Chapter 1159 The Secret of the Universe!

Shenwu Continent, an inferior little plane with no reputation.

How can such a genius born on a lower plane be compared with them?

“Shenwu Continent? Brother Jiang also came from the lower planes? My name is Zhao Ya and I come from Lingyue Continent.”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s introduction, the honest young man suddenly smiled and became more enthusiastic.

Jiang Chen was startled slightly: “The lower plane?”

“You don’t know the lower planes?”

This time it was Zhao Ya’s turn to be surprised.

He obviously didn’t expect that Jiang Chen didn’t even know the most basic common sense.

Jiang Chen said helplessly: “Some changes occurred in our place thousands of years ago, and many inheritances have been cut off. I came here by accident.”

“It turned out to be so.”

Zhao Ya nodded, and then patiently explained to Jiang Chen.

In the endless universe, there are tens of thousands of different planes, known as the universe.

These tens of thousands of planes were divided into several levels.

Inferior planes are the most inferior, followed by middle planes.

Above these two planes, there is the supreme main plane.

In the universe, there are countless inferior and intermediate planes, but the main plane is unique.

That unique main plane is called God’s Domain!

God’s Domain is the most mysterious and highest plane in the universe, and it is also the ultimate destination that the creatures of the universe dream of!

And this place in front of him is a trial place for the ancient dragon tribe, the forces of God’s Domain.

It is said that as long as you pass the test, you can get the qualification to directly enter the realm of God!

“Brother Zhao Ya, the young geniuses here are all from the universe. Do you want to enter the realm of God through the trial of the ancient dragon?”

“How the ancient dragons of God’s Realm left a test of inheritance in the universe? This is too exaggerated.”

Jiang Chen felt like entering a brand new world at this moment, full of endless curiosity about this world.

“The realm of the gods is vast and boundless, and the level of the plane is supreme, not to mention those god-level powerhouses far beyond the plane of the lower realm, even the lifespan of ordinary people far exceeds the plane of the lower realm.”

“As a result, the number of descendants of countless races in God’s Domain has also rapidly expanded. After millions or even tens of millions of years of development, it will reach a very terrifying point.”

“At this time, some collateral branches that are not valued by the ethnic group are placed in the lower realm. Only some elite disciples who pass the trial and assessment of the ethnic group are eligible to return to the gods.”

“The place in front of me is a trial ground opened by the ancient dragon clan. It can be said that those who can come here have a certain relationship with the ancient dragon clan of God’s Domain.”

Zhao Ya explained with a smile.

After hearing Zhao Ya’s explanation, Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

It seems that the secret realm now discovered by the Dragon Family in the Black Dragon City should have been left by accidental people from the ancient dragon tribe of God’s Realm.

“The Practitioner of the lower realm, besides entering the realm of the gods in this way, is there any other way?”

Jiang Chen thought for a while and couldn’t help asking Zhao Ya again.


“Most of the lower realm planes should have their way to God’s Domain.”

“However, this road is extremely difficult. Take our Lingyue Continent as an example. It is said that only those who have stepped into the Market Return Realm are eligible to enter the Gods Realm!”

Zhao Ya shook his head and smiled bitterly: “How difficult is it for the lower realm, especially the lowest lower realm, to give birth to a strong person in the market?”

Return to the market!

As far as Jiang Chen knows, the next Realm of the Divine Fetal Realm is the Guixu Realm, that is, the emperor-level powerhouse of the Shenwu Continent!

Doesn’t this mean that only emperor-level powerhouses have the qualifications to enter the realm of God?

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