Chapter 1031 Taiyi Soul Seal!


“A mere soul attack, I want to block it, but it’s easy.”

“Don’t say it’s one move, even if it’s ten moves, you may not hurt my hair.”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously.


With a move of Jiang Chen’s palm, the blood dragon sword flashed out of thin air in his hand.

He raised the blood dragon sword, pointed at Lingchuan with the tip of the sword, and he was full of fighting spirit: “Lingchuan, come to fight. Today, let me understand how many people are the first person under your so-called half-step king. Get the job done!”

This time.

Jiang Chen was in Yandi City’s Closed Door Training cultivation, and his strength soared, but he hadn’t met an opponent who could fight with all his strength.

And the Lingchuan in front of me is a good touchstone!


“Don’t think that if you can block my move, you are qualified to be arrogant in front of me.”

“Soon I will let you know how big the gap is between you and me!”

The voice of coldly fell, Lingchuan Xiuchang Bai Zhe’s fingers traversed a strange arc, forming a strange handprint in mid-air.

at the same time.

A majestic soul power erupted from Lingchuan again, and then quickly condensed towards its palm.


Jiang Chen only felt that a palpable invisible soul handprint was rapidly taking shape on top of Lingchuan’s head.

“Taiyi Soul Seal, go!”

The cold voice fell.

Lingchuan slammed his palms at Jiang Chen with both hands. An invisible soul handprint instantly tore a dark gap in the space in front of him, with a terrifying soul coercion, coming towards Jiang Chen’s suppression.

In an instant…

The invisible soul pressure enveloped Jiang Chen, even Jiang Chen seemed to feel breathless at this moment.

“Senior Brother Lingchuan is finally moving, and now that kid is dead.”

Seeing this scene, the corner of Lingyan’s mouth, who was previously killed by Jiang Chen’s spike, couldn’t help but set off a disdainful sneer.

One soul seal!

One of the three king-level soul Martial Skills in Lingxi City.

Senior Brother Lingchuan once used Taiyi Soul Art, but let a Divine Soul Realm King suffer a big loss in his hands.

Ling Yan really didn’t believe that the guy on the opposite side could stop Senior Brother Lingchuan from this strike.

“Is this the Soul Martial Skill, it’s really extraordinary.”

Facing Lingchuan’s weird blow, Jiang Chen naturally did not dare to underestimate it.

He urged the Third Stage to become a Sword intent to resist the terrifying soul pressure in mid-air.

at the same time.

He urged the vitality in his body, and the majestic vitality surged toward the blood dragon sword.

“Ten Thousand Flames Burning the Sky!”

Jiang Chen let out a low roar, and drew out the blood dragon sword in his hand. The flame giant sword condensed by thousands of flames tore through the space, slashing out with the power of burning the sky.


The flame giant sword and the soul handprint collided in just an instant, and the invisible strong wind surged out and swept the Great Hall in an instant.

Jiang Chen’s body trembled, and then he flew upside down ten steps against the ground before slowly stopping.

He stared closely at the opposite Lingchuan, which also flew upside down more than ten steps, and a pale look appeared on his face.

“Lingxi City, worthy of the most mysterious existence of the five holy cities, this soul Martial Skill is really extraordinary.”

Jiang Chen was shocked.

Just now played against this time.

Jiang Chen’s Third Stage Sword intent, Canglong Saint Body bloodline, and Emperor Martial Skill all erupted.

It can be said.

This is almost the strongest blow he can now explode apart from the time and space Sword Domain.

But even so.

Jiang Chen only matched Lingchuan.

There was even a trace that penetrated into his mind, causing his soul to be wounded!

This Lingchuan can be hailed as the first person under the half-step king of the five holy cities, and it is also well-deserved!

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