Chapter 1121 Dare to run wild in Daxia Country and die!

“Meng Zhenshan, do you want to use us as bait to lure Emperor Xia to appear?”

“I advise you to stop dreaming. Emperor Xia won’t show up. If you have the ability, just kill us with a single sword.”

“Sooner or later, Emperor Xia will bring people back to the imperial city and revive Great Xia Kingdom!”

After hearing Meng Zhenshan’s words, Jiang Kui and the others’ complexions suddenly changed, and they couldn’t help shouting angrily at Meng Zhenshan.

“Just rely on him?”

Meng Zhenshan said with a disdainful expression: “It’s a mere child with a yellow mouth. If he wasn’t lucky back then, how could the position of Emperor Xia be his turn?”

“Haha… Meng Zhenshan, you are right.”

“Emperor Xia was indeed lucky that he met my Jiang family Patriarch, and thus became God. Now my Jiang Family Patriarch Jiang Chen is the supreme protector of the Great Xia Kingdom, the God of War!”

“As long as Emperor Xia can find the Patriarch, he will definitely be able to kill back to the imperial city and expel the Blood Demon Hall!”

Jiang Kui laughed confidently.

Protect the country God of War Jiang Chen!

Hearing Jiang Kui’s mention of the name, Meng Zhenshan’s eyes sank slightly.

For this name, Meng Zhenshan is still fresh in his memory.

Back then, Jiang Chenshang was only a Practitioner in the Kaiyuan realm, so he single-handedly killed the Meng family, forcing the Meng family to bow to him.

Examination by the Emperor of the Great Xia Kingdom.

Jiang Chen even helped Xia Xuan ascend the position of God with his own power, and thus became famous in the Great Xia Kingdom.


Jiang Chen entered the Taixu School and returned again. He was already a strong man who could kill Fourth Stage of Pill Condensation. He put down the rebellion for Xia Xuan in one fell swoop, and was Xia Xuanzun as the God of War protector of the country!

after that.

It is said that Jiang Chen was a blockbuster in the Three Sects of the Northern Wilderness. He overwhelmed the many geniuses of the Three Sects of the Northern Wilderness and became the first person of the younger generation in the Northern Wilderness Continent.

Now it has been nearly two years since the three types of martial arts in the Northern Wilderness.

I’m afraid no one can know how terrifying the kid can grow under the guidance of the Divine Soul Realm King.

If Xia Xuan could really contact Jiang Chen, it would be a little troublesome.

“Jiang Kui, don’t bluff in front of me.”

“You Jiang Chen, the Patriarch of the Jiang Family, disappeared in the Northern Wilderness Continent more than a year ago, and there is no news. If you can really contact him, how could he still not make any moves?”

“Could it be that you, the Jiang Family Patriarch, God of War, is also scared, planning to hide in the dark as a tortoise?”

Meng Zhenshan looked sarcastically authentic.

Now that the Meng family had chosen to seek refuge in the Blood Demon Hall, there was no turning back.

not to mention……

Jiang Chen had disappeared in the Northern Wilderness Continent for so long, he really didn’t believe that Jiang Kui and the others could contact Jiang Chen.

“Meng Zhenshan, who do you say is a tortoise with its head shrunk.”

Just as Meng Zhenshan’s voice fell, a cold voice suddenly came from the sky.

Meng Zhenshan looked up in amazement.

I saw a young man in black with his hands on his back, his face calmly stepping into the air step by step.

He had no joy or sorrow in his eyes, without a trace of emotion, indifferently looking down at Meng Zhenshan and others below, and his cold voice was slowly resounding in this world!

“Meng Zhenshan, your Meng family is so brave that you betrayed the Great Xia Kingdom and joined the Blood Demon Hall! Don’t you know that the Great Xia Kingdom is the place I guarded by Jiang Chen?”

“Those who dare to be wild in Daxia Country, die!”


“Little friend Jiang Chen!”

“Brother Jiang Chen!”

Looking at the familiar figure in the void, no matter it was Jiang Kui, Yan Qingxuan, Yueyangzhou and others, an expression of excitement appeared in their eyes.

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