Chapter 1098 The Emperor of God Wind City Attacks!


Just as Jiang Chen left the Xuanming Pagoda, the entire quasi-emperor relic space trembled in vain, and was immediately enveloped by a magnificent force of will.

Jiang Chen felt it instantly.

This force of will, as if contained a huge repulsive force, wanted to forcibly expel him from the remains of the quasi emperor.

The relics of Emperor Zhun really are going to be closed.

Jiang Chen didn’t dare to neglect, he quickly used the magic trick Xuan Ye gave him, and quickly clicked more than ten times at the Xuan Ming Pagoda.

I saw the Xuanming Pagoda trembling constantly under the touch of Jiang Chen’s finger.


Jiang Chen let out a soft drink, and then his palms snapped together.

Under the control of Jiang Chen, the Xuanming Pagoda instantly rose from the ground, and then shrank sharply.

Just blink of an eye.

The Xuanming Pagoda, which was tens of feet high, turned into a palm-sized exquisite pagoda, and shot directly into Jiang Chen’s body.


At the same time that Jiang Chen took the Xuanming explosion tower, the willpower in the void also came crashingly.

Jiang Chen’s figure was quickly dimmed and transparent, and finally disappeared from the remains of the Emperor Zhun.

at the same time.

Outside the Xuanming Holy Peak.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

One by one, the talented disciples of the five holy cities came out of the remains of Zhun Emperor one after another.

The five holy cities have been waiting for the imperial-level powerhouses here, all of them hurriedly greeted their disciples and counted the losses and gains.

very quickly.

The complexion of the imperial powerhouses in the five holy cities became not so good.

This time, more geniuses have fallen in the remains of the Emperor Zhun than in the past. Not only the emperor-level geniuses have fallen countless, but even the emperor-level has fallen.

Especially in the Godwind City, the emperor-level geniuses have all fallen three!

“Qingyi, what the hell is going on, how can three emperor-level geniuses of God Wind City fall in the remains of Zhunhuang?”

Wuying Shenhuangfeng Wuying’s complexion was extremely gloomy.

The disciples who can enter the remains of the Emperor Zhun are all the top geniuses of the young generation of Kamikaze City, and each one has been cultivated with a lot of resources and hard work.

Especially the emperor-level geniuses, almost all are the pillars of the future of Kamikaze City.

Now that three emperor-level geniuses have fallen at once, even if they are based on the background of Divine Wind City, I am afraid that their vitality will be greatly injured.

“Uncle Master, all this is done by Jiang Chen…”

A cold light flashed in Feng Qingyi’s eyes, and he directly said what had happened to the Xuanming Pagoda!

“Good! What a disciple of Yandi City!”

Feng Wuying’s old eyes suddenly burst out with a terrifying killing intent.

His fierce gaze instantly penetrated the void and directly locked onto Jiang Chen who was reporting the results with Xiao Duli.

“Boy, you dare to kill the three emperor-level geniuses of God Wind City, and you didn’t come quickly to lead them to death!”

Feng Wuying’s furious shout also made everyone’s eyes look at Jiang Chen.

“Fuck! What did the kid in Yandi City do to anger the Wuying God Emperor Feng Wuying?”

“I’m afraid you don’t know yet. That kid’s name is Jiang Chen, and he is the dark horse with the largest relics of Emperor Zhun this time. It is said that Feng Qingyi was defeated by him, and three emperor-level geniuses died in his hands in Shenfeng City.”

“Hi…This guy is too awesome.”


Everyone looked at Jiang Chen in horror, and couldn’t help but breathe in their hearts.

Feng Qingyi has always been the first genius of the five holy cities, and the younger generation is almost invincible.

This little-known Maotou boy can even defeat Feng Qingyi, shouldn’t it be such an exaggeration?

Seeing Feng Wuying’s furious appearance, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but frown slightly.

The emperor of Kamikaze City, sure enough, is still in trouble.

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