Chapter 1153: The Land of the Long Family’s Inheritance!

Invincible physical training breakthrough Sixth Stage, Jiang Chen continued to consolidate the Cultivation Base, waiting for the opening of the land of Long Family heritage.


Seven days passed in a flash.

this day.

Long Li finally sent someone to inform Jiang Chen that the land of the Long Family’s heritage has opened!

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, and went straight to the mysterious valley deep in the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

Long Li and the Elders of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, as well as two young disciples of the Long Family who look very similar, have already appeared in front of the valley.

This valley is the place of inheritance of the Long Family of Black Dragon City.

In the past few days, Jiang Chen has also obtained a lot of information about the ancient land inherited by the Long Family from Long Li’s mouth.

The ancient land inherited by the Long Family is actually a secret realm space opened up by an ancient power.

When the ancestors of the Long family discovered this secret realm space and got no inheritance in the secret realm space, they established the Black Dragon City here, taking the secret realm as the lifeline of the dragon family’s inheritance.

It can be said.

The Long Family, the first family in the Northern Wild Continent that was once powerful, was formed from the secret realm space that inherited the ancient land.

The secret realm of the ancient land passed down by the Long Family has a long history and rich resources. It has cultivated generations of powerful people for the Long Family.

All the time.

The ancient land of the Long Family inheritance is a place where the talented disciples of the Long Family test the strength of Ascension.


Hundreds of years ago.

The Long Family disappeared from the Black Dragon City overnight, and the ancient land of inheritance was also completely sealed.

Until the last few decades, the seal of the Long Family Heritage Site has finally changed, and there will be a period of loosening every ten years.

In this period of time.

Long Li and Elder of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce were able to forcefully break the ban, sending two or three young geniuses into it.

These Long Family geniuses who entered the ancient land of inheritance quickly brought out a message from the ancient land of inheritance, and a mysterious trial place appeared in the ancient land of inheritance.

According to Long Li’s guesses, this trial place is probably related to the disappearance of the Long Family back then.


This mysterious place of trial is very difficult to enter.

Since the seal of inheritance of the ancient land was loosened, the Long Family has sent the Long Family’s young talents into the secret realm space seven or eight times.

It is a pity that only people under twenty-five years old can enter the ancient land of inheritance.

The Long Family has not cultivated any enchanting genius in recent years, and no one has broken the entrance of the trial ground to enter it.

And the sudden birth of Jiang Chen undoubtedly made Long Li see hope.


He did not hesitate to invite Jiang Chen over.

“Brother Jiang Chen, you are here.”

“Now that the ancient seal of inheritance is loose, I won’t say more nonsense. Elder and I will open Restrictions now.”

“The time when the seal is loosened will generally last about three days, and everything is up to you.”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s arrival, Long Li said directly.

When Long Li’s voice fell, he put his hands together and played a strange golden rune with the two Divine Sea Elders.

After a while.

Only the sound of sizzling was heard, and the void in front of everyone waved like the surface of water wrinkled by the wind, with layers of rippling ripples.

Then, a dark whirlpool appeared out of thin air.

“Go in, the Long Family Heritage Ancient Land is a secret realm space that has existed for at least tens of thousands of years. There are many crises in it, so be careful.”

Long Li exhorted Jiang Chen and the two young geniuses of the Long Family.

The two Long Family youths responded, and immediately jumped directly into the black vortex.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate anymore, and disappeared into the dark whirlpool in a flash.

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