Chapter 1090 The Sword Slayer’s Clone!

“Time and Space Sword Domain, condense me!”

Jiang Chen snorted coldly, and the thousands of cyan Sword Qi instantly turned into a cyan Sword Domain, covering Feng Qingya’s figure.

“The power of Sword Domain, and there is also a trace of the law of time, you…how can you have such power?”

Being in the cyan Sword Domain and feeling the weird power in the cyan Sword Domain, Feng Qingya’s expression finally couldn’t help but change drastically.

In his eyes looking at Jiang Chen, there was also an incredible look of horror!

The power of the Sword Domain, this is the power that the Sword Emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm can only master!

The power of the law, this is the existence that only the strong in the emperor realm are qualified to master!

Feng Qingya couldn’t think of it.

Not only did this kid master the power of Sword Domain, but there was also a trace of the power of the law of time in Sword Domain!

The law of time, this is the most difficult law power in the legend.

Even in the ancient times, there are only a handful of emperor realm powerhouses on the Shenwu Continent who can master the law of time.

But the boy who had just broken through the Divine Soul Realm in front of him had such a terrifying power.

Even with Feng Qingya’s experience, I have never seen such a wicked person.

A Practitioner who has just broken through the Divine Soul Realm has mastered the power of the imperial realm powerhouse.

This… This is too incredible.

Feeling the avatar of his own soul, rushing quickly under this weird Sword Domain, Feng Qingya was frightened in his heart.

The power of his Divine Soul clone is not strong. If the Sword Domain is allowed to flow faster, I am afraid it will dissipate completely soon.

Where did Feng Qingya dare to hesitate.

He took a deep breath and urged the power of the domain with all his strength, and the sharp wind blades instantly condensed all over his body!

“Blade Storm!”

Feng Qingya yelled, and those wind blades directly turned into blade storms, surging out against the blue Sword Domain.

Chi Chi…

The blade storm fell on the cyan Sword Domain, making a sneer, but it didn’t help to get the cyan Sword Domain.

As the prestigious emperor of Shenwu Continent, Feng Qingya’s strength is unfathomable.

Even if it is the whole body of the Divine Soul at the pinnacle of the Divine Sea, with the use of the power of the domain, it is enough to easily kill the king of the ordinary Divine Soul realm early stage.

But Jiang Chen was not an ordinary Divine Soul Realm.

Now Jiang Chen’s mastery of the time and space Sword Domain is almost close to one-tenth of the point.

With the blessing of Dayan Cloud Swallowing technique, Jiang Chen is now using the Sword Domain.

And Feng Qingya, the avatar of the Soul, is far from able to display the power of the Soul Seventh Stage, how can it break the Sword Domain of time and space?

The power of the avatar is limited.

Feng Qingya condensed the strongest blow and failed to break Jiang Chen’s Sword Domain, and his strength was instantly reduced.

Coupled with the exponential consumption of time and space Sword Domain to him.

Just a moment’s time.

The cyan brilliance around Feng Qingya became extremely dim.

He tried his best, struggling violently in the Sword Domain of time and space, and finally failed to break through the Sword Domain of time and space.


Feng Qingya’s figure also became more and more illusory, and finally turned into a little green light, which dissipated in the air out of thin air, leaving only a cold anger slowly echoing in the Great Hall.

“Good! What a time-space Sword Domain!”

“Jiang Chen, you dare to kill a ghost clone of this emperor, this emperor remembers you!”

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