Chapter 1036 Blood Soul Secret Technique!

Among the five holy cities, the bloodline of the Emperor Realm represents talent and potential!

The higher the bloodline level, the stronger the talent and potential.

For example, Lingchuan, who has the blood of the Seven-Star Soul Emperor, is a unique emperor-level genius in Lingxi City.

But once the blood soul secret technique is used to burn the bloodline power, it will cause the level of the bloodline power to drop!

And the more the bloodline burns, the more grades will be dropped.

In other words.

As long as Lingchuan casts the blood soul secret technique, his bloodline level will fall back to at least six stars, or even five stars!

Blood soul secret technique, this is Lingxi City’s taboo secret technique.

Without being forced to do so, no disciple of Lingxi City would easily use it.

Lingyan and the others obviously didn’t expect it.

The emperor-level genius Lingchuan of the dignified Lingxi City, the first person under the half-step king, would be forced to such a point by a hairy boy.

“Lingyan, I use my blood soul secret technique to break this Sword Domain with all my strength, even at any cost, I will kill him for me!”

Lingchuan looked terrifying.

Today, Jiang Chen used the Shenhai Sixth Stage Cultivation Base to cast the mysterious Sword Domain, and he could hardly break it with ordinary power.

If they continue to stay in the Sword Domain, their lives will soon be exhausted.

At this moment.

Lingchuan can only use the forbidden secret blood soul technique of Lingxi City.

Even at the cost of the bloodline star drop, today he will kill the kid in front of him!


Following Lingchuan’s blood soul secret technique, burning the blood of the soul emperor in his body, the aura on his body instantly broke through the peak of the Shenhai.

Divine Soul First Stage!

God Soul Second Stage!

God Soul Third Stage!

In just the blink of an eye, the aura on Lingchuan’s body has reached the level of Divine Soul Third Stage!

Using the blood soul secret technique to forcibly ascension the strength to the divine soul state, a cyan giant palm containing monstrous power instantly condenses in front of Lingchuan.

“Xuanling good fortune palm, break it for me!”

Lingchuan’s eyes were red, and there was a burst of shout in his mouth. With the power of destroying space, the cyan giant palm slapped the cyan Sword Domain fiercely.


The earth-shaking explosion slowly resounded in the Great Hall.

Cyan Sword Domain finally became distorted under Lingchuan’s full blow, and even the cyan light of Sword Domain was instantly dimmed.

After a while.

The cyan Sword Domain could no longer stop the power of the cyan giant palm, and it exploded directly with a bang, turned into a little bit of starlight with the cyan giant palm, and dissipated in the Great Hall out of thin air.


One move broke Jiang Chen’s time and space Sword Domain, and Lingchuan’s mouth spurted out blood, and the whole person was pale and slumped toward the ground.

“The first person under the half-step king of the five holy cities is also well-deserved.”

“Among your peers, you are the first to break my time and space Sword Domain with a single blow.”

Jiang Chen looked at Lingchuan, who had broken the Sword Domain with a single blow, and a look of surprise flashed across his face.

“Jiang Chen, you forced me to do this.”

In Lingchuan’s eyes staring at Jiang Chen, a look of madness flashed: “Even if you pay a big price today, I will let you be buried in this ancient medicine garden!”

“Ha ha……”

“You used a secret method to condense the strongest one to break through my time and space Sword Domain, which really surprised me a bit.”

“But… the price you paid for it was too great.”

Jiang Chen looked at Lingchuan condescendingly, his expression indifferent.

“If you can still condense a blow with a secret method at this moment, maybe you will almost kill me.”

“It’s a pity… you have almost lost all your combat power now. Even if you break through the Sword Domain, what can you do with me?”

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