Chapter 1106 Killing Shenhai with one finger!

A faint cold snort suddenly came from the sky, and Ao Tiankui and the others below were taken aback for a moment.

They suddenly looked up, and saw a young man in black standing holding his hands, slowly landing in the void.

“Jian… Senior Brother Jiang, you… Are you Senior Brother Jiang Chen?”

Seeing the black-clothed youth who fell from the void, the two Taixuzongs were startled slightly, and immediately there were expressions of joy in their eyes.

“It’s him, he actually came back!”

Ao Tiankui and Dongfang Hao’s pupils shrank suddenly, and there were complex expressions in their eyes.


When Jiang Chen first entered Taixu Sect, they never put Jiang Chen in their eyes.

But Jiang Chen counterattacked all the way, stepping all of them under his feet, and finally became famous in the Battle of the Three Sects of the Northern Wilderness and became the well-deserved first person of the younger generation in the Northern Wilderness!

After the end of the three battles.

Jiang Chen left Taixu Zong with his master Xiao Duli, and never appeared in the Northern Wild Continent ever since.

For more than a year, they were about to forget the young king of the Northern Wilderness, but they didn’t expect Jiang Chen to show up again.


Jiang Chen’s sudden appearance also made Ao Tiankui and Dongfang Hao’s eyes a look of hope.

With Jiang Chen, perhaps they will be able to resolve today’s crisis!

after all.

This guy who aspired the young king of the Northern Wilderness, the level of enchantment far exceeded their imagination.

Now that more than a year has passed, I am afraid that no one will know the extent of Jiang Chen’s strength.

Just now, the method used to solidify the attack of Shenhai Fourth Stage powerhouse was far beyond their reach.

“Boy, who are you, dare to take care of my own business?”

The middle-aged in the blood robe looked at Jiang Chen who had fallen from the sky, and his bloody eyes flashed with a sharp glow.

Jiang Chen glanced at the middle-aged man in the blood robe lightly: “Blood Xiu? Are you from the Blood Demon Hall?”

“Yes, this seat is the Blood Demon, one of the eight hall masters of the Blood Demon Hall.”

The blood-robed middle-aged man looked at Jiang Chen proudly: “Boy, I think you have such strength at a young age, and it is a rare talent. As long as you join this seat, this seat will guarantee you a boundless future.”


“A Blood Demon hall master, who wants me to join you in a delusion?”

“More than a year ago, my master, Xiao Duli, defeated the Blood Demon Hall Guardian Venerable at Longqi Mountain, making your Blood Demon Hall unborn for five years. Unexpectedly, after less than two years, you ran out. !”

Jiang Chen snorted coldly: “Since you dare to turn back, I will destroy your Blood Demon Hall on behalf of the master!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, the blood-robed middle-aged face suddenly changed: “You…you are Xiao Duli’s disciple, Jiang Chen, the young king of the Three Sects of the Northern Wilderness Association a year ago?”

“Yes, I am Jiang Chen.”

Jiang Chen stood with his hand in his hand, with a cold expression on his face: “Catch it by yourself, I might also consider keeping a whole body of you!”

“Haha…should not be ashamed!”

“Boy, do you think my Blood Demon Hall is still the original Blood Demon Hall? Even if your master Xiao Duli shows up, my Blood Demon Hall is not afraid, let alone you are a small hairy boy?”

“Today I will take your head first, and then settle accounts with Xiao Duli!”

Xue Sha laughed disdainfully, and immediately stretched out his hand to grab it, and a blood-red giant palm of Yuanli grabbed Jiang Chen’s head.

“I can’t help myself!”

Jiang Chen snorted coldly, and immediately pointed out lightly.

call out!

The terrifying energy sword fingers instantly smashed the blood red vitality giant palm, and then landed on the blood evil spirit.

Before Xue Shao could react, his whole body exploded under Jiang Chen’s sword fingers.

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