Chapter 1059 Earth Shaking Vajra Ape!

“Boy, don’t toast or eat fine wine!”

Feng Qingyi’s expression instantly turned gloomy: “Do you really think that you have the strength of the Sixth Stage, so you can be invincible in this place?”

Feng Qingyi was almost out of breath at the moment.

He is the number one genius of the five holy cities, just like the high moon, the geniuses of the five holy cities are all in awe of him.

Now that he took the initiative to give in, he had already given Jiang Chentian’s face.

But this kid in front of him repeatedly provokes his endurance limit.

Even Feng Qingyi, who has always been calm, couldn’t help but a burst of anger rose in his heart.

“I can’t be invincible in this place, I don’t know.”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth raised a slight arc: “I only know that with my fist, I have to clean up a few of you, there is no problem at all.”

“good very good!”

Feng Qingyi smiled furiously, his eyes flashing with cold killing intent: “Fenghe, do it for me, don’t keep one!”

“Senior brother, don’t worry, leave it to me.”

at this time.

An eagle-eyed young man stepped forward slowly behind Feng Qingyi.

He stared at Jiang Chen and the others with a disdainful expression: “It’s just a few rubbish in Yandi City. My senior brother is willing to cooperate, and it is considered worthy of you. Since you are so ignorant of good and bad, then I will send you to die.”


A look of surprise appeared in Jiang Chen’s eyes: “Your strength seems to be far inferior to your brother. I want to see how you let me go to death.”


“I Fenghe is not good at Martial Dao, and I am naturally far inferior to my seniors on Martial Dao.”

“But in this place where Yuan Li is imprisoned, the power I possess will not be affected in the slightest. Because… I am a sixth-rank beast trainer!”

Fenghe smiled proudly at Jiang Chen.


I saw him grabbing the animal training bag at his waist and waved it, and a golden shadow instantly sprang out of the animal training bag.

After the golden shadow came out of the trainer’s bag, his figure grew rapidly in mid-air.

Just blink of an eye.

The golden shadow turned into a golden great ape with a height of more than ten meters.


The golden giant ape landed in front of Fenghe with its huge body like a hill, causing the mountains within a radius of one hundred meters to tremble violently.

Looking at the golden giant ape in front of him, Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly: “The sixth rank ancient beast, the earth-shaking Vajra ape?”

Looking at Fenghe’s golden ape, Xiao Baiyi and the others couldn’t help but change slightly!

Shake the earth Vajra ape!

This is the sixth rank ancient beast with the bloodline of the divine beast, and its strength is comparable to the Practitioner of the peak of the divine sea. Even some strong early stage divine souls may not be able to easily defeat it.

“Boy, my eyesight is good, this is my Vajra ape!”

Fenghe said with a proud face: “Although this place can confine the Practitioner’s vitality, it will not have the slightest impact on Demonic Beasts. Even if your Cultivation Base reaches the Sixth Stage, you will definitely die today!”


“You, the earth-shaking Vajra, are barely reaching the sixth rank early stage. There is still a long way to go before you reach the peak.”

“If you want to kill me by it, I’m afraid you will be disappointed.”

Jiang Chen’s gaze swept across Vajra Shaking Ape slightly, downplaying the authenticity.

If it’s an earth-shaking Vajra ape at its peak, his physique, Cultivation Base, may be really hard to contend!

But the earth-shaking Vajra in front of him obviously hasn’t grown to its peak, so why is he afraid?

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