Chapter 1042 The Xuan Ming Pagoda opens!

Leave the Great Hall.

Jiang Chen opened the ancient medicine garden and wandered around, searching for the elixir in the medicine garden.


Most of the medicinal fields in the ancient medicinal garden were guarded by Restrictions.


Jiang Chen also had no way to clean up the treasures of the ancient medicine garden, he could only choose the useful or precious elixir to start with.

After spending two days in the Antiquity Medicine Garden, Jiang Chen gained a lot.

Until the third morning.

Jiang Chen suddenly received a subpoena from Xiao Baiyi, and then he had to stop collecting the medicine garden.

Because Xiao Baiyi told him that the Xuanming Pagoda was opened!

Xuan Ming Pagoda!

The most central place of Sect Xuanming Sacred Land is also the place where Xuanming Holy Lord cultivation was back then!

It is said that there is not only the life-long inheritance of the Xuanming Holy Lord, but also the mystery of the emperor left by the Xuanming Holy Lord!

Thousands of years ago, the Shenwu Continent changed drastically, the emperor realm powerhouse disappeared overnight, and the emperor road was also completely cut off.

In these ten thousand years, the Shenwu Continent has never given birth to an emperor realm powerhouse.

Countless peerless emperors at the pinnacle of the Divine Embryo Realm, even if they spent their entire life, failed to take the last step and attain the throne.

And the mystery of Emperor Xuanming left by the Holy Lord is undoubtedly the most important thing in the five holy cities.

It’s just that for thousands of years, the five holy cities have entered the remains of the Emperor Zhun every 100 years, but no one will come into contact with this secret in the future.

“The Xuanming Pagoda has been opened, and it seems that I can only leave here first.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself authentically.

The place of inheritance left by a quasi-emperor was undoubtedly much more important than this ancient medicine garden.

Now that the Xuanming Pagoda was opened, he had to see everything he said.

With a slight hesitation in his heart, Jiang Chen’s figure flashed, and he quickly swept away from the ancient medicine garden…

And just as Brother Jiang Chen came out of the Ancient Medicine Garden.

Next to the green lake.

Wu Zhanyang still stayed here, taking a few Tianwu City disciples to scrape resources in Lushui Linghu.

While scavenging resources, he still glanced from time to time to the place where the Spiritual Qi mist shrouded on the other side of the Lushui Ling Lake.

“Damn it, it’s been a few days, how come that kid hasn’t come out of the ancient medicine garden?”

Wu Zhanyang cursed secretly in his heart, and his expression was extremely gloomy.

Wu Zhanyang really couldn’t understand how the kid entered the ancient medicine garden alone.

These days.

It is not that Wu Zhanyang did not try to enter the ancient medicine garden.

It’s just that the formation genius of their Tianwu City, Wugan, is at a loss for the guardian formation of the ancient medicine garden.

Wu Zhanyang had no choice but to retreat back, waiting for Jiang Chen to appear on the shore of the green water and Linghu Lake, but he did not expect to wait for a few days without waiting for Jiang Chen to come out.

“Brother Zhanyang, can’t wait any longer.”

“Just now there was news that the Xuanming Pagoda has been opened. Let’s go to the Xuanming Pagoda first.”

“If it’s because that kid from Yandi City missed the opportunity to enter the Xuanming Pagoda, it would be more than worthwhile.”

At this moment, a Tianwucheng disciple suddenly said to Wu Zhanyang.

“Boy, you are lucky.”

“When I go to the Xuanming Pagoda to get the chance, I will come to you to settle the account!”

The Xuanming Pagoda, this is the most core heritage site of the Zhun Emperor’s relics, and Wu Zhanyang is naturally unwilling to miss it easily.

Wu Zhanyang took a sharp look at the ancient medicine garden, and was about to turn around and leave.


Just when he was about to turn around, he could see the opposite of Lushui Linghu, a figure that made him very familiar, stepping on an ancient ghost crocodile galloping…

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