Chapter 1133 Kill the Blood Demon Hall Headquarters!

“So, are you here to ask my master for help?”

Jiang Chen looked at Shen Baijian faintly, and the corner of his mouth could not help but raised a slight arc.

“I just want to find your master and work together to deal with the Blood Demon Hall.”

Shenbaijian’s complexion was a bit unsightly and authentic.

According to their understanding, the current strength of the Blood Demon Hall is unfathomable.

Especially the mysterious Hall Master of Blood Demon, it is said that he has restored the power of the King of Soul Divine Realm.

If they wanted to contend with the Blood Demon Hall, they had to invite Xiao Duli, the soul king behind Jiang Chen.


As the leader of the Three Sects of the Northern Wilderness, the Supreme Elder of the Shenjian Sect, and the number one powerhouse of the Three Sects of the Northern Wilderness, what a proud existence is the God Hundred Sect?

Even if he is asking for someone at this moment, how can he bow his head to the junior Jiang Chen?

“Hehe… that’s ridiculous!”

“Don’t say that my master is not in the Northern Wilderness now, even if he is here, why should I cooperate with you to deal with the Blood Demon Hall?”

Jiang sneered disdainfully.

He looked at Shen Baijian with an impatient look: “If you have nothing else, you can go away. I don’t want to waste time with you here.”

Shen Baijian’s complexion sank, and he shouted angrily: “Jiang Chen, I just gave you a little thin face because of the face of King Xiao, don’t be too much!”

“Do I need you to face me?”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly: “Old guy, since you are asking for help, you have to look like you are asking for help. Don’t put on a arrogant posture in front of me.”

“What did you say!”

A sharp cold light burst into the eyes of Shen Baijian: “Jiang Chen, don’t think you are Xiao Duli’s disciple, I really dare not do it to you!”

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent: “You can try it!”

“Okay, old man Jian, little friend Jiang Chen, I don’t know if you can give me a Face, just let it go?”

Seeing that Jiang Chen and Jiang Chen had a disagreement, Daoist Zixu suddenly became big.

This magical sword, he thinks he is the best of the three sects, and likes to put on an arrogant posture at all times.

Originally based on their origins between Taixu Zong and Jiang Chen, the two masters and apprentices, as long as they ask each other well, Jiang Chen, master and apprentice, will definitely not sit idly by.

Who knew the idiot of Shen Baijian, he went with Jiang Chen as soon as he came.

If you, the No. 1 powerhouse of the three sects, can deal with the Hall Master of Blood Demon, why bother to ask others?

Zi Xu Daoist was speechless to the extreme.

He took a deep breath and said solemnly to Jiang Chen, “Little friend Jiang Chen, whether King Xiao is in the Northern Wilderness or not, I hope you can help us for the sake of Taixu Sect.”

“Too I, Elder, rest assured, the Blood Demon Hall was born early, and he acted recklessly in the Great Xia Kingdom and arrested my friends. Naturally, I will not let them go.”

Standing with his hand in hand, Jiang Chen said lightly: “I am going to find the Blood Demon Hall to settle accounts. If you want to destroy the Blood Demon Hall, then follow me to kill the Blood Demon Hall headquarters.”

“What? Are you going to the Blood Demon Hall headquarters?”

Zi Xu Daoist’s complexion changed drastically: “Little friend Jiang Chen, don’t, the Blood Demon Hall’s strength is unfathomable, don’t mess around.”

“Yes, little friend Jiang Chen, I’m afraid this matter will have to be considered in the long term.”

Tianyuezong Taishang Elder Xu Qiuya also quickly echoed.

With the strength of the Blood Demon Hall, even if the King Xiao behind Jiang Chen came personally, I would not get any benefit from going to the Blood Demon Hall headquarters.

Jiang Chen just killed the Blood Demon Hall headquarters, it was no different from sending him to death.

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