Chapter 1119 Kill the world upside down!

“Mr. Jiang, you… it’s great that you can come back!”

Xia Xuan’s eyes showed excitement that could not be concealed.

This time, the Blood Demon Hall suddenly attacked the Great Xia Kingdom, defeating and breaking the imperial city with the force of destroying Gula.

As the Emperor Xia, Xia Xuan could only fight out of the imperial city and fled to the depths of Kunyun Mountain in panic.

These days.

Xia Xuan cautiously huddled in this place, while paying attention to the situation of the Great Xia Kingdom, while waiting for Lin Tianzong to bring back reinforcements from Taixuzong, waiting for the opportunity to return to the imperial city.


Xia Xuan never thought of it.

He hadn’t waited for Tai Xuzong’s reinforcements, but he had waited for Jiang Chen, who had disappeared for two years!

For this young man who single-handedly sent him to the throne of the Great Xia Kingdom, Xia Xuan has long been unconditional trust.

From the initial assessment of the emperor.

Jiang Chen has created incredible miracles one after another.

It is also because of the trust in Jiang Chen.

Even after Jiang Chen left, Xia Xuan still canonized Jiang Chen as the supreme protector of the Great Xia Kingdom, God of War, with the same status as Emperor Xia!

Now that the guardian God of War returns, Daxia Kingdom will be saved.

“I said that I would protect Daxia Kingdom for a hundred years, but now Daxia Kingdom is in trouble, I will naturally not just sit idly by.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Tell me about the current situation of Daxia Country.”


Xia Xuan nodded, and quickly told Jiang Chen what had happened recently.

About three days ago.

A mysterious young man in the Blood Demon Hall suddenly came to the imperial city of the Great Xia Kingdom with three god-tier sea-level powerhouses.

Although Xia Xuan summoned the great powers of the Great Xia Kingdom to fight with all his strength, he was finally defeated, so he slayed out of the imperial city.

Today’s imperial city of Great Xia Kingdom has been controlled by the Blood Demon Hall.

Even Yanhuang Wuyuan has been destroyed by the strong of the Blood Demon Hall.

Almost all family forces loyal to Emperor Xia were cleansed by the Hall of Blood Demon.

Including Yueheng Chamber of Commerce and Jiang’s family, both suffered heavy damage from the Blood Demon Hall.

“How could Jiang Chen suffer a serious injury?”

Hearing Xia Xuan’s words, Jiang Chen’s face changed slightly.

Because of his existence, Yueheng Chamber of Commerce has always been a hard-core supporter of Xia Xuan, and it is reasonable to be hit hard by the Blood Demon Hall.

But Lingyun Wufu where the Jiang family is located, thousands of miles away from the imperial city, how could it also suffer from the Blood Demon Palace?

Could it be that the Hall of Blood Demon has swept the entire Great Xia Kingdom?

“You don’t know God of War. Two years ago, after you were sealed as God of War, the Jiang family moved to the imperial city. Now it is one of the top families in the imperial city.”

Xia Yuan on the side explained.

“It turned out to be so.”

Jiang Chen nodded, then frowned slightly and said, “Then you have news from them now?”

“We broke out of the imperial city in two ways. The Yueheng Chamber of Commerce and Jiang’s family were on the other way. I don’t know the specific situation.”

Xia Xuan shook his head and said, “However, I have sent someone to investigate. I guess there should be news coming back soon.”

call out!

Just as Xia Xuan’s voice fell, a cyan streamer cut through the sky, and finally fell directly into Xia Xuan’s mind.

The next moment.

Xia Xuan’s face became very difficult to look.

“Blood Demon Hall has captured many members of the royal family and Jiang’s family. Let me return to the imperial city within today, otherwise I will beheaded to show them to the public!”

“Huh! The trash from the Blood Demon Hall in a mere paltry group dare to show off in the Great Xia Kingdom!”

A cold light flashed in Jiang Chen’s eyes.

“Let’s go, come back to the imperial city with me. If they dare to touch a hair of my Jiang family, I will kill the people in their Blood Demon Temple to the ground!”

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