Chapter 1080 Heavenly Ghost Body!


Wu Ziyun and Lei Xingyang spouted a mouthful of blood, and their figures flew upside down in embarrassment.

Even Xiao Jingyun, a half-step king, had been retreated for more than ten steps under this strike of Feng Qingyi, and there was a pale look on his face.

“You…you actually broke through the Divine Soul Realm!”

Xiao Jingyun forcefully suppressed the churning aura inside his body, and the gaze that looked at Feng Qingyi instantly became horrified.

Although the half-step king has a trace of king means, it has the ability to freeze space.

But Wu Ziyun and Lei Xingyang are both emperor-level geniuses at the peak of Shenhai Ninth Stage, and he is even a half-step king.

The full blow of the three of them is not something that a half-step king can easily freeze.

The only possibility is that Feng Qingyi has broken through the Divine Soul Realm and become a true Divine Soul Realm King!

Although the King of the Soul Realm and the King of Half Step are separated by a thin line, their strengths are far apart!

If it is an ordinary Practitioner who just broke through the first stage of the soul, with Xiao Jingyun’s strength, perhaps he is not too afraid.

Ke Feng Qingyi is the first genius of the five holy cities, the king who can defeat the first stage of the soul before breakthrough.

Now that I have broken through the Divine Soul Realm, I am afraid that the combat power is not inferior to that of the Divine Soul Fourth Stage Practitioner!

Even if they all join hands, I am afraid they may not be Feng Qingyi’s opponents.

“This guy actually made a breakthrough in the Divine Soul Realm.”

Seeing Feng Qingyi defeating Xiao Jingyun’s trio with one enemy and three moves, Jiang Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“The Emperor Shenfeng is worthy of being the pride of the five holy city emperors, and he has already broken through the Divine Soul Realm. With such a talent, I am afraid that he is no less inferior to the Burning Heaven Sword Emperor Xiao Duli.”

At this moment, a melodious voice suddenly rang in the Great Hall.

Feng Qingyi raised his head slightly.

He looked at the blue dress, like a peerless woman in the dust, and said lightly: “Meng Xuan Xuan, I know your strength is stronger than the three of them. If you break through the Divine Soul Realm, I might still treat you Fear of three points. But now you, want to compete with me for the quasi-emperor Blood Essence, I am afraid that you are not qualified.”

“The Blood Essence of the quasi emperor, of course, has to compete.”

“What’s more… Xuan Xuan also wants to see how strong the Emperor Shenfeng who has made a breakthrough in the Divine Soul Realm!”

Meng Xuanxuan’s light voice fell, and an unusually terrifying soul will whizzed out in an instant.

“As expected to be the supreme genius of Lingxi City, such a terrifying will of the soul, this soul power has at least reached the level of the third stage of the soul!”

Feeling the spirit power erupting from Meng Xuanxuan, Jiang Chen was also amazed.

Lingxi City is worthy of being a four-star Sacred Land who is good at soul cultivation. This Meng Xuan Xuan has not yet broken through the Soul Realm, but the power of the Soul has reached the Third Stage or above.

“It is said that Meng Xuanxuan is not a descendant of the spirit emperor who has the bloodline of the spirit emperor. She is able to overwhelm the many geniuses in Lingxi City and cultivate the soul to such a degree. This woman is really unusual in talent on the soul road.”

Jiang Chen rubbed his chin and said.

“Hey… what do you know?”

“Although this little girl doesn’t have the bloodline of the Spirit Emperor, it’s a heavenly ghost of one in a million.”

“Even in our time, this physique is one in a million, and naturally it is not weaker than the blood of the strong in the emperor realm.”

At this moment, Xuehe suddenly said in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Tianyou Soul Body?”

Jiang Chen was shocked: “Is this Meng Xuan Xuan the legendary Xiantian divine body?”

“Taiyi Soul Seal!”

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