Chapter 1085 The first arrogant of the five holy cities!

Feng Qingyi urged the blood of the emperor in his body, and his whole body surged.

He squeezed his fist sharply, and a huge fist shadow with an ancient blood aura blasted out directly at Jiang Chen.

Chi Chi!

The monstrous fist shook the space, leaving a space crack visible to the naked eye wherever it passed, emitting a scoffing sound.

“The bloodline of the titled emperor is stronger than the bloodline of Yandi in Yandi City, but that’s all.”

Jiang Chen let out a sneer, the Canglong Saint Body bloodline instantly urged to its limit, and the terrifying vitality vigorously sprayed from his fist.

Just blink of an eye.

The vitality energy gushing from Jiang Chen’s fist condensed directly in front of him into a cyan dragon more than ten feet long. ,

The giant dragon raised up to the sky and let out a stunned dragon roar, and then lightly shattered Feng Qingyi’s shadow with a claw.

Feng Qingyi’s complexion changed, and the silver long sword in his hand swung again and again, slashing three cyan wind gangs against the cyan dragon.

boom! boom! boom!

Three cyan wind gangs collided with the cyan dragon in mid-air, and a terrifying air wave instantly swept across the Great Hall.

Even the half-step kings like Xiao Jingyun were forced to retreated several steps in succession by this wave of air.

Some emperor-level geniuses of Shenhai Ninth Stage, even under the pressure of this air wave, a pale look appeared on their faces.

“The combat power of these two guys is too terrifying!”

“Feng Qingyi was able to defeat the Practitioner of Shenhun First Stage when he was still in the half-step king. Now that he has broken through the Shenhun realm, his combat power is probably not inferior to the Practitioner of Shenhai Fourth Stage!”

“I didn’t expect that Yandi City actually hides a monster genius who is not inferior to Feng Qingyi.”


Seeing Jiang Chen confronting Feng Qingyi head-on, he didn’t lose the wind, and there was even a vague sign of overwhelming Feng Qingyi.

Brother and sister Xiao Xingya and Xiao Yutong looked at each other, and they both smiled bitterly.

Although they all knew that Jiang Chen was the disciple of the Fentian Sword Emperor Xiao Duli.

Although they all know that Jiang Chen showed a strong talent after entering Yandi City, and broke the record, using Shenhai First Stage’s Cultivation Base to obtain the imperial martial arts inheritance.

But Xiao Xingya and the others have never treated Jiang Chen as opponents.

after all.

The time Jiang Chen entered Yandi City was too short, and there was an insurmountable gap with him.

No one thought of it.

Jiang Chen will fill this seemingly insurmountable gap in just six months, and successfully surpass them.

The degree of this guy’s perversion was worse than his master, the Fentian Sword Emperor Xiao Duli.

“You…what is your bloodline power?”

Feng Qingyi stepped on the ground and retreated three steps. He looked up at Jiang Chen, and his eyes also showed incredible horror.

Their bloodline of the Great Emperor of the Divine Wind City, but far surpassed the existence of the bloodline of the other four holy cities.

It is precisely with this emperor’s blood that he can crush all the disciples of the five holy cities and become the well-deserved first person in the five holy cities.

But now his bloodline of the great emperor was actually suppressed by the mysterious bloodline of the kid in front of him!

“What kind of blood strength I am, you are not qualified to know.”

“But… if your hole card is the so-called blood of the emperor, you will lose.”

Jiang Chen smiled indifferently, and then stepped out abruptly.


Only a loud noise was heard, thunderclouds surging in mid-air, and silver long swords flashing with thunder light instantly condensed in the void.

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