Chapter 1177 Successive breakthrough, Shenhai Third Stage!

Come to the exclusive cultivation place.

Jiang Chen paid five god crystals, enough to sell the exclusive cultivation room for a month, and then started Closed Door Training cultivation.

In order to be able to quickly Ascension strength, Jiang Chen did not have the slightest stinginess, and took out all of the more than one hundred fast god crystals.

Shenjing is the universal currency of God’s Domain, and the energy contained in a piece of Shenjing is many times more powerful than Yuanling Mine.

Jiang Chen was also about to try the effect of using Shenjing cultivation.

Picking up a piece of Shen Jing, Jiang Chen quickly entered the cultivation state.

very quickly.

The system prompt sounded in my mind.

“Ding! You absorb a piece of god crystal cultivation and gain experience 8000*20*100!”

Jiang Chen was immediately overjoyed.

The cultivation ground on the second floor of the Dragon Tower is twice as powerful as the remains of the Emperor Zhun.

And the experience provided by a piece of Shenjing is ten times that of a piece of Spirit Stones!

With these god crystals, he will undoubtedly get twice the result with half the effort in cultivation.

Jiang Chen continued to consume the crystal cultivation, and the system prompts in his mind also sounded continuously.

“Ding! You absorb a piece of god crystal cultivation and gain experience 8000*20*100!”

“Ding! You absorb a piece of god crystal cultivation and gain experience 8000*20*100!”


“Ding! You successfully breakthrough the Second Stage!”

After consuming a hundred crystals, Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base finally broke through from the first stage to the second stage.


Jiang Chen continued to absorb the remaining dozens of crystals and put the Cultivation Base Ascension to the middle stage of the second floor of the Soul.

After the Shen Jing was consumed, Jiang Chen did not rush out of the gate.

He entered the Xuanming Pagoda, mining the Spirit Stones while absorbing the Spirit Stones to continue to gain Cultivation Base experience.

After spending several days and mining thousands of Yuan Spirit Stones for cultivation, Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base finally broke through again and successfully promoted to the Third Stage!

“Finally breakthrough the Spirit of the Third Stage, it’s time to challenge the second Martial King.”

Jiang Chen opened his eyes, and a slight curvature of his mouth could not help.

As far as he knows, the Martial Kings on the second floor of the Dragon Tower are all geniuses who have reached the Fourth Stage of the Cultivation Base.

Originally, with his combat power, even Shenhai First Stage’s Cultivation Base, with many methods, should be able to win the second-tier Martial King.

Only in this way, he might have to expose a lot of hole cards.

In this cruelly competitive Tower of Dragon, Jiang Chen didn’t plan to use cards like Dayan Swallowing Technique and Time and Space Sword Domain easily.

It’s really because he didn’t want to expose too much hole cards, Jiang Chen entered the second layer, and he chose Ascension strength first.

Nowadays, Cultivation Base Breakthrough Spirit Third Stage, even if he doesn’t use too many hole cards, Jiang Chen won’t have too much pressure on this second stage.

Leaving the exclusive cultivation room, Jiang Chen headed straight towards the martial arts arena in the center of the second floor.

The atmosphere on the martial arts arena is still as hot as ever.

On the fighting platform in the center, the battle between the two Practitioners has become fierce, and the battle is extremely fierce.

Among these two people.

One of them, Jiang Chen, is no stranger, and it is the young man who rescued Huang Ping from him.

The strength of the youth is indeed very strong, almost suppressing the bald youth on the opposite side of Shenhai Fourth Stage early stage.

After a few tricks.

The bald man screamed, his body flew upside down, with three more blood holes on his body, he fell heavily out of the martial arts platform, and his chest was stained red with blood.

At this moment, a black-clothed referee directly stepped onto the martial arts stage and announced the result loudly: “Congratulations to Yellow Dragon, the tester, for winning nine consecutive victories!”

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