Chapter 1102 I brought out the Xuan Ming Pagoda!

“Is it a good idea to kill with a knife?”

Xiao Galaxy Cluster’s eyes narrowed slightly: “What if Jiang Chen is willing to hand over the secrets of the fifth floor of the Xuanming Pagoda?”

Ten thousand years ago.

The Shenwu Continent has undergone tremendous changes, and the emperor road has since been cut off, and no emperor realm powerhouse has been born.

The secret of the breakthrough imperial realm left by the Holy Lord of Xuanming is enough to make any divine birth realm emperor on the mainland covet.

By the time.

Not only the imperial powerhouses of the other four holy cities will hear the wind, but even the old guys in Yandi City who don’t care about the world will peep into this secret.

How can Xiao Duli and Jiang Chen deal with the imperial powers of the five holy cities?


This trick to kill with a knife was based on the situation that Jiang Chen would not surrender this secret.

If Jiang Chen was willing to share this secret, this strategy would have no meaning.

Xiao Jingyun smiled slightly: “Master, the secret of the fifth floor of the Xuanming Pagoda is not so easy to get. Do you think it is possible for Jiang Chen to get this secret?”

Xiao Galaxy Cluster was startled when he heard the words.

The five holy cities of the relics of Emperor Zhun have been discovered for thousands of years.

In these thousands of years, the five holy cities will have a group of geniuses entering them every 100 years.

Among the generations of geniuses, there are also many amazing generations born, but no one has ever been able to enter the fifth floor of the Xuan Ming Pagoda.

Even the Blood Essence of the Fourth Stage’s quasi emperor, no one can take it away.

Even if Jiang Chen defeated Feng Qingyi and became the first genius of the five holy cities, the possibility of obtaining the secret of the fifth layer of the Xuanming Pagoda is extremely slim.

“Master, don’t worry, Jiang Chen is impossible to enter the fifth floor of the Xuanming Explosion Pagoda. As long as he can’t get the secret of breaking through the emperor realm, this strategy is enough to make him die without a place to be buried!”

Xiao Jingyun said vowedly.

The secret of breakthrough imperial realm, this is too important!

If Jiang Chen really got this secret, Yandi City would be very likely to give birth to a powerful emperor and become the only emperor-level force on the mainland!

This scene is definitely not the opinion of the other four holy cities.

Although everyone knows that Jiang Chen is unlikely to get it, but he is not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

The other four holy cities didn’t dare to gamble, and they couldn’t afford to gamble either.

So… as long as the news spreads, regardless of whether it is true or not, the powerhouses of the four holy cities will definitely come to Jiang Chen.

Xiao Jingyun really didn’t believe it.

Yandi City will be enemies of the four holy cities for Xiao Duli!

While Xiao Jingyun and his apprentice secretly planned.

The mansion of Fentian Sword Emperor Xiao Duli.

“Chen’er, although I know that you are so talented, I have never been disappointed. But I still didn’t expect that you could grow up to this point in Yandi City for half a year.”

Xiao Duli looked at Jiang Chen with satisfaction.

After a while.

His complexion became a lot more serious: “However, you performed too well on this trip to the Emperor Zhun. Especially the matter of the Xuanming Pagoda, I am afraid it will bring you a murderous disaster.”

Jiang Chen frowned slightly and said, “Master meant…They would suspect that I got the secret of the fifth floor of the Xuanming Pagoda?”

“The secret of the breakthrough imperial realm is really too tempting for the powerhouses of the divine birth realm on the mainland today.”

Xiao Duli gave a wry smile, and immediately stared at Jiang Chen: “Chen’er, tell me the truth, have you entered the fifth floor of the Xuanming Pagoda?”

“not yet.”

Jiang Chen shook his head, but then he said something that made Xiao Duli stunned.

“But… I brought the Xuanming Pagoda out!”

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