Chapter 1024 Quasi-Nine-Rank formation, the Universe Killing Array!

Jiang Chen controlled the ancient ghost crocodile and headed straight to the ancient medicine garden.

Although the ancient ghost crocodile is not the most powerful Demonic Beasts in the Green Water Spirit Lake, it does have a trace of the blood of a divine beast.

Even some powerful fierce beasts in the center of the green water, under normal circumstances, would not easily attack the ancient ghost crocodile.

It is precisely because of this.

Jiang Chen went very smoothly along the way.

Not long.

Jiang Chen traversed Baili Lushuiling Lake.


Jiang Chen raised his head slightly, his eyes fell a hundred meters away.

There, it was still shrouded in a thick Spiritual Qi mist.

Even at a distance of only a hundred meters, Jiang Chen still couldn’t see what was inside.

“Be careful, instinct tells me that the formation in front of you is very dangerous.”

“Even if the formation in front of you is not the legendary Ninth-Rank Emperor Formation, I am afraid it is a top-ranking 8-Rank existence!”

“Don’t say it’s you, even if an ordinary divine fetal emperor enters the game rashly, he will end up miserably!”

At this moment, the voice of Xuehe suddenly rang in Jiang Chen’s mind.

Although Xuehe wanted Jiang Chen to die in his heart, he had to remind him at this moment.

after all.

This quasi-emperor relic has the law of the great emperor’s artistic conception to monitor everything.

Once his soul appeared. Waiting for his fate is to lose his body.


Blood River can only live in Jiang Chen’s body now.

If something happens to Jiang Chen, there is absolutely no possibility that he will survive in the ruins of the Emperor Zhun.

“Don’t worry, you don’t need to say, I also know this formation is very dangerous.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

Xuan Ming Sacred Land, this is the quasi-emperor Sect who is infinitely close to the emperor-level forces for thousands of years.

How can the ancient formation left by a quasi-emperor Sect be so simple?

Staring at the Spiritual Qi mist a hundred meters away, Jiang Chen still didn’t hear the system’s prompt sound in his mind for a while.

“It seems that the formation of this ancient medicine garden is really extraordinary, and even the unfavorable system can’t identify it.”

Jiang Chen pondered slightly, and immediately moved his mind, manipulating an ancient nether crocodile to explore the way ahead.

And Zai kept a distance of three to five feet from the ancient ghost crocodile, and cautiously leaned toward the mysterious area covered by the mist of Spiritual Qi ahead.

very quickly.

The ancient ghost crocodile successfully reached the mysterious area covered by the Spiritual Qi mist.


At the moment when the ancient ghost crocodile touched the Spiritual Qi fog, an invisible force containing the aura of eternal vicissitudes spread out.

Just blink of an eye.

Under the invisible energy, the ancient ghost crocodile turned into a blood mist and completely disappeared from Jiang Chen’s sight.

After the invisible energy instantly killed the ancient ghost crocodile, it soon became calm again.

“The formation of the ancient medicinal garden is really not ordinary horror.”

Seeing that the Ancient Nether Crocodile was bombarded and killed by the formation in front of him in an instant, Jiang Chen’s eyes suddenly shrank.

And just as he was shocked in his heart, a familiar system prompt finally rang.

“Ding! You watch the quasi-ninth-rank formation of the Universe Killing Array, trigger a hundredfold comprehension, and comprehend part of the essence of the Universe Killing Array formation!”

Quasi-ninth product formation!

Jiang Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Nine-Rank formation, that is, the legendary Emperor-Rank formation.

Although the Qiankun Killing Array in front of us is not a real imperial rank formation, it is not far from the imperial rank formation.

Emperor Pin formation contains the power of heaven and earth, and it is almost integrated with this heaven and earth.

It is precisely because of this.

Even the heaven-defying system in Jiang Chen’s body can only trigger a hundredfold comprehension when the formation is activated, thus comprehending the essence of the formation of the Universe Killing Array.

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