Chapter 1204 Comprehensive Ascension Strength!

Pang Qingyuan really didn’t know what to say at this moment.

After two days of pill refining, I accidentally made a breakthrough in the seventh-rank alchemy. When did the seventh-rank alchemy become so breakthrough?

What makes people vomit blood even more.

This guy had just made a breakthrough in a seventh-grade alchemist, and the next day he made eight seventh-grade Medicine Pills!

To know.

Refining seven products is very time-consuming.

The vast majority of pill refining masters who have just broken through the seventh stage Medicine Pill need at least two hours to refine a seventh stage Medicine Pill.

Moreover, the pill rate is extremely low, and it may not be successful once three or five times.

But this guy is good, breakthrough Seven-Rank Alchemy Master has produced eight Seven-Rank Medicine Pills in one day!

Shouldn’t this f*ck be too exaggerated?

However, Pang Qingyuan felt a little relieved when he thought of this kid’s Hunyuan Integrity Technique and the terrifying rate of pill success.

“Weakly ask, how many materials did you use to refine these eight seventh-grade Medicine Pills?”

Pang Qingyuan finally couldn’t help but ask.

Jiang Chen naturally said: “Eight Medicine Pill, of course, use eight materials. Is there any problem?”

Pang Qingyuan: “…”

He vowed that he would never talk to Jiang Chen about Cheng Dan rate again.

This guy’s pill refining success rate is so heaven-defying that all pill refining teachers are desperate.

“Thirty sixth-rank Medicine Pills, four thousand and five hundred magic crystals. Eight seventh-grade Medicine Pills, count as three hundred magic crystals for you.”

Pang Qingyuan said, with a wave of his palm, the Seven Thousand Crystals appeared directly in front of Jiang Chen.

“Hold the seven thousand god crystals, quickly roll back to the lower realm to deal with things.”

Pang Qingyuan waved his hand and said angrily.

He didn’t want to stay with this kid for a moment now.

Staying with this kid, he might be shocked to doubt his life sooner or later!

Jiang Chen smiled and put the seven thousand god crystals into his pocket: “I don’t have to be in a hurry to go back. I still want to cultivate for a few days in the Dragon Tower, and by the way, go to the seventh floor to find Zhuang Lige to settle the account.”

“Are you going to the seventh floor to find trouble with Zhuang Lige?”

Pang Qingyuan couldn’t help having a headache immediately: “The gentleman’s revenge is not too late for ten years. Let’s talk about it later, you are not Zhuang Lige’s opponent now.”

Killing the god Zhuang Lige coldly, the Martial King on the seventh floor of the Thanglong Tower, the Cultivation Base has reached the existence of the Ninth Stage.

It can be said.

In the entire Rising Dragon Pagoda, apart from the existence of the few half-footed into the Divine Embryo on the eighth floor, almost no one is Zhuang Lige’s opponent.

And Zhuang Lige is extremely cruel.

He fought in battles in the battlefield of the Rising Dragon Tower, and the opponents he encountered have never left alive.

Over the past few years.

Rising Dragon Tower no longer knows how many geniuses have fallen into the hands of Zhuang Lige.

Zhuang Lige’s title of killing god in cold face was killed in the Shenglong Tower abruptly!

This time, Pang Qingyuan paid a huge price for Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen were planted in Zhuang Lige’s hands, then he would really have lost his wife and broke down!

“Don’t worry, it’s not his opponent now, just a few days later.”

“My name, Jiang Chen, God of War, is not for nothing. I will kill this Zhuang Lige.”

A cold light flashed in Jiang Chen’s eyes.

People respect me, and I respect others!

He Jiang Chen doesn’t cause trouble, but he is not afraid of trouble either.

Zhuang Lige dared to offer a reward for his head at the sky-high price of three thousand gods, so he dared to kill the seventh floor of the ascending Dragon Tower, causing that guy to pay a heavy price for it!

Seeing that Jiang Chen insisted on going to the seventh floor, Pang Qingyuan had to roll his eyes helplessly.

Jiang Chen is a tester of the Dragon Tower. He wants to go to the seventh floor, and Pang Qingyuan has no way to stop him.

For the present.

He could only go to watch the battle in person when Jiang Chen went to the seventh floor to fight Zhuang Lige.

By the time.

If Jiang Chen really lost, he would have to save Jiang Chen’s life whatever he said.

After parting with Pang Qingyuan.

Jiang Chen returned to the exclusive cultivation site, and then directly called Xu Liang over.

This time.

Jiang Chen made a lot of money at the Trialer Service Center.

Won three thousand god crystals from the hands of Gu Yu.

Refining ten soul-washing heaven pills to obtain 1,500 god crystals.

The Medicine Pill refined in the next three days was exchanged for seven thousand god crystals.

In total, Jiang Chen has obtained more than 11,000 crystals!

With sufficient crystals, Jiang Chen is naturally ready to Ascension own strength in all directions.


Jiang Chen called Xu Liang and continued to hire them to Ascension own Cultivation Base.

The two of Xu Liang worked with Jiang Chen for a few days, and they obtained a lot of crystals from Jiang Chen. They have already broken through the Sixth Stage of the soul, and they are naturally more handy in doing this.

“Ding! You are attacked by the Practitioner at the peak of the Fifth Stage of the Soul, and you have gained 6288*100 experience in invincible refining!”

“Ding! You are attacked by the Practitioner at the peak of the Fifth Stage of the Soul, and you have gained 6288*100 experience in invincible refining!”

“Ding! You are attacked by the Practitioner at the peak of the Fifth Stage of the Soul, and you have gained 6288*100 experience in invincible refining!”


Four days later.

Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base successfully broke through the seventh stage of the middle stage!

Ten days later.

Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base breaks through again.

For fourteen days, after consuming five thousand six hundred crystals, Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base finally broke the Seventh Stage late stage!

Breakthrough body way Seventh Stage late stage.

If Jiang Chen wants to break through the Cultivation Base again, it will probably take at least 20 days.


Jiang Chen did not intend to continue the Ascension physical strength, but chose to absorb the god crystal, Ascension Martial Dao Realm.

“Ding! You absorb a piece of god crystal cultivation and gain experience 8000*50*100!”

“Ding! You absorb a piece of god crystal cultivation and gain experience 8000*50*100!”

“Ding! You absorb a piece of god crystal cultivation and gain experience 8000*50*100!”


After absorbing eight hundred crystals in such a frenzy, Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base broke through the Fifth Stage!

After two thousand crystals, Jiang Chen Cultivation Base breakthrough Sixth Stage!

After five thousand crystals, Jiang Chen Cultivation Base successfully stepped into the Seventh Stage of the Soul!

Since then.

Of the more than 10,000 crystals that Jiang Chen obtained in the pill refining building, only a few hundred remain.

Although more than 10,000 crystals were consumed, the results are undoubtedly very significant.

Jiang Chen’s strength can be described as comprehensive Ascension has reached a new level.

Physique Cultivation Base Seventh Stage late stage!

Martial Dao Cultivation Base Spirit Seventh Stage!

Today’s Jiang Chen, even he himself doesn’t know how terrifying his own combat power has reached.

At least under the Emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm, no one should be his opponent!

Even facing the top genius on the eighth floor of the Shenglong Tower, he has absolute confidence to defeat him!

“Now that the strength of Ascension is almost the same, it is time to go to the seventh floor of the Dragon Tower and find Zhuang Lige to settle the account!”

With full strength Ascension, Jiang Chen raised his head and looked at the top of the Dragon Tower, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

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