Chapter 1140 Battle Blood Demon Palace Lord!

“Jiang Chen, although I have to admit that you are a unique Martial Dao genius, you have broken through the Divine Soul Realm at such an age.”

“But… with the strength you just broke through the Divine Soul Realm, but it’s not my opponent, let your Master Xiao Duli come out.”

The head of the Blood Demon Hall flickered, staring at Jiang Chen coldly.

“My master is no longer in the Northern Wilderness Continent. You don’t need to be so cautious about the temptation. I am the only one here today.”

Jiang Chen stood proudly in the void, and said lightly: “What’s more…I am enough to deal with you, you are not qualified to let my master take action!”

“Good! Good! Good!”

The Lord of the Blood Demon Palace smiled angrily: “I want to see today, what right do you have to be arrogant in front of me!”

After speaking, he stretched out a bloody palm and grabbed it into the void.


A giant bloody palm with flames landed from above Nine Heavens, with a strong bloody aura, suppressing Jiang Chen.

The giant palm has not stopped, the overwhelming aura, as if there is a feeling of blood vessels bursting and bursting.

Heaven grade martial arts blood evil palm!

The Hallmaster of the Blood Demon Hall obviously didn’t want to stand in a stalemate with Jiang Chen, as soon as he shot it, it was the Heavenly Grade of the Hall of Blood Demon!

“Slashing the sky with a sword!”

Holding the Blood Dragon Sword in his hand, Jiang Chen just swiped it lightly, and a giant sword from outside the sky directly slashed down from Nine Heavens, colliding with the giant palm of the Hall Master Blood Demon.


Two Yuanli storms of different colors in the void spread like mountains and seas.

The Lord of the Blood Demon Hall took a breath, and his figure was also three steps in the void retreated.

He looked at Jiang Chen, who was still standing proudly in the same place, his eyes suddenly shrinking: “Boy, I look down on you.”

Although this son has just broken through the Divine Sea Realm, his combat power is extremely powerful.

If he is a little careless today, I am afraid he will really fall into the hands of this kid.

“Even if you don’t underestimate me, it’s still death today. If you come and don’t be indecent, you can pick me up.”

Jiang Chen said faintly, the blood dragon sword drew a weird arc in mid-air.

“Ten Thousand Flames Burning the Sky!”

Countless flames condensed out of thin air, turned into a hundred-foot flame giant sword, with the terrifying power of smashing everything, slashed towards the head of the Blood Demon Hall!

“This is… a Martial Skill above the King level!”

The Hall Master of Blood Demon was shocked, and countless blood evil spirits rolled out from under his blood robe.

These blood evil spirits formed a bloody smoke barrier in mid-air.

From a distance, it looked like a huge blood cloud, which was tens of meters in size.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

At the moment when the blood cloud condensed, the Hundred-Zhang Flame Greatsword arrived in no time.

Wherever it went, the blood cloud turned into nothingness in the blink of an eye.

Just blink of an eye.

The Flame Greatsword had already destroyed dozens of feet of blood cloud, and then slashed down at the Hall of Blood Demon below!

The Hallmaster of the Blood Demon Palace had no time to dodge at this time, so he gritted his teeth and condensed a blood-colored mask around his body, resisting the attack of the flame giant sword.


Hearing a loud noise, the bloody mask that the Hallmaster of Blood Demon had just condensed burst open again.


A mouthful of blood sprayed out of his mouth, and the whole person flew upside down like a kite with a broken wire over a distance of more than ten feet.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, and the gaze that looked at Jiang Chen became extremely hideous, and the cold voice slowly resounded across the sky.

“Jiang Chen, you successfully angered me, today I will let you die without a place to be buried!”

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