swallow swallowing her arms, rushed into him madly.

Just blink of an eye.

A vast storm of vitality rose from Zhuang Lige’s body and shot directly into the sky.

at the same time.

The thick black hair grew quickly from the top of Zhuang Lige’s head.

The places on his body that were scorched by the Dragon Flame of Extinguishing the World were quickly covered with new flesh and blood.

The dazzling silver armor was also condensed again.

God’s womb!

Seeing that Jiang Chen was determined to put him to death, Zhuang Lige did not hesitate to choose the ultimate sublimation, breaking through the divine birth realm in one fell swoop!

“I didn’t expect Zhuang Lige to be forced to this point. It’s just that now, that kid is really in trouble.”

The gray-clothed old man shook his head and gave a wry smile.

In desperate situation, Zhuang Lige gave up the opportunity to hit the ninth floor of the Thanglong Pagoda.

How can Jiang Chen resist the breakthrough song of Zhuang Li at the moment?

Pang Qingyuan took a deep breath and quickly picked up his spirits, staring at the situation on the martial arts stage.

No matter what, he must save Jiang Chen’s life.

Once Jiang Chen is defeated, he will save people without hesitation!

breakthrough divine fetal state.

Zhuang Lige stared at Jiang Chen with the eyes of a dead person, and the roar full of shocking killing intent also echoed over the martial arts arena.


“Jiang Chen, you forced me to break through the divine birth realm and cut my way into the divine realm.”

“Today I am sure to crush you to pieces before I can dispel the hatred in my heart!”

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