Chapter 1075 Break two levels in a row, perfect score!

After killing two people in gray with a punch.

Immediately afterwards.

In front of Jiang Chen, four people in grey clothes condensed again.

Jiang Chen displayed the true meaning of the Third Stage air channel, his body shape was as fast as a teleport in a cave, and he directly punched one, killing all the four people in gray in an instant.

very quickly.

The fourth wave of this mysterious space and the fifth wave of people in gray are all rapidly condensing, and the number of people in gray has doubled each time.


The strength of these people in gray is almost in the early stage of Shenhai.

With Jiang Chen’s current strength, Cultivation Base alone can easily kill him, even if it is more, it will hardly pose any threat to Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen has already solved six waves of people in gray.

When the seventh wave of gray-clothed people condensed, Jiang Chen found that there were more than forty gray-clothed people.

“This quasi-emperor inheritance trial is indeed extraordinary. No wonder that with Lei Tianpeng’s strength, he can only pass this level in front of him.”

Jiang Chen said to himself authentically.

Although these people in grey clothes are only in the early stage of Shenhai, they are triumphant in large numbers.

Especially after this, they directly faced the siege of more than forty Shenhai early stage.

Even the Practitioner of Shenhai Seventh Stage is not easy to deal with.


For today’s Jiang Chen, this naturally poses no threat.

He rushed directly into the forty gray-clothed men, his body flashing quickly, and with every punch, one gray-clothed man disappeared in the Great Hall.

Just a moment’s time.

More than forty people in gray clothes were all killed by Jiang Chen!

After Jiang Chen killed the forty gray-clothed men, an indifferent voice slowly resounded in the Great Hall.

“Experimenter, you pass the second floor of the Xuanming Pagoda perfectly and get one hundred Yuan Spirit Stones, the best king-level Wuxue Kongming Shenquan!”

As this indifferent voice fell, a bunch of Yuan Spirit Stones and a simple scroll fell from mid-air, slowly floating in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was also not polite, and he went straight into the storage ring.

With a sweep of his gaze, he landed on the innermost space formation of the Great Hall, and then stepped onto the third floor of the Xuanming Pagoda.


Entering the third floor of the Xuanming Pagoda, Jiang Chen once again came to a space exactly the same as the second floor.

It’s just that this time in front of Jiang Chen, it was not the man in gray in the early stage of Shenhai, but a middle-aged man with a silver armor and a spear.

The middle-aged man stared at Jiang Chen indifferently, and a king’s will was also overwhelmingly directed towards Jiang Chen’s suppression.

The opponent of this level of trial turned out to be a Divine Soul Realm King!

Jiang Chen’s eyes shrank slightly, and the will of the Soul Realm King condensed in an instant, and it slammed into the middle-aged man’s Soul Will.

With Jiang Chen’s current strength, the kings below the Fourth Stage of the Soul could hardly pose any threat to him.

If you shoot with all your strength, even kings above Shenhai’s Fourth Stage may not be able to kill.

And the middle-aged silver armor in front of him is only the first stage of the soul, how can Jiang Chen have the slightest fear?

Slash the sky with a sword!

Third Stage Dacheng Sword intent!

Burning the fire!

Jiang Chen quickly swung the Yanlong Sword in his hand, and one after another terrifying attacks burst out at the silver armor middle-aged.

The middle-aged man in the silver armor of the Soul First Stage barely had any resistance, and was completely crushed by Jiang Chen.

Finally, he was directly split into two parts by Jiang Chen’s sword intent, and then disappeared completely in the Great Hall.

very quickly.

The indifferent voice in the Great Hall sounded again.

“Trial, you pass the third floor of the Xuanming Pagoda perfectly, and get 1,000 Yuan Spirit Stones, the best emperor-level martial arts underworld emperor sword seal!”

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