Chapter 1189 Ding! You successfully comprehend the immortal golden body!

Leaving the auction room, Jiang Chen returned directly to his residence on the fifth floor of Shenglong Tower.

He first took out the dragon blood demon fruit and threw it into the mouth of the fire beast in the beast taming bag.

After the Fire Lin beast swallowed the dragon blood demon fruit, its huge body, which had not moved at all, finally trembled slightly.

The next moment…

A burst of bright red light burst out all over its body, and a faint blood pressure also radiated from its body.

Jiang Chen could even clearly feel that the blood pressure on the Fire Lin Beast was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“It seems that what I expected is not bad, this dragon blood demon fruit can really speed up the awakening of the fire monster.”

Feeling the condition of the Fire Lin Beast, Jiang Chen felt relieved a lot.

At this speed.

After the fire monster completely absorbs the energy of refining the dragon blood demon fruit, it should be able to successfully complete the second awakening!

Once successfully awakened.

Even among the Seventh-Rank King Demonic Beasts, the Fire Beast is also the most top-notch existence.

By the time.

I am afraid that with the awakened Fire Lin beast, he will be able to look down upon the entire Rising Dragon Pagoda!

Seeing that the Fire Lin Beast had entered a stable state of awakening, Jiang Chen no longer paid attention to the Fire Lin Beast.

He directly took out the second item he had photographed.

Emperor-level martial arts, immortal golden body!

This martial arts is comparable to Jiang Chen’s strongest trump card Sword Domain!

As long as he succeeds in mastering the indestructible golden body, this martial arts is bound to become another big weapon in his hands.

Open the golden scroll.

Jiang Chen’s eyes swept slightly, his gaze directly fixed on the picture in the scroll.

The next moment…

Jiang Chen entered a very mysterious state.

At the same time, a series of reminders sounded in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! Your Insight emperor martial arts indestructible golden body, trigger a hundredfold comprehension, comprehend one-thousandth of the indestructible golden body!”

“Ding! Your current Immortal Golden Body Insight progress reached one thousandth!”

“Ding! Your Insight emperor martial arts indestructible golden body, trigger a hundredfold comprehension, comprehend the one-thousandth indestructible golden body!

“Ding! Your current Immortal Golden Body Insight progress reached two thousandths!”


Hearing the system prompts in his mind, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but stunned slightly.

The realization of the immortal golden body this time is quite different from the original realization of the time-space sword.

When he first comprehended the Sword Domain of time and space, Jiang Chen realized one percent of the time and space Sword Domain from the slightest thoughts of the sword emperor.

This time I photographed the martial arts of the immortal golden body, although it can only insight one-thousandth at a time, but it can keep insight.

If this continues, he should soon be able to release the complete indestructible golden body Insight!

Jiang Chen sat quietly in the cultivation room like this, staring motionlessly at the golden scroll in front of him, and the system prompts in his mind continued to sound.

As time goes by.

Jiang Chen’s Insight progress towards the Immortal Golden Body is also constantly growing.

I don’t know how long it took.

The repeated mechanical beep in Jiang Chen’s mind finally changed.

“Ding! Your Insight emperor martial arts indestructible golden body, trigger a hundredfold comprehension, comprehend the one-thousandth indestructible golden body!

“Ding! Your Immortal Golden Body Insight has reached completion!”

“Ding! You successfully comprehended the emperor-level martial arts immortal golden body!”

Following the sound of the last reminder in his mind, the corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth could not help but set off a slight curve.

With the help of the system.

In less than half a day, this emperor-level martial arts that the ordinary Practitioner may not be able to master for a year or a half was easily mastered by him!

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