Chapter 1022 Break into the ancient medicine garden alone!

With Jiang Chen’s contemptuous sneer slowly resounding, Wu Zhanyang’s heart felt suffocated, and a mouthful of blood couldn’t help but burst out wildly.

“Boy, you tama will wait for me. Today’s matter, Wu Zhanyang will never finish with you!”

Wu Zhanyang wiped a handful of blood from the corner of his mouth, and the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen almost burst into flames.

Just now he was in the green lake and the Demonic Beasts riding at his feet was dead, and he couldn’t use his full power at all.

But Jiang Chen took the opportunity to make a move at this moment. He hurriedly faced the battle, but was so embarrassed by Jiang Chen’s punch.

Wu Zhanyang was angry.

He had already vowed in his heart secretly that he must make this kid pay ten times or even a hundred times the price for this!

Wu Zhanyang was actually suppressed by that kid!

This… how is this possible? ”

Seeing Wu Zhanyang who was embarrassed and returning to the shore, whether it was Lei Tianpeng and others, or the Tianwu city disciples who came with Wu Zhanyang, incredible horror appeared on their faces.

Wu Zhanyang, this is a famous emperor genius in Tianwu City, the first body cultivator among the five holy cities.

His combat power is not only one of the top ten young geniuses in Tianwu City, even if you look at the five holy cities, it can also be ranked in the top ten.

It can be said.

In the five holy cities, except for a few people who can suppress Wu Zhanyang, no one is his opponent.

But the little-known Maotou boy in front of him was able to face Wu Zhanyang head-on without losing the wind!

The most shocking thing is.

In the process of head-to-head with Wu Zhanyang, this kid has always displayed physical power!

Even if they wanted to break their heads, they didn’t want to understand, when will the five holy cities have a body cultivator that is comparable to Wu Zhanyang!

Especially the three Lei Tianpeng who had seen Jiang Chen’s methods before, their expressions were almost numb with shock at this moment.

“Senior Tianpeng, this…this guy is too abnormal.”

One of Jingleicheng’s disciples swallowed his saliva, and his expression was horrified.

“This guy… is definitely the biggest dark horse in the ruins of the Emperor Zhun.”

Lei Tianpeng took a deep breath and said solemnly: “You can pass his image to the other Jinglei City disciples, so that they must not offend this fellow named Jiang Chen.”

This son’s talent is definitely the scariest existence Lei Tianpeng has ever seen in his life.

Even the supreme geniuses of the five holy cities are hard to compare with.

Lei Tianpeng even had a feeling that the degree of danger of this child might not be inferior to the half-step king-level existence of the five holy cities.

“Okay, I’m waiting for you.”

Jiang Chen glanced at Wu Zhanyang’s face lightly, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This Wu Zhanyang’s Cultivation Base has reached the sixth stage, and the combat power is indeed very strong.

If it is a head-on fight on land, he might be really hard to contend with Wu Zhanyang by relying on the Cultivation Base alone.


Now he has obtained a large amount of Liulitian Heart Root in Lushui Linghu, as long as he consumes it, it is enough to make his invincible refining technique reach the Fifth Stage Realm.

His invincible conjoined body skill only needs Fifth Stage, which is comparable to the Sixth Stage Cultivation Base. It definitely surpasses the current Cultivation Technique in Shenwu Continent.

By the time.

Even if he can completely crush Wu Zhanyang by relying on the Cultivation Base, why should he put Wu Zhanyang in his eyes?

“Xiao Baiyi sent a message just now. They seem to be in trouble and can’t come here in a short time. It seems that I can only enter this ancient medicine garden by myself.”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and immediately ignored Wu Zhanyang and others on the shore, manipulating the ancient nether crocodile towards the depths of the Lushui Linghu…

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