Chapter 1131 Three Supreme Supremes, Elder is here!

“Patriarch, the Blood Demon Hall is powerful and has threatened the entire Northern Wilderness Continent!”

“I suggest to inform the Three Sects of the Northern Wilderness of this matter. Now only with the power of the three sects can it be possible to deal with the Blood Demon Hall.”

Jiang Kui said solemnly.

If the power of the Blood Demon Hall is really as strong as Xia Yuan said, the Northern Wild Continent is really dangerous.

Now they can only gather all the power to fight the Blood Demon Hall.


I’m afraid this Northern Desolate Continent will really be ruled by the Blood Demon Palace.

the other side.

Yan Qingxuan, Yueyangzhou and others also quickly agreed.

The strength of the Blood Demon Hall is too strong.

Although Jiang Chen’s strength was shocking, there was only one person after all.

If you just kill Meng Qingxue at the Blood Demon Hall headquarters in this way, it would be no different from sending him to death.

“Okay, you don’t have to say more.”

“Go to the Blood Demon Hall headquarters to rescue Meng Qingxue, I must do it.”

“You can rest assured, because of the power of the Blood Demon Hall, I haven’t put it in my eyes!”

Jiang Chen waved his hand with a decisive expression on his face.

With the strength of the Blood Demon Hall, it is indeed extremely powerful in the Northern Wilderness Continent, far surpassing the Three Northern Wilderness Sects.

Available in mainland China.

The Blood Demon Hall is slightly inferior to the weakest two-star forces like Canglan League.

With Jiang Chen’s current strength, why put the Blood Demon Hall in his eyes?


Just as Jiang Chen resisted the crowd and was about to kill the Blood Demon Hall headquarters alone, an old voice resounded in everyone’s ears.

“Taixu Zong Taishang, Elder Zixu Daoist, specially came to visit young friend Jiang Chen, please also show up.”

Everyone was shocked immediately.

Taixu Sect is too high Elder, this is one of the top powerhouses of the Northern Wilderness Three Sects, why did he suddenly come to Great Xia Country?

“What is this old guy doing?”

Jiang Chen wrinkled every day and disappeared into the Great Hall in a flash.

The next moment.

Jiang Chen’s figure has appeared above the Baizhang void outside the Great Hall.

Not far in front of him, there was a fairy tale bone, a white-haired old man in an Azure Taoist robe.

This person is the Taishang Elder Zixu Daoist who hasn’t appeared in Taixuzong for a hundred years, one of the few Shenhai late stage powerhouses in the Northern Wild Continent!

“Taishang Elder is not in Taixuzong, I don’t know what happened to this Great Xia Country?”

Looking at the Zixu Daoist in front of him, Jiang Chen couldn’t help asking in surprise.

Zixu Daoist smiled and said: “The little friend helped me solve the danger of Taixu Sect. The old way is grateful, and I specially come to thank you.”

“I have some connections with Taixu Sect. Since I met, naturally I won’t stand by and watch.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Too God, Elder is here this time, shouldn’t it be as simple as thank you?”

“The Blood Demon Hall, which has been silent for hundreds of years, is resurrected and ravages the Northern Desolate Continent. The Three Sects have decided to join forces to eradicate the Blood Demon Hall.”

“The strength of the little friend is amazing. In addition to thanking me for this trip, I also hope that the little friend can help me.”

“I have notified the old guys of the Tianyue Sect and the Divine Sword Sect, I think they will be here soon.”

Zi Xu Daoist didn’t mean anything, and said directly to Jiang Chen.

And just when Zixu Daoist’s voice fell.

In the distant horizon, two imposing figures, one black and one white, swept across the void almost at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, two Daoist shadows have appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

Heavenly Moon Sect Master Elder Xu Qiuya!

The Supreme Sword Sect, Elder, the Hundred Swords!

this moment.

The three peak powerhouses of the Northern Wilderness Three Sects have already gathered in front of Jiang Chen!

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