Chapter 1181 No one can stop, kill again!

With the dull explosion sound.

I saw that the faces of the Yan family brothers became extremely red in an instant, and they moved back quickly, rubbing their feet on the floor.

After they stepped on the floor and retreated for ten steps, they finally slowly stabilized their figure.

Feeling the arm that was almost numb by Jiang Chen’s punch, the Yan family brothers both looked shocked.

“Be careful, this kid is dual cultivation of physical martial arts!”

Yan Peng took a deep breath and said solemnly to Yan Tong who was on the side.

“Dage, Chi is going to change, don’t waste time with him, let’s do our best together.”

As Yan Tong’s voice fell, the surrounding heaven and earth vitality surged crazily, an extremely strong meaning of killing and killing, slowly permeating his body.

Upon seeing this, Yan Peng didn’t hesitate either. An aura similar to Yan Tong also burst out of his body.

The intention of killing and killing quickly spread, and the Yan family brothers suddenly opened their eyes, and their cold shouts resounded through the world.

“Shura Double Kill!”

When the shout fell, two blood-red Shura murderous auras filled the entire martial arts platform instantly.

Immediately afterwards.

A huge scarlet hand with a size of a hundred meters, suddenly condensed in Shura’s murderous aura, and then slapped Jiang Chen below fiercely.

The Yan family brothers are not weak in strength, and now they have joined forces to explode, and their power can be described as extremely powerful, making all the Practitioners in the audience feel a kind of palpitations.

“Does the two strike together?”

Looking at the huge palm that was overwhelmingly suppressed, Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

With a movement of his mind, the blood of the true dragon god body in his body was instantly mobilized to the extreme.

The next moment…

A phantom golden dragon with a hundred feet of feet also condensed directly on top of Jiang Chen’s head.

Bloodline supernatural power, destroy the world dragon flame!

Faced with the combined force of the Yan family brothers, Jiang Chen did not hesitate to play one of own’s strongest trump cards, bloodline supernatural power!


The Baizhang Golden Dragon phantom snarled up to the sky, and opened his mouth a burst of burning sky golden flames spit out.


The Fen Tian Jin Yan collided with the blood-colored giant palm, and there was no loud bursting sound, only the dense flame dust spreading from the Wudoutai.

In an instant…

The entire Wudoutai was flooded with a storm of terrifying hot energy at this moment!

Under the gaze of countless almost dull gazes, the energy storm that filled the battlefield finally slowly dissipated.

In the center of the Wudoutai, Jiang Chen was surrounded by light, still standing proudly in place unscathed.

On the edge of the martial arts platform opposite Jiang Chen, the Yan family brothers staggered and forcibly supported their embarrassed body.

Their complexions were extremely pale, their clothes also had many cracks, and there were still faint blood stains at the corners of their mouths, and even their breath became extremely depressed.


In the confrontation with Jiang Chen just now, both of the Yan family suffered unprecedented hardships.

“This guy… terrifying strength!”

Seeing the miserable appearance of the Yan family brothers on the martial arts stage, everyone watching around couldn’t help swallowing their saliva secretly.

Two strong players in the first echelon of the second floor of the Thang Long Tower, one has won eight straight and the other has won nine straight.

Moreover, these two people are still very familiar brothers, and the power of the combined blow is very powerful.

Even if the Martial King on the second floor faces this strike, I’m afraid they have to avoid the edge for the time being.

But Jiang Chen severely wounded the two with one move.

With Jiang Chen’s terrifying strength, almost no one can stop this second level, maybe he really wants to complete an unprecedented pass kill.

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