Chapter 1055 If you don’t want to fall here, get out!

“Boy, I have been in the five holy cities for more than a decade, and no one has dared to be so presumptuous in front of me.”

“You really can imprison Zhenyuan for this, so why can’t I stop you?”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s contemptuous words, Feng Qingyi’s whole person became murderous in an instant: “Since you have to die, I will fulfill you today.”

The cold voice fell.

Feng Qingyi looked down at Jiang Chen and the others indifferently, and a trembling spirit will oppress Jiang Chen and them.

He is the strongest genius in the five holy cities, and has already become a half-step king.

Although the place in front of you can confine the Practitioner’s vitality, it cannot confine the half-step king’s soul will.

Even if there is no way to use his original strength, under his king’s will, the few disciples of Yandi City in front of him are still no different from the ants!

“The king…the will of the king!”

Feeling the majesty contained in the will of the Feng Qingyi King, Xiao Baiyi’s face suddenly turned pale.

Behind Xiao Baiyi, the disciples of Yandi City were even more embarrassed.

There were two disciples with weaker strength, almost not even under the pressure of the king’s will, one staggered and knelt on the ground.

“Huh! Want to suppress us with the will of the king?”

“Sorry, you are not the only one here!”

Facing the oppression of Feng Qingyi’s will, Jiang Chen snorted faintly, and the half-step king’s spirit will also instantly condense, offsetting Feng Qingyi’s spirit will to the invisible.

“You turned out to be a half-step king who condensed the will of the king?”

Feng Qingyi’s pupils shrank suddenly.

He stared at Jiang Chen tightly, and there was an incredible shock in his eyes.

Feng Qingyi was delayed for a while because of some things, and did not see what happened outside the Xuanming Pagoda, so he was naturally shocked to the extreme in his heart.

Half-step king!

This is synonymous with talent and status!

Every half-step king is almost a true young talent on the mainland.

It is precisely because of this.

It is extremely difficult to condense the will of the king in the Divine Sea Realm and become a half-step king.

Even in the five holy cities, besides him, there are only Meng Xuanxuan from Lingxi City and Xiao Jingyun from Yandi City.

All the time.

In Feng Qingyi’s eyes, only Meng Xuanxuan and Xiao Jingyun were the only two half-step kings in this quasi-emperor ruins, who were barely qualified to be his opponents.


Feng Qingyi didn’t expect it.

In addition to the three of them in the five holy cities, there is actually a fourth half-step king.

What he didn’t even expect was.

This half-step king turned out to be an unknown little boy in Yandi City!

“It’s really surprising.”

Feng Qingyi stared at Jiang Chen for a while, then slowly said, “You Yandi City is so hidden. I didn’t expect that besides Xiao Jingyun, there is a half-step king like you!”

In recent hundreds of years, the generation of disciples in Yandi City has been inferior to one generation, and there have been few outstanding figures, making Yandi City almost reduced to the bottom of the five holy cities.

Until a few decades ago, the Yandi City Xiao Duli had risen from heaven-defying, and overwhelming all the geniuses of the five holy cities with one person’s power, so that the status of Yandi City showed signs of recovery.

And now.

Yandi City unexpectedly appeared two half-step king-level peerless geniuses at once.

This is incredible!

“Things you can’t think of have gone into the sea.”

Jiang Chen snorted, and his flat voice resounded directly in Feng Qingyi’s ears.

“Feng Qingyi, I will give you one last chance. If you don’t want to fall here, just get out!”

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