Chapter 1206 Today, I only come for Zhuang Lige!

With He Tianqi cross-legged into the cultivation state.

The atmosphere of the fighting arena also fell into a strange silence at this moment.

In such a quiet waiting.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

He Tianqi, who had been sitting cross-legged, also suddenly opened his eyes.

After a quarter of an hour, with the help of Medicine Pill, He Tianqi, although he has not yet fully returned to his peak state, his strength has already recovered.

And Jiang Chen on the opposite side was nothing more than the Cultivation Base of the Seventh Stage of the Soul.

Even without the strength of the peak state, He Tianqi is completely confident to defeat Jiang Chen!

“Jiang Chen, let’s start.”

“I heard that you entered the fifth floor of the Shenglong Pagoda in ten days, and now it has been less than two months, and you have even rushed to the seventh floor. The speed of the tower is the first person in the eternal life of the Shenglong Pagoda.”

“Today, I, He Tianqi, will appreciate the strength of your strongest evildoer in history.”

He Tianqi stood up slowly, the majestic breath of the soul Ninth Stage also instantly diffused from his body.

“as you wish!”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and a bright golden light suddenly rose from his body to the sky.

The golden light skyrocketed.

Jiang Chen’s figure suddenly became more than ten times taller, transforming into a golden giant with a height of ten feet.

Immortal golden body cohesion.

Jiang Chen clenched his fingers into a fist and punched it out!


The bright golden fist gang whizzed out, like a round of golden sun, with the power of destroying the world, smashing the past at He Tianqi.

Feeling the terrifying power of Jiang Chen’s punch, He Tianqi’s expression suddenly changed drastically.

Seeing him stepping out, the monstrous vitality surged into the sky, and his right hand directly grabbed the void in front of him.

In an instant…

There was a rumbling of thunder over the entire Wudoutai, and the majestic vitality converged toward the river Tianqi like a tide.

Just blink of an eye.

A giant thunder claw measuring more than ten feet slammed into Jiang Chen’s fist.


The thunder light giant claw and the golden fist gang collided in mid-air, and there was a shocking explosion, like the sky and the earth broke!

The invisible air wave, like a ten second-level destroying storm, swept away centered on the Wudoutai.

Even in the sky above the Martial Fighting Platform, the defensive formation, which claims to be able to withstand the full blow of the Practitioner of the Divine Baby Realm, was crumbling under the impact of the devastating storm.


Under the impact of the devastating storm, He Tianqi’s mouth spurted out blood, and the whole person was grimly rubbing the ground over a distance of more than ten feet.

Opposite him, Jiang Chen still stood in place at the moment.

Let him move from all directions, I am as strong as a rock!

“It’s not bad to be able to block my punch. Take another punch.”

Jiang Chen cast a faint look at He Tianqi, then he shook his fist and punched out again.

This punch seemed ordinary and simple, as if it was a three-year-old kid’s fight, which was thrown at random.

But it was such a fluttering punch that made He Tianqi’s souls all gone, and even his scalp felt like a burst.

He Tianqi didn’t dare to neglect the slightest, his body’s vitality instantly ran to the extreme, and he waved his hands in mid-air nine times in a row.

boom! boom! boom!

Nine silver thunder lightning descended from the sky, like the nine heavens divine thunder, slamming away at Jiang Chen one after another.


Jiang Chen’s seemingly simple punch directly defeated He Tianqi’s Nine Heavens Thunder.

Even He Tianqi’s body protection vitality was easily crushed by Jiang Chen’s fist.

The golden fist that contained the tremendous power of shaking the sky, a punch was stamped on He Tianqi’s chest.


The golden fist landed on He Tianqi’s chest, and the terrifying fist made He Tianqi’s clothes explode directly.

Even his chest was deeply sunken by this punch.

With a scream in He Tianqi’s mouth, his stature was like a kite with a broken line.

The shocking impact caused the entire martial arts arena to shook loudly.

He Tianqi’s figure was finally bloodied and fell on the foot of the fighting arena, leaving only half of his life left.


Seeing He Tianqi’s miserable appearance, the huge battlefield fell into a dead silence in an instant.

He Tianqi was defeated like this!

This… how is this possible?

this moment.

In the eyes of everyone around him looking at Jiang Chen, there was an unconcealable horror.


It is too strong!

With just two punches, he defeated He Tianqi, the powerhouse of Ninth Stage!

There may be many people who can defeat He Tianqi on the seventh floor of the Shenglong Tower.

It is definitely one of the few who can defeat the enemy with two punches like Jiang Chen!

This kid is worthy of being the first person in the Thanglong Pagoda since the ages!

No wonder he dared to come to the seventh floor openly and challenge the cold-faced killing god Zhuang Lige.

Such strength, even if compared to Zhuang Lige, I am afraid that it will not be too much!

“I said one last time. Today, Wudoutai, I only came here to find Zhuang Lige to settle accounts.”

“Wait and wait, don’t want to be boring, don’t be nosy.”

He Tianqi was solved with a punch, Jiang Chen’s faint golden eyes swept slightly, and his domineering voice echoed in the martial arts arena.

“Jiang Chen, you have only won one game in the martial arts platform on the seventh floor. Now you are going to challenge Zhuang Lige. This seems a bit unruly.”

At this moment, the black referee on the side frowned slightly.

“Even if I want to play a few more games here, you have to ask them if they want to come up and play with me.”

Jiang Chen glanced at the testers on the martial arts arena, and said lightly.


The referee in black didn’t know what to say for a while.

Jiang Chen defeated the soul of Ninth Stage with two punches, He Tianqi, showed incomparable fighting power.

It can be said.

In the entire seventh floor of the Shenglong Pagoda, no one may dare to say that Jiang Chen will be defeated.

And Jiang Chen had already said that he had come to trouble Zhuang Lige.

At this time, who would stupidly touch Jiang Chen’s mold and fight Jiang Chen?

If there is no one to fight, wouldn’t Jiang Chen just complete a pass on the seventh floor of the Shenglong Pagoda?

The battle will determine the universe and become the killer of the seventh floor of the Shenglong Tower!

Such a situation is definitely the first time that the Thanglong Pagoda has appeared in history.

“Notify Zhuang Lige to come to the martial arts arena. Tell him, Jiang Chen, I am waiting for him on the martial arts stage.”

Jiang Chen glanced at the black-clothed referee, put his hands on his chest, and waited quietly on the martial arts stage.

Seeing Jiang Chen standing proudly on the martial arts stage, the referee in black couldn’t help but feel a headache.

Although this guy only fought one game, no one dared to fight anymore, which was equivalent to a complete kill.

The killer challenged the Martial King, which seemed to be no problem, and it was impossible for him to directly drive Jiang Chen off the martial arts stage.

For this plan, he can only inform Zhuang Lige to come to the fighting arena.

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