Chapter 1187 Emperor-level martial arts, immortal golden body!


When everyone heard Jiang Chen’s arguing voice, they couldn’t help taking a breath.

This kid really hit the bar with the cold-faced killing god Zhuang Lige, do you want to be so tigery?

“Okay! Very good! Kid, I remember you.”

Zhuang Lige smiled with anger, and a sharp cold light flashed across his eyes.

Who is he Zhuang Lige?

The Martial King on the seventh floor of the Dragon Tower is also the most powerful existence among the trials of the Dragon Tower.

Less than three years after he entered the Shenglong Tower, he went all the way from the first floor of the Shenglong Tower to the seventh floor of the Shenglong Tower!

Along the way, Zhuang Lige is invincible in the fighting arena. Every time he makes a shot, he kills him with one stroke. He has become a frightening murderous god!

It can be said.

In the entire Rising Dragon Tower, few people dare not give him some Face.

But the little-known Maotou boy in front of him is openly competing with him for the Dragon Blood Demon Fruit. How can he not be angry?


Although Zhuang Lige was furious, he did not continue to increase the price.

Eight hundred god crystals, the price has exceeded Zhuang Lige’s bottom line, he didn’t want to be taken advantage of, and wasted all the god crystals on this dragon blood demon fruit.

Following Zhuang Lige’s abandonment of the bid, Jiang Chen also smoothly bought the dragon blood demon fruit at the price of 750 Shenjing.

Next, the auction will continue.

The auction items appearing in front of everyone are also becoming more and more dazzling.

From weapons to Martial Skills, from Medicine Pill to Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, it can be described as everything.

And every auction item that appears here, if placed in Shenwu Continent, is enough to make countless Practitioners crazy.


Although these auction items are rare treasures, the prices are also ridiculously high.

There are a lot of auction items, and even thousands of god crystals have been auctioned at high prices.

After Jiang Chen placed the Dragon Blood Demon Fruit at auction, he never made a move easily.

Until a god-level Martial Skill called the Immortal Golden Body appeared, Jiang Chen spent 1,500 god crystals to photograph it.

This indestructible golden body is a Secret Technique created by a ruins realm expert.

In the Shenwu Continent, the Immortal Golden Body is equivalent to the emperor Martial Skill created by the emperor realm powerhouse, and it is an existence comparable to the Jiang Chen Time and Space Sword Domain.


The main reason why Jiang Chen took this Martial Skill is because the Immortal Golden Body is a Martial Skill tailored for the body cultivator.

This Martial Skill is somewhat similar to the Taixu combat body that Jiang Chen once cultivated.

Now with the Ascension of Jiang Chen’s physical strength, the Taixu combat body has been completely unable to exert his physical strength.

If he could master this immortal golden body, he could make up for his lack of physical strength.

With the emergence of auction items, the bidding in the Great Hall has become more and more intense.

Unconsciously, the auction came to an end soon.

“Everyone, let’s start auctioning the last item of this auction…”

The thin old man said, and immediately grasped his palm, a simple scroll with a touch of golden light appeared in his hand.

“This thing…is it also an imitation of the Golden Dragon Book of Heaven?”

Looking at the extremely familiar scroll in the skinny old man’s hand, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but shrink slightly!

The golden scroll in the hands of the skinny old man, no matter the appearance or the breath it exudes, is almost the same as the Golden Dragon Book of Heaven in the city test!

Jiang Chen obviously did not expect that the last auction item in this auction would be an imitation of the Golden Dragon Book!

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